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  1. Damn I've just had a friend lend me £400 and that's gone into my account. Will that count against me as £400 isn't gonna last long against losing £71 a week jsa.
  2. Just a quick question ... does disagreeing with the decision and then putting in an appeal, if it gets to that stage, postpone the sanction or does it just carry on ? I spoke to them today and they will have the hardship form ready for me on thursday
  3. Thanks I have just realised something too. When I was sent the statement my former employer made (that was lies) I was asked for my explanation. I wrote 2 pages of my explanation and posted it back in the 2nd class envelope to Belfast. Last Thursday it was delivered back to me with a note from the Belfast DWP that it couldn't be applied to my case as my NiNo was missing. I wrote my NiNo on it and posted it back. This decision has been made without them taking my explanation into account as the two have crossed over and not been linked.
  4. No, I was taken on with a trial period of 6 months. I started work on May 28th. I did get a letter in September when I reclaimed that they wouldn't pay JSA from April onwards as I haven't paid enough contributions. I don't understand that as I was working full time from 2007 to Feb 2012 and then May 2012 to Sept 2012. Even by their own guidelines the sanction should only be 13 weeks.
  5. Given the circumstances it would be a bit hard to prove but I could get written statements I suppose lol. I can't understand the sanction either as I read that even a higher level sanction for a first offence is 13 weeks yet I've been put on a 21 week sanction
  6. Hi I took a job in May 2012 and had a period of 1 day off for sickness, 6 days because my wife's baby with her new partner was taken into hospital and I had to look after the 3 children we have together and then 8 days after my best friend of 30 years committed suicide. On 7 Sept 2012 the employer terminated my contract. I got a letter recently from the jobcentre and they said a doubt had arisen about the reason why my job ended. I then got sent a statement from the employer who clearly lied and said I had been off for 5 weeks out of 12. I sent a letter back saying this was wrong and clearly explained what had happened and how long I was off for and why. I also told them I was being bullied at this job which I was. Today I got a letter saying I lost my job due to misconduct and I cannot claim JSA from 16 November 2012 to 3 April 2013. I believe that is around 21 weeks ? Is this right and more importantly how do I make a claim for hardship ? Thanks.
  7. Hi An update to my situation. I had my appeal heard yesterday and they admitted that procedure and policy wasn't followed correctly and I should be reinstated with immediate effect. The problem is it has been made clear to me that they dont want me to work there and have been forced legally to reinstate me. I have been reinstated pending the investigation into my attendance etc and it will probably end in the same result with me being dismissed again. During the appeal hearing the union offered a compromise agreement whereby I left and the solicitors sorted out a compensation payment for me. The Store manager agreed this was the best way forward but he couldn't refer it to head office as the correct procedure leading to my dismissal hadn't been followed. The questions I have are: If I go back to work tomorrow can they restart the disciplinary / capability process and dismiss for the same 'offence' twice ? If I go back to work does that erase any rights I have for claiming unfair dismissal ? Thanks in advance Anthony
  8. I did feel a little abandoned by the union when they told me not to bother appealing. I accept that I have a couple of breaches of the company policy by not informing them of my absence in the way that the company procedure laid down but the point of the appeal is that the company have just said as I have been off for 14 weeks out of the last 52 then I am incapable of doing my job and I wpuld be dismissed with immediate effect. I did look at the acas procedure on capability on the grounds of ill health and they certainly haven't followed them also their own occupational health nurse said I was fit for work.
  9. I assumed they would have had to go through the correct procedure and give me a chance to remedy my absence but I was dismissed instead. I have been in contact with the GMB and they have advised that an appeal would be pointless and cause me more stress as I have breached company procedure by not correctly notifying them of my absence but this has been due to the depression ie not wanting to answer the phone, go out or speak to people on the phone. I assume that the time allowed to appeal has now passed as I was dismissed on Feb 14th.
  10. Just re-completed the claim form online. It actually asks if you have any monies that are owed to you due to a job ending etc and I have ticked yes again to that lol See how far I get this time
  11. I completed the JSA claim online on Feb 16th and went today to have my claim assessed and sent off to be decided upon. I filled in a form asking about what work I was looking for and went to see an advisor for the first part of the interview. As I say as soon as I said I was owed money and that would be paid on Mar 9th then I was told that I can't make a claim until Mar 10th so my claim was scrapped.
  12. I have the email and text message etc saying that I had to attend today at 11.30. I am sure the guy I saw was Roger and as soon as I said I was owed money by my previous employer and that will be paid on March 9th then he consulted with the advisor next to him and they both said that as I am still getting paid on March 9th then I cannot make a claim until March 10th.
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