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blowing bubbles

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  1. I am having the same problem with a company called RVTL Skin. I signed up for a 30 day trial at £4.95. Once I had entered my debit card the T&Cs flashed up stating that I would be charged £89.99 every 30 days. I have 10 days to cancel, which I did immediately however the company are saying they have no record of my account and keep asking for my Customer ID which I have never been given. It takes me emailing them 10 times just to get the same answer. Their customer services is only meant to open from 9am to 5pm however I called at 8.30pm and got through to a very foreign speaking person who could not help me. Any advice please? I am desperate. Thanks
  2. Thought I would let you all know that despite paying over £2000 and still owing £730 Wonga have written off my debt and refunded me a total of £9.41 !!!
  3. I took out a £700 loan in Nov 2008, lost my job through illness and could not pay on the due date. Wings were not interested in allowing me time to pay. Received one of their solicitors letters on 5th jan 2009 stating I now owed £964 . My husband tried several times to pay by credit card and kept being told their systems were down. By the time they took the payment it had increased to £2331. So £50 compensation is quite insulting
  4. This is for my friend and unfortunately the infection was so bad that her dog had to be put to sleep this morning, it spread into his other eye. My friend received a text message from the owner of the kennels a few days into her holiday stating that her dog was happy and healthy and thanked her for letting him stay at her kennels. Obviously there will be a vet report. I don't believe it states that in the contract but the owner is also a groomer and did tell my friend that she cut the hair arround his eyes to enable bathing. This was only mentioned when my friend collected him. Not sure if she needs to go to the local authoriy (council) or the RSPCA to get this investigated as this is 2 dogs during the same period that we know of.
  5. Hi everyone, I hope someone can help my poor friend and her lovely dog. She recently put her dog into boarding kennels for 2 weeks. Upon collecting him he had a gunky eye, the lady who runs the kennels is also a groomer and she explained that she had trimmed the hair arround his eyes to enable her to bath them. Within 2 days the poor little mite was so ill that my friend took him to the vets. She was told that he had a cut on his eye which was badly infected and subsequently has lost his eye. Back to the vets today, less than a week later and now it looks as though he will loose the other eye. The lady at the kennels has shoen no compassion and is totally uninterested. Does my friend have a case against this wormen, her dog was perfectly healthy before he went there. I really want to give her some advice to make her feel a little bit positive. I should also mention another dog had an eye infection at the time but luckily got to the vets in time
  6. How do I initiate a chargeback? Can I do this with VISA Debit card?
  7. Tried to contact the broker, 2 telephone numbers and both have recorded messages so no way of speaking to anyone! I have also tried emailing via their website but no response. I will call my bank and see if that works. Thanks for your help.
  8. I am tempted to speak to my Bank and advise them that I have been "scammed" I know they could investigate but not sure if this would be the way to go.
  9. No, I was not asked to sign anything, not even an electronic agreement. They did state that the money would not be taken until I had accepted one of their lender's offers. As I did not accept them how can they take the money?
  10. Can anyone help please. I applied for a short term loan with these people and gave my debit card details for them to take £49.99 from me once I accepted one of their lenders offers. The money was deducted immediately and none of their lenders have made me a sensible offer. How can I get this money back? These people are preying on the vunerable and desperate, and I feel so stupid that I fell for this [problem].
  11. I have just been conned by one of these companies, desperate situation and can ill afford the £49.99 they have taken from me. Any ideas as to how I might get this back, would my bank be able to assist? Thanks
  12. Hi, I have taken voluntary redundancy and my last day is today. Several staff "at risk" have been suspended. I was asked last week by a Director to write a statement detailing any conversations I have had with these staff. I was told it would be in my best interests to do so. I believe they are trying to make a case for gross misconduct against them so to not have to pay out the amounts in their contracts. All I can assume is that if I do not do this my redundancy pay will be at risk. Any advice please I am scared to go in for my last day and feel sick! By the way I have spoken to two of these staff members on the day they were suspended, the company made it known as to the reasons for suspension and we have never been told that we cannot communicate with them.
  13. Thanks, from what I have read the Policy and Procedure do not state a time frame.
  14. This matter has progressed slightly. I had my meeting on 9th September (letter submitted on 16th August). I am still waiting for notification of proposals etc. This was promised on 27th Septmber, not received and my emails chasing this are being ignored. Definately receiving my emails as I am getting read receipts. Is there a time limit and is this behaviour acceptable - if not what can I do.
  15. Thanks everyone for your responses. I have not seen a statement from the other person. There are several grievances regarding the same person this is why I think it has taken 3 weeks. Surely though we have a right to know who is reading our grievance letters, I found out via a rumour! when I asked the management were very cagey about answering. Alll seems odd. I can understand them seeing it after my face to face - as the grievance may be resolved at that stage, but to be shown it immediately doesn't feel right.
  16. I received an acknowledgment from our HR dept. My face to face is this Friday. It appears that the letter was passed to the CEO who then gave it straight to my manager with whom I have the grievance. Surely they cannot do that can they? Not without my knowledge or consent.
  17. HI, I hope someone can help as I have been trawling the internet for hours and still cannot find an answer to my question.I have written and submitted a formal grievance letter regarding my manager 3 weeks ago. I have now been informed that this was passed to her to read 2 weeks ago! There is nothing in our Company grievance Policy relating to this and I just wondered if this is allowed, especially without my prior knowledge.
  18. Hi, cannot believe I am asking this but I am desperate. I need to find a loan company who specialise in loans for people with bad credit. I desperately need £900 to pay off a benefit overpayment within the specified time limit. Any advice gratefully received.
  19. Hi thanks for the replies. However they are well aware of my income - several correspondence between Nov 2010 and March 2011. In March I received a Notice detailing my overpayment and was told they would contact me shortly with the final sum. All I have received since is this letter I refer to. I have sent payslips and lots of other income details after I ended my claim in Sept 2010 - this was due to my child leaving education, they even contacted my employer. I am confused and concerned that I have not heard anything else from them. I have been frantically saving to ensure I repay the overpayment in one go. I just don't know why I have had this letter my inome has not changed.
  20. I stopped claiming Tax Credits in Sept 10 and notified the tax credits office. Back in March I was informed of an overpayment and am still awaiting final information regarding this, I have recently sent in my P60 with a letter. In March I received a letter from them stating that my income was too high and my credits will not be renewed!!! The amount states £42,000 when I only earn £19,000. This looks like a bulk standard letter but do not understand why I have received it. Getting concerned as since then I have received nothing from them. Anyone else had this letter?
  21. A big thank you for being one of the few who actually post their outcome on the forum - really helps others xxx
  22. Thanks Jadeybags, I have today sent them a letter enclosing all the documents I have previously sent including proof of delivery for them. Again these have been sent recorded delivery. I have told them that as I have already ifnormed them of my error and sent all income details to them P60, wage slip etc I did not appreciate receiving a letter of this nature which I felt was more accusing than confirming what I had already told them. I had until 18th march to disagree with the amount stated, obviously I do not but I felt I had to say something to them! Guess I will wait and see what they come back with. I will keep the post going.
  23. Hi, 4 months on and I have now been sent a letter stating they are carrying out a Compliance Check. Can anyone advise on this please? The letter is of an accusing nature and makes no reference that I have already informed them of my error in earnings. Getting worried.
  24. Am I bmisreading something here, you say child benefit - i was entitled to that each week until my daughter's 19th birthday. x
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