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  1. I've had two door knockings from a guy called Craig Skelding who is working on behalf of Equita, I've not let him into the house and I dont intend doing so but how many times can he call or is there no set limit? I keep reading that there are limits on what they can charge for visits relating to council tax debt which only reference the first and second visits. Does this mean they can only make two visits or does it mean that the 'second visit' they refer to is actually 'any subsequent visit'? For background this debt has been passed to the bailiff because I questioned a rather large council tax bill. I decided to go to Uni last September after working full time for several years and so I shouldnt have to pay council tax. I sent my council tax exemption form to them and then heard no reply so I assumed my payments had simply stopped due to them having enough for the year. Then a few months ago I got a letter saying I owed nearly two grand so I questioned them and they said they hadnt recieved the exemption certificate, so I ended up sending them the certificate about 6 times and then I got a letter from Equita saying they were dealing with the debt of nearly two grand. I spoke to them and explained I was a student, I had an exemption form and was trying to get the council to lower adjust their figures accordingly. Thankfully a week later I got an answerphone message from someone at the council saying they had my certificate and they would adjust it accordingly. They sent a letter out saying I owed about £800 which I queried again and its now around £400 I owe them that hadnt been accounted for last year (probably my fault) which I need to pay back. Unfortunately the council has already warranted the debt to the bailiff and he doesnt care about this update to the situation. "Its tough" was his response when I spoke to him yesterday, the council havent updated him so as far as he was concerned I still owed him money. I''ve spoken to the council again and asked them to get the warrant back from the bailiff and they seemed quite positive as I explained to them that when my Uni finishes in two weeks I will be getting a full time job for the summer so the debt will be cleared within a few months, but they would have to see my current incomings and outgoings and they wanted it in writing that I would update them with the change in my income when I started any summer job so we could arrange how the money would be paid back. However, they said this could take four days (probably not including the weekend) to get the warrant back and the bailiff is saying I currently have 24 hours. Shall I just remain on guard with the windows and doors shut until next week or is the likelihood of the bailiff returning for a third or more time not that great?
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