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Everything posted by nino

  1. This topic was closed on 03/07/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. My wife paid the deposit using her Debit Card and I the balance by Credit card
  3. I purchase a car on 29th Sept 2016 from a garage in Surrey. The car is a "lemon" when I went on the companies house to see where to send my letter of complaint under the Consumer Credit Act 1985 I found that it was dissolved in Nov 2016. I downloaded the DS01 form and found that it had been signed and dated 22 August 2016. It means that the garage sold me a car when it should not have been trading under that name. Am I right ? They may have got away with me claiming my money back from their Limited Company but has the director been acting according to the Law ? If not , who should I notify so that he gets prosecuted ? Companies House ? The Inland Revenue ? Your valuable expert advice is appreciated . Many thanks !!
  4. Thank you all. Please keep sending in your thoughts on this matter. I did challenge by asking for a mandatory reconsideration. Recorded deliveries where sent to them on 30th June and one on 29th of July but have both remained unanswered on the subject. Instead, bully tactics are being pursued by their Debt Management department in Mitcheldean (Glos) . I am so so sad that after putting in so much in my life I am being treated this way now that I am vulnerable. Why do those two departments not liaise on this matter to put the matter on hold till a reconsideration outcome letter is issued ? The guy's at the DM department attitude was: we are not concerned . We only recover the debt. It s your problem to chase with Belfast. The fact is that Belfast do not answer ....! The day before yesterday I also made an official complaint to the Dept. by going onto their website to write an email. The message received response that followed read that they d contact within 2 working days. Guess what ? I have heard from no one. Regards to all Nino
  5. This is driving me around the bend. Following redundancy I registered with the local JobCentrePlus and from December I started claiming JSA (contributions based type) which I thought I had a right to , having been in work for 37 years. They paid the JSA contributions ok, but then Belfast wrote claiming I owed them back two lots of fortnight-payments because my Pension had gone up in April. Odd ! I thought. Yes my NHS pension had gone up but by only £1.90 a month, but where is the right to 6 months payments irrespective of income if they then look at money coming in ? Also I do not think that such an increase would have had that huge impact ! On reflection I remember declaring to the staff of the JobCentrePlus that in March I had started receiving a monthly payment of £300 from the Lyfestyle Protection Policy which I had with the Post Office. Could that money have been taken into consideration and perhaps mistaken as an additional pension or an increase of the original NHS ? I do not know and after two unanswered recorded deliveries to Belfast and two letters from their Debt Recovering office (which are also claiming a fine of £90 from me ) I am getting panicky. I do not want to pay up if then it turns up to be a misinterpretation by the benefits department. MY QUESTION: Can anyone here please confirm to me whether an insurance payment under the ASUS scheme terms can be taken into account for stopping JSA payments ? I really think Belfast might have been mistaking this money for an additional pension or an increase on the originally declared pension. Your advice would be much appreciated as I am running short of time > Thank you Nino
  6. Good evening fellow members. Before the official claim process started I wrote to CPP claiming misselling and asking for a refund of all the premiums paid. I have recently received a cheque for £ 47.00 in the post. I have been paying the CPP credit cards loss insurance cover since 21st August 1992 and I was expected to receive - in due time - a refund backdated to that year. Instead they claim that compensation is due to me in respect of premiums paid between Jan 2004 and Jan 2005 only as prior to then CPP was not subject to an agreed industry standard . They inform that this is only phase one of the claim settlement and that phase two, pertaining to the period 2005-2013, will follow . Should I not have the right to for money back from the very beginning ? Regards
  7. Hello. 17 years ago I had a mortgage with BNP, London. As a condition of lending they imposed that I took an ASU cover with the St Andrew's Group in Portsmouth, part of BOS ? Can I raise a PPI claim an if so who should I claim against ? I hope it would be BNP because the insurer either stopped trading or where sold on and consequently stopped their cover , many years ago. Anyone there has a suggestion and the current addresses of those institutions ? Thanks>
  8. Can someone help me find a company or a broker that provides this cover as an add on to a policy ? I cannot find a way around this search.... Allianz suggested me that I visit Cornhill webiste but that company premiums are exorbitant (£250 x contents , against £ 56 on the comparethemarket website). Anyone there who can help me ? Thanks Nino
  9. I received a letter from Egg last week requesting a payment of £ 10.00 for the release of the data. I have sent the cheque off. Thank you for your messages of suggestion and support. I will keep the forum informed of any progress. Nino
  10. I am sorry, I understand now. No they have not sent the "agreements" but I did make the request to them as you suggested. I thought it was strange they had reacted so swiftly...!
  11. EGG's loan repayment schedules do not show any PPI , only INTEREST AND CAPITAL figures.
  12. Egg have sent me the statements. What do i do now with them and how to check them ? Thanks
  13. (posted in the wrong forum and now presented where I think it should be) I am unable to sit for more than 20 minutes without pain (it started after being operated on a particular area 2 years) and I long suffer with my back (disc degeneration). There are other debilitating health problems but wont go into them here and now. I have been working on a standing position at my desk for the past 2 years and now my back cannot take anymore and I am in one pain or the other (or both !) almost every day of the week. I am +56. I feel that I can no longer go to work because of the pain it is causing me. My employers have taken half measures to try and deal with my condition ( a special cushion given to me 2 years ago and slightly upped a part of the desk to give me a raised keyboard) , no special equipment supplied, none suggested by the Occupational Health office. I thought about asking for early retirement but in the light of a policy I set up with London Life (permanent disability) retiring early on a silly yearly sum that is insufficient to even feed my cat and dog, would be a wrong move. I thought I should explore first the possibility of claiming against this policy (which has only 3.5 years left to run) . After 13 weeks of sickness , it would provide me with 75% of my current salary or support me for wage loss if I accepted to return to work on a part time basis. I want to make a waterproof claim - be it for the insurance company or for retiring early on medical grounds - but I am so afraid that if I proceed on my own initiative I might just cxxck up the whole thing. I want someone who can go through my medical notes with the GP, arrange if necessary a specialist or specialists report(s) and then issue a statement of permanent disability that cannot be easily challenged. Whose professional assistance should i seek (don t mind paying) to prepare this claim and protect me from any possible reiteration from my employers (I have heard of people being dismissedautolinker.com autolinking image rather than retired on medical grounds) ? I am getting desperate. I have tried a couple of solicitors (supposedly specialised in insurance claims) one loss assessor and one medical advisor; all have refused. I sense they fear biting the hand (the insurance business) that feeds them. Lots of these kind of Advisors and Solicitors are advertised on american webistes; none over here. It is so frustrating. Anyone can help ?
  14. I have had a look at the DLA claiming criteria and some examples there are for people with really big problems such as : in a wheelchair, unable to walk and so on. Nothing mentioned about just having a long standing back problem . But then I have never claimed in my life so I am looking at things from the viewpoint of someone who has always considered going to work rather than staying at home. Until l now ! Anyone has any suggestion re my post or am I scaring people off even on this forum, with this topic ?
  15. I have a letter from my GP that she has written recently to my employers and its occupational health office, which states that because of my physical problem I have to stand and this is causing me a great deal of stress and having a profound effect on my life. That s all.
  16. Good thing you have mentioned the ICO. I will add it. One loan was taken in 2005 and one in 2003. Both were for a 4 years period. Ta .
  17. I am unable to sit for more than 20 minutes without pain (it started after being operated on a particular area 2 years) and I long suffer with my back (disc degeneration). There are other debilitating health problems but wont go into them here and now. I have been working on a standing position at my desk for the past 2 years and now my back cannot take anymore and I am in one pain or the other (or both !) almost every day of the week. I am +56. I feel that I can no longer go to work because of the pain it is causing me. My employers have taken half measures to try and deal with my condition ( a special cushion given to me 2 years ago and slightly upped a part of the desk to give me a raised keyboard) , no special equipment supplied, none suggested by the Occupational Health office. I thought about asking for early retirement but in the light of a policy I set up with London Life (permanent disability) retiring early on a silly yearly sum that is insufficient to even feed my cat and dog, would be a wrong move. I thought I should explore first the possibility of claiming against this policy (which has only 3.5 years left to run) . After 13 weeks of sickness , it would provide me with 75% of my current salary or support me for wage loss if I accepted to return to work on a part time basis. I want to make a waterproof claim - be it for the insurance company or for retiring early on medical grounds - but I am so afraid that if I proceed on my own initiative I might just cxxck up the whole thing. I want someone who can go through my medical notes with the GP, arrange if necessary a specialist or specialists report(s) and then issue a statement of permanent disability that cannot be easily challenged. Whose professional assistance should i seek (don t mind paying) to prepare this claim and protect me from any possible reiteration from my employers (I have heard of people being dismissed rather than retired on medical grounds) ? I am getting desperate. I have tried a couple of solicitors (supposedly specialised in insurance claims) one loss assessor and one medical advisor; all have refused. I sense they fear biting the hand (the insurance business) that feeds them. Lots of these kind of Advisors and Solicitors are advertised on american webistes; none over here. It is so frustrating.
  18. Great piece of info !! Many thanks . I will write to them this evening.
  19. Hello. I had two loans with egg over the years and i wanted to know whether i have a case for a "ppi" claim. So i wrote and requested copy of the credit agreements. But egg have answered that under the consumer credit act they have no obligation to provide the information because the loans were closed some time ago. Are they correct in saying so and have i no grounds to make a claim , therefore ? Thanks regards
  20. SUCCESS. I have been refunded by Abbey. File in your claims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you all for your support and advices. I hope this will set a new precedent. Regards Nino
  21. vusys1 why would I want to hold my bank responsible for the claim when it was my Building Society that made the mistake > I do not understand , unless you forgot at that point of your sentence that it was a BS not a Bank the subject of the issue.
  22. Thank you vusys1 for your advice. Yes the Building Society was the same one providing me through their Insurance arm , the cover. I was thinking of taking the matter directly to the Small County Court against the Building Society. Instead you suggest that I file an indemnity claim against my bankers. Do you mean I should hold my bank responsible for payment of direct debits which were not technically lawful ? But would this process not be excluding the Building Society from the equation ? Surely they are the culprit in this matter. Also the MPPI underwriters changed a few years ago and even the premiums have been collected from banck account with two different banks over the years. It would make the calculations and process so much more complicated.
  23. On querying , the Building Society answered by letter : "I can confirm in the event of an accident or sickness you would be able to claim on the insurnace policy". This was in June 09. I did not feel conformtable with that answer so I wrote back: "The cover is an MPPI so I would assume the presence of a mortgage on the property is an essential pre-requisite" and (...) "I am seeking reassurance that the sickness or accident benefit will be paid to me even in the absence of a mortgage on my house" and "please have an answer given to me by the scheme underwriters". The answer has arrived today but not from the underwriters but by the Building Society and it reads: (...) As you do not have a mortage you would be unable to claim under the policy. The policy is not an income protection policy, it is to cover mortgage payments only. We have referred to our specialit advisory team and they have advised us to cancel the policy back from the start of the year as a gesture of goodwill. We cannot give a refund any further back because it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ADVISE US WHEN COVER IS NO LONGER REQUIRED". There we are then ! I am proven right but the matter is no over. They also wrote "when you redeemed your mortgagewe do not automatically close the policy as you may have remortgage ELSEWHERE". They have shot themselves in the foot. My Mortgage was only and ever with that BS and they are even being holding on to the house deeds since redemption. To say they what they did is a sign of great superficality ! They should refund me from the day I paid back my mortgage full stop. I hope this topic is making interesting reading for others who may be in the same position. Nino
  24. They should say: we can go this far. Would you want to or do you prefer to stop here ? It is not the advice I was given. The attitude was: accept their offer now without trying and or consider other scenarios. She would have then be able to close the file on me and open a new one on somebody else. Better then drag one up and spend time for which she may not be financially rewarded , eh ? I think it is the solicitors themselves who are being unfair onto themselves and their colleages by dragging their cast down .
  25. Well I never thought I d got replies any different from these. I well understand that nobody can comment on an case without knowing the details. Strangely enough I replied to my solicitor with a suggestion of mine for what to do and it was immediately taken up ! This is my point : where has the professionalism gone ? Once upon a time people went the professionals to receive the best advice from a knowleagedble persons. Now we have doctors who ask their patients what is wrong with them and what they want the doctors to do next, and solicitors who give bad or no advice but are happy to follow whatever the ignorant client asks them to do. These are bad times ! Salut.
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