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Everything posted by showergirl

  1. CFO have cleared my Nat West bank account this morning even though I have been on a DMP with them since july 2011. I have no idea how they got my bank details as I have only had this account for 3 months. I have been onto the bank and cancelled my card I have spoken to CFO and they have told me my account is paid in full but I still do no trust them. will never use pay day loans again
  2. I originally offered to pay £50.00 per month which they accepted. I was lucky to be able to work extra hours at work so paid it off quicker which is why I got a reduction. Good luck to you whichever route you take.
  3. I too was hit with a court summons from safeloans, I rang them and spoke to a woman called vaneese she was very helpful and I was able to pay monthly and have since paid this off. The original loan was for £250.00 and I had a court summons for £463.00 I paid over 2 months although it was a stuggle and ended up paying £300.00. It is a great feeling to be paying my debts and I should be debt free by october this year. Give them a ring and good luck
  4. My friend has also been threatened with door step collectors which have had her worried sick but no one has turned up yet. Mini Credit are refusing to talk to her debt management company so now she is going to sit it out and wait for a letter from a DCA and deal with them
  5. will they really send someone round as my friend is really worried about this, or is it just idle threats to get her to pay
  6. Hi, My friend has received a letterthis morning from Mini Credit it is a final notice telling her that a doorstep collector will be calling between the 30th of august and the 6th of September so could she please have the money ready. She has rang her cccs who are handling her DMP and they have told her that she does not have to answer the door to them. Do they really send someone to your door or is this just another threat to get her to pay
  7. Hi Molly 66I have checked my account with Mini Credit and it has got Debt Collection. Do you think that this will have been passed to a Debt Collection Agency, or does it mean that they will be sending someone to the door
  8. Can you give me the e-mail address you have been using
  9. Hi Molly66You say you have been dealing with Mini credit fo 2 months now have you been threatened with a doorstep collector
  10. Does anyone have the bank details for mini credit so my friend can pay them something without giving her bank details
  11. My friend has rang the OFT this morning and they have told her that she does not have to answer the door to anyone or even speak to them. She has spoken to her DMP Company and they have told her that it is unlikely that anyone will call and the debt will be passed on to Daniel Silverman who will accept the DMP. My friend is terrified some one will call at her door
  12. Please can some help. A friend has taking a pay day loan with Mini Credit. She has entered into a DMP but Mini Credit are refusing to acknowledge this and are refusing to speak to a third party.They have threatened to send a doorstep colloector to her house if this debt is not paid by the 17th of this month.Can anyone give advice
  13. Did u close your bank account or just cancel your cards. I am sure this is one black mark you will not mind having if it will stop you falling into this trap againGood luck to you and take care.
  14. Congratulations now your wages are your to enjoy
  15. So pleased you got sorted but like everyone has said get this in writing
  16. Would it not be possible to get in touch with the FOS, even if it was just for harrassment
  17. Cash Genie did the same to me. I was one a plan to repay £50.00 per month which I was doing. I was down to my last 2 payments and when I checked my bank account I noticed all my money had gone. When I rang the bank they told me that a debit card payment had gone through to cash genie for 375.00 as well as the £50. I rang cash genie and they were very nasty, and said I had applied for a loan with one of their sister companies and they were well within their rights to take this money. They told me I was banned from taken anymore loans with themselves.I have never felt so small in all my life
  18. Hi has anyone heard of Payday Box.I have been receiving text messages from them this morning and have noticed that I have been charged for these messages.I have googled the number and found they are from Payday Box
  19. My friend at work took out a loan with mini credit, her loan was for £100 due to illness she was unable to pay them back on the due date 24/4/2011. She has noticed they have taken £160.00 out of her bank account and thought that was the loan repaid. She has received an e-mail from them saying that if she did not pay £161.00 today they would sent a door step collector to her home. She has rang them and they have told her they want £282.00 today. I have rang them pretending to be her and after screaming at the girl on the phone have paid them the £161.00 as full and final settlement. they did try for more but I stuck to my guns.What a bunch of robbing b......'s these people are and I would advise anyone to stay away from these people.They have just sent her a text message thanking her for her payment and asking her if she would like another loan, I don't think so
  20. Yes I received a text and e-mail saying the money had been transfered
  21. I applied for a loan with this company on Friday and as of yet the money has not appeared in my bank account. This is causing me a great deal of stress I have tried contacting them but all I get is a recorded message. Does anyone have any advice for me
  22. Where is the post on MSE I can't find anything about anyone being turned down. What reasons did they give for being refused
  23. Sent my claim in November they asked for more info in December. They are asking for more info from Picture and say I should call back at the end of the month. I am starting to worry now
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