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  1. Your Open Question Show me another » Will I have to pay 9 years SORN fines? I bought a 1978 Lambretta GP in about 1996 and had various attempts at restoring it and getting it roadworthy etc. After alot of money and a few years breaking down everywhere I gave up. The tax ran out in Feb 1999 and the same year I sold my house and moved. The scooter was left in my dad's garage and I forgot about it. Out of sight out of mind and I did not revise my V5 registration document. Now I am thinking of having another go at it and have looked at the online tax application and realised the thing should have been Sorned in 1999 - but I just can't rememebr the fuss back then about it. Any reminders in the interim would have gone to my old address - although I have had my car details up to date in the interim with DVLA. If I now apply for an updated V5 and for a new tax disc am I going to be liable for 9 years worth of penalty? It looks to me like 9 years worth of back tax and possibly £1000 on top of that. In which case it gets crushed!
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