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Everything posted by hme.4x4

  1. Hello all, I joined yesterday and it has taken me until now to work out how to post....so if I am posting in the wrong place whatever..... To cut a long story short, I was divorced 6 years ago after a lifetime of marriage and the rat left me with over £45,000 of credit card debt. Sadly although we had joint cards the accounts were in my name. I made the payments as long as I could but eventually got into a DMP to have the interest charges stopped. I am in ill health and have been on Incapacity Benefit and a small medical retirement pension. I have been paying the DMP for 7 years now and the debt is still £35,000. I'm probably going to be 90 years old before it is gone!! The rat is now remarried and living in a million £ house... I just heard a radio ad about 'wiping credit card debt' and that was when I found this site. It's a wonderful site and the information available here is mind boggling! Please believe me when I say I committed myself to repay this debt and have done so for 7 years. I was determined in spite of my health problems to do the honourable thing, I have avoided IVA's and Bankruptcy. But, this has beeen niggling at me for years now, this doesn't seem right does it? I know there is always injustice but these cc companies have damn near killed me with their bully boy tactics. I was on my knees for a long time and they just kicked me when I was down. Wescot, Lowell, Moorcroft (need I say more) I have a reason to believe that I did not sign any agreements back then and these accounts are at least 8 years or more old. What I want to know is, can I still ask for my CCA when I am in paying through a DMP??? I've been to hell and back, but now I am angry and showing my fangs again, somehow the will to fight is coming back and I just need someone somewhere to show me the way?
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