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Everything posted by DarrenTeesside

  1. Hi each and all, not a happy bunny with this one I will be as brief as I can and hope for some good advice Took out Van Insurance through one of those price comparison sites, got a fair price of £350 ish pound for the year Paid it in full via my credit card, today I get a letter stating " CLAIM DISCLOSURE PROBLEM - PLEAESE CALL URGENTLY I did just that, I thought I had got the claim date wrong or something ( I did inform them of an accident in 2013 which is still pending ), and put it down as not my fault, as it wasnt, they said I should have put it was my fault ( THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN A LIE ) long story short they said they can continue my Insurance but there will be an increase of £500 ish, ( YEA RIGHT ) if I wish to cancel the broker will want there £35.00 admin fee, then the underwriter will want there cancelation fee, plus insurance tax of£26 ish, plus pro rata something or other which I assume is the 8 days I had the van, my breakdown equates to about £7.00 off the 12 month policy I got another quote, from a diferent company, all the same details, and stated that the accident was my fault ( WHICH IS A LIE ) and they quoted me £359 for the year, obviously sensible to go with the new company, my problem is how can they charge me so much to cancel after only 8 days? or I can pay £500 ish more to stay with them, or probably over £100 to leave, is there any way round this? could I cancel the credit card payment? it doesnt seem fair to me :/
  2. Can I just run this one past you peeps, speaking hypathitically of course, lets assume that my flat was rented out to mr smith, mr smith never informed the water company they ere living there, mr smith has now left, I take up occupancy of my property, sign up to a water Direct Debit, then low and behold realise that mr Smith never paid nor regestered with the water, the electricity and gas are prepaiment so are not an issue, now mr smith has informed me I am fine in telling the water company he is responsible for the outstanding debt ( although I am prepaired to pay the debt ) but the default on my credit file belongs to someone else not me and would they kindly remove it? what do you think? AND I DO KNOW A MR SMITH WHO HAS CONFIRMED THE ABOVE, if you get my drift.
  3. Hi each and all, I have just checked my Credit File on Experian, it is squeeky clean APART FROM a default from Northumbrian Water, now granted I have never paid water, nor have I ever communicated with them regarding my bill(s) they even started sending letters addressed to the present occupier, I have signed nothing, agreed to nothing, never spoke with them, nothing, yet they have placed monthly defaults dating from the 8th month 2014, i have cicles with "8" inside which states: " The account is in 'default'. You failed to keep to your credit agreement and have not responded satisfactorily to requests to bring your payments up to date, so the credit agreement has ended." How the hell can a company I have never had any dealings with, and not signed any credit agreement forms do this? is there any way round this as it has completely obliterated my Credit File, they claim I owe them £1709, this is like not paying your garage bill or paper bill and them placing a default on your credit file? is there any way round this joke or am I done for? Kind regards, Darren...
  4. Hi, no it is not Adrian Flux, it is Performance Direct...
  5. Hi each and all, Just looking for a little direction on this on if you wish to add your opinions On the 15 February 2014 I took out car insurance on my vehicle and paid in full The total cost was £530.00, I have just changed my car so telephoned them to say can I transfer the policy on to my new car, the agreed but after checking they said the underwriters wont insure my new car ( Peugeot 307 HDI 2003 ) from my old car ( BMW 330 Convertible 2004 ) and the quote for the Peugeot would be £1200, which is ridiculous they said if i take thi £1200 policy out with them I would be refunded £379 or thereabouts, if I canceled the policy I would be refunded a total of £289, they claim a £50.00 cancelation fee plus a further 15%, so for 12 weeks use It has cost me £241 pound Does this seem right? it seems a little excessive to me, I questioned them why £50.00 plus 15% they said it is in there T&Cs, is this fair or are they trying to ***** me
  6. Hi, I just had a conversation with the lovely woman at Armour Intelligence who informed me that, they are not claiming for any damage to her car, nor is the driver claiming anything Only The passenger is claiming whiplash ( strange ) I suspect the reason the driver is not claiming whiplash is because she has probably had a recent claim for whiplash it does strike me as very odd, my girlfriend was in the car with me who is pregnant and both her and I received no whiplash, I got the feeling that the lady from Amour Intelligence did not believe her story, I still can't see how I can be to blame for me rear ending her car because she left her designated lane in to mine without indicating at 1050 pm at night.
  7. Hi SuperVillain - The Email said as follows "Dear Mr ****, I am writing to you from Armour Intelligence Ltd, on behalf of Octagon Insurance, the current insurer of your BMW 330, VRN: ******. We are trying to contact you so that we can ascertain the circumstances surrounding the traffic incident which occurred at 2145hrs on 31 August 2013 in *****. Octagon has received a claim from a third party regarding the above incident, and has a legal responsibility to respond to any claim made regarding an insured person. Therefore need to speak to you regarding the incident before any formal response is made. Could you please either respond to this email, call or text me on XXXXXXX so that we can commence the required paperwork. Your urgent attention to this matter is greatly appreciated, Not a nasty letter but still is this common place
  8. Can I just add further, today I received an E-Mail from Armour Intelligence Ltd, acting on behalf of Octagon Insurance, which after Goggling TURN OUT TO BE A company that specializes in the Detection and Deterrence of fraudulent activity, now I am really confused about this one :/ I think when I took out the policy I was unemployed but am now working And I never told them but does this amount to Fraud? what a bloody mine field this is becoming :/ any advice further?
  9. I have just been to the area of the accident and only just noticed that there is Two lanes at the junction of the mini roundabout, she was in the right lane I was in the left ( behind a car ) she has clearly cut across in to my lane ( The left lane ) as she wanted to go left, also she claims the incidint took place at 945pm when it was actually 1050 pm, I am sure she had been drinking to be honest, yes I went in to the back of her but am I still to blame?
  10. Hi each and all, I have not posted for a while but I have a bit of a dilemma with the following About 2 months ago I was on my way to work ( My partner was with me in the car ) And I went in to the back of a car ( barely ) as it slammed on I was furious and pointed for the driver to pull in, she did Before I could give the driver a piece of my mind I then realised it was a young girl who worked at the same place as me I simply asked are you OK she replied yes, that was the end of it I thought we both continued to drive to work, and I never heard another thing UNTIL TODAY She is no longer employed at my place of work and I have now recieved an E-Mail from my insurance company stating a claim has been bade against me and asking for details etc etc etc there was no damage to her car as I barely touched it she had a passenger with her, and as stated I had a passenger with me where do I stand on this one? she is just looking for a free holiday clearly my blood is boiling regarding this, any advice will be greatly received
  11. There letter states "DECLARATION OF POLICY VOIDANCE Motor Insurance Document No:- PMFET131628 Vehicle Registration No:- ******** Date Cover Ceased:- 06/02/2013 Unacceptable Occupation We regret to inform you that for the reason(s) stated above your insurance is being declared null and void from inception/renewal. In order for the Insurers to release a return of premium you must complete the following declaration. DECLARATION Motor Insurance Document Number: PMFET131628 Vehicle Registration No: ******* I acknowledge that the above motor insurance document will cease to operate from 17:22 on the 06/02/2013. I acknowledge that it is an offence under the Road Traffic Act to keep, use or permit the use of my motor vehicle on a road or other public place unless alternative cover has been effected.
  12. I never saw any title there for a Doorman, and I have enclosed a copy of there letter[ATTACH=CONFIG]41978[/ATTACH]
  13. From my recollection I put down Security Guard & Security Sector as there was no Doorman listing......... Maybe I will have to take the £30.00 hit then :/
  14. I am Both a Security Guard & A Doorman, as well as a Plumber....... My main concern is how they appear to think they are correct in charging me a £30.00 Setup/Cancellation fee when the Policy was not set up as the underwriters did not underwrite Nor did I cancel the Policy, I know it is only £30.00 but the principal of these greedy fat cat b*****ds taking £30.00 for nothing really gets me angry.
  15. Hi each & all I have not posted for a while, so hopefully I can be informed whether I am right or Adrian Flux is right, I recently took out some Car insurance online via one of those compare websites For a new car that I had to pick up ( 300 miles away ) all the details I gave them were correct and I got a very reasonable quote, I do two jobs and got a quote for both, as you do trying to find the cheapest Policy, I paid the insurance in full there and then via Credit Card and I got a policy number through my E-Mail ( NO DOCUMENTS THROUGH THE POST ) I picked the car up, drove it back the next day I get a call from them asking for me to ring them as they have a few queries, I rung them and found there question's to be just way to personal, I think the even wanted my DNA structure, I was not happy with this at all as I have never ever been asked such personal unrelated questions just to insure my car, I then get a letter stating that they won't insure me down to "Unacceptable Occupation" I am a Plumber/Security Guard, and they canceled the policy on this basis I telephoned them as they had not refunded my money and was informed a letter had gone out that I had to sign and return relating to the policy that never existed as it never got past there underwriters, then the cherry on the cake, they claim there is a set up/ cancellation fee of £30.00, now I don't get this, how can they charge me a set up fee when it never got past the underwriter, and a cancellation fee when they canceled the policy not me? am I right or wrong here? my Credit Card company claims they have looked in to it and there is a fee for cancellation's but surely this applies to if I cancel not them? am I right or wrong in thinking they are trying to have my pants down :/
  16. I am not sure that I understand your meaning of "Try the CRA's" I can't see what they can do unless Sh*tetander tell them to remove any late payment marks from my Credit file, and it apears that Sh*tetander think it fair and proprtionate to leave them there irrelevant as to weather they relate to me lending £0.62 of there money without asking, whenever I type £0.62 I find it so hard to comprehend there behaviour and how this can be allowed.
  17. I called Santander's Complaints department and tried "in vein" explaining things, some jumped up teenager simply claimed there was nothing they can do down to the facts are correct, I asked if he thought is was fair and proportionate to probably destroy any chance I have of a mortgage down to my going overdrawn for £0.62 pence he simply said yes, what a dreadful organisation Santander are, I have since closed my account down with them, but still cant rest knowing this came about for me going overdrawn for little more than a price of a Mars Bar
  18. Hi, the information is ( REDCAR & CLEVELAND COUNCIL vs WOOD ) If anyone needs any further details please E-Mail me.
  19. Hi each and all just a quick update with regards to the outcome of the Ajudicator's decision, it has gone in MY FAVOUR based on THE GROUND THAT THE ALLEGED INCIDENT DID NOT TAKE PLACE, Sorry Redcar & Cleveland Council you will have to find someone else to contribute towards you buffets and banquets What did the council is that they had no supporting evidence IE : no Photographs and no Drawings, so if anyone is considering appealing an unfair ticket it can indeed be done Good Day.....................
  20. Hi each and all I hope someone can give me a little guidance regarding Santander I will be as breif as possible so please bear with me, Santander have placed two late payment markers on both my Equifax & Experian Credit Files, the said markers relate to me going overdrawn £0.62 pence they then proceeded to charge me £25.00 UNARRANGED OVERDRAFT MONTHLY FEE, plus a further £25.00 p/month thereafter, however after letter after letter from me they finally agreed to cancel and refund all charges as a gesture of ( GOODWILL ) I have only recently checked my credit files and noticed that they have placed two late payment markers there, where do I stand with this? I wrote them a really nice letter stating that I may need to apply for a mortgage in the near future and the late payment markers placed there by them could be a problem in relation to any mortgage application but they simply refused spouting the same old drivvle, my problem here is I could have my future ruined for £0.62 Pence, or little for more than a Mars Bar, this seems beyond even the realms of disproportionate for me, I am prepared to fight for as long as I have to but where do I stand with this? many thanks in advance......
  21. Hi each and all, thanks for taking the time to offer help it is appreciated, I will update a few points, My brother does drive my car but he insists that he also has no recolection of any such incident taking place, the car was allegedly on an off street car park, and the authority is Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council, they have my car details Colour, Registration, but no tax disk number, just expiry date, I cant offer them any further evidence as I don't have any, but I also feel there evidence is word only, they have stated they have no photographic, and or video evidence, so not sure of my next move :/
  22. Greetings each and all, I have a bit of a dilemma here, I will be as brief as possible and hope that someone could point me in the right direction I recently received a PCN letter through the post regarding an "alleged" offence that had taken place I denied there claim as I have literally no recolection of any such incident ( as I don't ) down to my non recollection of any such incident I requested photographic and or video evidence and the reply I received from them is as follows The PCN was served because your vehicle was parked beyond the bay markings I (they) have examined the evidence collected by the civil enforcement officer ( his word only it now transpires ) and that submitted by me" (none) as I simply have no recolection whatsoever of the said incident, they connclude that the CEO correctly observed my vehicle contravening the regulation, checks were made by the CEO to ensure that parking signs and markings were in good order. ( THE REQUIRED EVIDENCE WAS THEN RECORDED TO SUPPORT THE PENALTY CHARGE NOTICE AS REQUIRED BY THE TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ACT 2004 ) aditional supporting evidence was collected to validate the issue of a PCN, you (me) have not supplied sufficient documentary evidence to prove the contravention did not occur In your representation you requested photographic evidence as you have no recollection of any such incident, there is no photographic evidence of your vehicle out of bay as the driver returned and drove away before any photographs could be taken, however, CEO notes state that the the driver of the vehicle returned and said "they had only been a minute and I get five" the CEO explained that the vehicle was not in a bay it is an instant ticket Where do I stand with this? I honestly have no recollection of any such incident ever occurring Do I stand much chance on appeal? any advice or pointers would be greatly received. Many thanks in advance.
  23. Hi each and all I today decided to have a quick check of my Equifax credit file down to a recent refusal for credit and to my shock have found an odd entry there, it is an apparent default in April 2005 by Aktiv Kapital I do recall them recently writing to me requesting monies at my current address upon where I did the usual CCA request to which they could not produce and left me alone from that day onwards, they claim on my Credit File that I owe them £674 this is the details listed Start Date 31/03/2004 Date Last Delinquent 05/05 Status Defaulted Start Balance £0 Default / Delinquent Balance £459 Date updated 27/09/2006 Is there any way I can have this removed? they certainly can't produce me with the CCA for this account and I could really do with this nasty red "D" off my file, any help or guidance regarding my best course of action would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance Darren
  24. No, no payments were made after this date, and probably also for a long time before.
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