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  1. Hi folks just stumbled across this site whilst looking for help, with DLA. I have been having surgery on my knees for over 5 yrs and lost 2 good jobs as a result of surgery. My consultant didnt know what was causing my knee pain until he removed it and cleaned it then put it back. The problem was my knee was rotting away, so back in 2006 the right knee cap was removed and no replacement put in. I was told by my GP to apply for DLA which my wife and I did and were awarded High level for DLA and carers allowance. 18 months later it stopped without warning, at this time I was now seeing my consultant about my left knee (going the same way). I called DWP to make sure they hadnt made any mistakes and was told that I was fine now and didnt need any help. I was amazed at what the person on the phone was telling me. We put in an appeal and a GP was sent out the guy seen that my wife had to help me sit down,stand up and then he asked me to climb the stairs (b*****d) as he would like to examine me on the bed. After he had done all this I told him about my left knee as by this time i was having severe problems balancing,walking and bearing any kind of weight. He told me that it was a different knee therfore a different case. A few weeks went past and we got a copy of the report that the GP had sent in. He had put down that I was fit and healthy and only slight pain as i only had " a knee problem" where do the find theses people. 8 weeks ago I had my left knee cap removed due to same problem. The mobility that I did have has been dramatically reduced, so I called the dwp and they told me that if I wanted claim for my left leg I would have to cancel mt appeal for right leg. I am a 34 year old guy who has worked all my life and now I cant even have a bath without my wife helpiing me. Surely there has to be some help out there. P.S sorry about any spelling
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