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Everything posted by nuttyblond65

  1. Hi, I've been paying this company for a good 5 years for debts I had with M&S. Just checked my bank account and my recent payment has been put back in and standing order cancelled. Upon further investigation have found out that this company has closed. Who do I contact to make payments to M&S or do I just wait for them to contact me. Thanks for reading.
  2. Thanks everyone for your advice, I will send them cca and let you know what happens.
  3. Hi, don't know if I'm in the right forum but I could do with some advice on exactly debt collectors can ask you for. I defaulted on a store card (I think) a few years back and have been paying an agreed amount monthly to Mackenzie Hall. A week ago I received a letter from 1st Credit stating that they had recalled the debt and ordered Mackenzie Hall not to collect it anymore. They asked me to ring them to arrange repayment. Due to mental health problems and other health problems I emailed them telling them that I don't talk to collection agencies over the phone due to my health and that I would continue to pay the monthly agreed amount as I had done with Mackenzie Hall. I received a email back today asking if I would send medical evidence to back up my claims and that they'll deal with it from there. Sorry if this is long winded, but I just wanted to know what my rights are, do I have to send medical evidence, as this is not going to change how much I can pay each month. Thanks for reading any help would be much appreciated.
  4. Condolences to your family, RIP Martin your skills will be greatly missed on this site.
  5. Thank you everyone for your help that has put my mind at ease. Yes I have exhausted all my contribution based esa and cannot claim income based because of husband working. I have looked into DLA but my health problems are mainly severe depression plus other health problems. Thanks again.
  6. Hi, I am looking for some advice. I have a number of debts but the creditors have accepted a token payment each month, the only one I'm having problems with is Barclays Bank. I have an overdraft with them and have written to them asking if they will accept a token payment in order to clear the debt. I do not work due to ill health, but cannot claim benefits because my husband works. The bank has refused my payment because I have not given details of my income, which I have it is zero. My question is does my husband have to declare his income to them even though the account and overdraft is in my name only. He is prepared to give me the payment to give to them monthly but will not fill in an income and expenditure form. All my other creditors have no problem with this arrangement.
  7. thanks dx100uk for your reply no they are not charging ppi just piling on the interest and non payment fees. and keep sending me stupid letters telling me to ring customer service as if I'm not that stupid, and keep saying they'll lodge my default with credit ref agency and it will affect future employment and credit which is a laff in itself as my credit history is that bad at the moment their little threat wont make any difference i mean whos gonna give me credit. lol nutty
  8. thankyou thankyou everyone for your advice I will certainly take it up, can I still cca them even though I've always paid until now. I'm not actually disputing the debt only stating that I can't meet minimum monthly payments. Also do I need to send them a letter from my doctor confirming my illness, I tend to agree with DX100UK, why should I when it's my business but wasn't sure whether they could force me to. thanks will keep you posted nutty
  9. Hi don't know if I'm in the right section but here goes. I have not worked since 2004 due to ill health but my husband has helped me maintain my payments to MBNA/VIRGIN credit card. He was made redundant at the end of Feb 2009 so it became impossible to make the payments. I wrote to MBNA explaining situation and included the usual income/expenditure form, and asking them to accept reduced payments which they ignored. Just kept telephoning me and writing to me asking me to speak to customer services which I said I would not do as I would not be bullied into making payments I cant maintain. Received another expenditure form to fill in but they have also asked me to provide a letter from my doctor confirming my illness. On the expenditure form it also states it may affect future employment. My question is do I have to send them a letter from my doctor and will defaulting on payments affect any future employment. By the way all my other creditors have been reasonable and accepted reduced payments, all the debts are in my name only so does my husband have any liability. any help much appreciated nutty
  10. hi just a quick update on my situation, well my husband was made redundant earlier than we thought. I went on the cccs website and did an online debt remedy solution what a good site they certainly put everything into prospective, anyway I am now in the process of making offers of reduced payments so I'll let you know how I got on, and thanks everyone for your advice. nutty
  11. thank you everyone I will follow your advice and let you know the outcome, just an after thought can I still claim charges even though I've been paying these debts through dca's. thanks nutty
  12. Hi alfwithhair, sorry about the length of time it took me to reply but my hubby received his letter of redundancy on tuesday one months notice, so worrying about that and my debts my health has been going downhill rapidly. right i originally took the unsecured loan out with a company called royscott, about 15 years ago, they put me in court I offered £5 a month which was accepted then about five years ago the debt was bought over by wescot who after a few letters and copies of the original court decision accepted the £5 which i am still paying. all the other debts are with dca's some may be a bit older approx 5 or 6 years the others are 4 years old. i have paid them all religiously every month. some i pay more than others because thats all they would accept its been a stretch because i dont work due to ill health i am on incapacity benefit, but because hubby was working he used to help me out a bit. when his job finishes i wont be able to maintain my current payments and i am worried what to do next. i am so stressed thinking about the hassle im going to have trying to negotiate with these people, any advice would be great. nutty
  13. Hi thanks for your replies, all the debts are over four years old. They are all in the hands of DCA's. I owe £2300 on M&S visa, £1600 on M&S storecard, £2116 empire stores, £1500 evans storecard, £7895 unsecured loan, £2395 Associates visa, £1900 tesco visa, £2100 capital one visa, £1545 littlewoods catalogue, £1583 natwest visa, £1675 virgin visa, and I am also overdrawn at both of my banks natwest £800, barclays £920 so as you can see I've got myself in a bit of a mess of which I'm not proud of but when you're working you think you can afford it all and then when you loose your job you realise what a hash you've made of everything. Anyway less of the feeling sorry for myself any advice would be much appreciated. thanks nutty
  14. Hi don't know if I'm posting this in the right place, but I've just got a few questions that I hope someone might be able to help me with. Here goes, four years ago I was made redundant from my job but it was only agency work so didn't get any redundancy money. I haven't worked since due to ill health, only receiving incapacity benefit. I owed loads of money out but managed to negotiate with my creditors a repayment plan. At the same time my husband was made redundant but managed to get a job six months later. The upshot of it is that he is going to be made redundant again and will only get four weeks pay as his redundancy package. This means I will not be able to pay my debts again so the creditors will be harassing me, my questions are can they harass my husband for payment none of the debts are in his name they are all mine, can they remove items from the house for the debts again everything has been bought by him including the clothes I stand up in. Can they make him sell the house to pay my debt again it is in his name not mine. The only thing with my name on are the debts that I have run up, ( stupidly I know). I am concerned that the kids and him will suffer because I couldn't control my spending. Would bankruptcy be an option for me. Any help would be appreciated. thanks nutty
  15. you're absolutely right burying my head in the sand got me into the mess I'm in now. I deal with everything as it comes up now, and luckily my other creditors have been helpful (don't lol). I also learnt the hard way about setting up direct debits with two of my creditors they were taking what they wanted when they wanted. so i quickly cancelled d/d wrote to the creditors telling them I could only pay what was originally agreed, told them I'd cancelled d/d and would pay monthly by postal order. to date they have not complained or took any other action. i will never ring another creditor again as they take no notice of what you say in future i will do as you suggested. thanks for all your help, will let you know the outcome of my battle with nationwide debt recovery.
  16. thanks for your advice, you are so true just because they've demanded doesn't mean i've got to give them that amount, as you said it would be getting blood out of stone i don't even have that much left over when i've paid all other creditors. feel much better knowing that they can't force me into DMP or to go to CBA. Will certainly try your suggestion.
  17. Thanks martin3030 and dpick that information is very helpful, i will try both solutions and see what happens, will keep you informed how i get on nutty
  18. Hi Martin3030 The original debt was with Empire Stores, don't know what charges they applied as I was stupid and stuck my head in the sand for a while. It was finally passed to Droyds Debt & Collection services who said the balance was £2830.15, that was in 2005. I contacted them and an agreed payment plan was put in place, I have this in writing, this was paid by d/d every month. The final payment they took was 2nd July 2008, Aug payment was not taken so I rang to find out why and was told Empire had been bought by Home Shopping Direct. I was given a number to ring which I did and spoke to someone at Nationwide Debt Recovery. They agreed to accept my previous payment plan but nothing was put in writing. I also paid £40 over the phone by debit card to bring the payment plan up to date and then set up a standing order with my bank to pay £20 per month. On 22nd October I received a letter saying contact us to discuss further repayments, as they wanted £163.09 per month which I cannot pay. So I wrote a letter to this effect and sent proof of income and expenses sheet. To date they have not replied. So I rang and they said they would not accept £20 per month, I would have to go to citizens advice and enter a debt management plan, which I dont want to do as I dont want to rock the boat with my other creditors who have accepted reduced payment. I know this a bit long winded but I just dont know what to do next. Help please. nutty
  19. Hi Martin3030 Yes the dca is a company called Nationwide Debt Recovery, who act on behalf of Littlewoods. My original debt was with Empire stores catalogue who passed it onto a company called droynes and boyde, i think. then apparently empire was bought out by home shopping direct so the debt was passed to nationwide. any advice you can give would be much appreciated as i dont know what to do next.
  20. Don't know if anyone can help, but I made the mistake of ringing a dca today. I had an account with empire stores, couldn't pay due to being out of work and it went into the hands of a dca. contacted them and made arrangement to repay at £20 per month which they accepted. 3 months ago found out debt had been passed to another dca so contacted again explained situation and they accepted the £20 per month. Now received letter on 29th october saying they want £163 per month and to contact if cant pay, so I did. sent letter on 29th october offering £20 per month, budget sheet and proof of income. heard nothing. today received statement of account with £12 default charge on. so rang them explained situation said I'd wrote and heard nothing, was told they would not accept reduced payment unless I went to citizens advice bureau and entered into a debt management programme, which I don't want to do, as i have sorted all my other creditors out, so where do I go now. Help would be much appreciated.
  21. Thanks Havinastella, I will try your advice as well. Both replies have been very helpful, I feel a lot better now knowing there might be something I can actually do about these idiots keep increasing my repayments. thanks again for all replies. nutty
  22. Thanks for your advice. The debt with Lowell is for a Capital One visa card and the one with Capquest is for a catalogue debt. I will certainly try your advice and let you know how I get on. thanks again nutty
  23. Hi just wondering if anyone could give me some advice. I have two debts that have been transferred to debt collection agencies, one is Capquest and the other is Lowell. I have been paying both agencies by direct debit for about a year, but every three to four months both of them have increased the amount they have taken out of my account which is causing me financial hardship. I just don't know what to do as by the time they have both finished I will be paying far more than I can afford. I acknowledge I owe the money and am willing to clear the debt but just not at the rate they are asking for. Any advice would be a great help. thanks nutty
  24. :)New to the site and just wanted to say a big hello to everyone at the Forum. I have read some of the threads and the advice is very interesting.
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