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Everything posted by BankChargeSlave

  1. Thanks you guys for responding so quickly:) my friend will be much relieved! Great advice!
  2. Here is a list of the cheaper remortgage possibilities. Mortgages | compare thousands of mortgage and remortgage rates and deals - moneysupermarket The only problem is you could get charge fees for ending your current mortgage plan. Here are some stipulations you should look at before going into remortgaging as well Remortgage: Debt Consolidation by Remortgaging - moneto.eu Also here is a possibility for bad credit remortgages Bad Credit Remortgage Company | Bad Credit Remortgages Online However I think that you best option would be, since you financial issues are a bit difficult, to look into professional financial advice. Im sure that you could possibley find some good advice through this forum as there are similar issues.
  3. I was just wondering if there are legal boundries around how often and when debt collectors can contact you? A friend of mine has been getting calls all throughout the week and even house visits by a debt collection agency on a SUNDAY! I was just wondering if this is legal or if there is an extent that they can go to try and collect the debt?
  4. wow I didn't know that debt can have such a strong affect all on aspects of life. I mean I understand that money is pretty important for many things but that type of stress is extreme. sorry to hear about that
  5. Do you still have your overdraft agreement and the letter that they sent you? Because if you show this to them first you could invalidate their claim and possibly settle for a lower repayment or pay it and reclaim some of the fees.
  6. Look at the agreement. Most of the banks have random stipulations that most people would not think to look into.
  7. Since you did give him all your details it seems that he can take money out without your consent whether it is legal or not. Do you have anything written or recorded that you guys agreed on not taking money out of the account before you signed the papers? That could help getting the initial charge back. However for the whole agreement if you already signed I don't see it being possible for you to get back out of it sorry to say. They are very pushy.
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