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  1. Thank you for the advice Camden have asked to see proof of why they have clamped me which i have just done. Now I need to find someone with an angle grinder
  2. I have just phoned up Camden and they have said that they have not asked the bailiff to do this as my appeal is with the adjudication department. What do i do now as bailiff company is refusing to move clamp
  3. hi ive phoned the TEC and they have said that the action was stopped on the 3rd May 2008 and was sent back to the relevant authority
  4. sounds fairly simple but no mechanics on my development at all. will have to find another way of doing it? Can i hire someone to do it?
  5. thanks gni it makes a very interesting read. Im going to start faxing equita tonight and texting the bailiffs first thing as well or i might just record the call somehow. Does anyone know where I can get the 3 minite angle grinder?
  6. I shall see what we can do tomorrow. Hopefully tec will sort it and order them to take the clamp off. It would make my day to see them come back with their tails between their legs. After that I can sue for trespassing and then make an oficial complain about the bailiff
  7. ill see what happens tomorrow hopefully it wont get to that but im not gonna lose my car even though it is only leased for work.
  8. i thought about the lock but it seems to be a new type of clamp where the lock is hidden??
  9. yeah true but someone has just sent me this link which is exactly what I am fighting. I didnt get the fines for this but this is what they were trying to get me done for. Looks like I may definitely have a case http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/article-23416834-details/Motorist%27s+victory+over+%C2%A31m+traffic+spy+camera/article.do The Online Petition: http://search.petitions.pm.gov.uk/kbroker/number10/petitions/search.lsim?ha=1157&sc=number10&qt=matt+briggs
  10. Thanks guys im going to be ringing TEC first thing to see if I can get it sorted. Im leaving the country fo rten days on thursday and i dont want it to get towed away whilst I am away. If it is trespassing then i will definitely sue.
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