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Everything posted by submissiveguy

  1. My first letter sent to them was on 06/07/2009 and I also told them to comply with my request by 03/08/2009 that gives them 28 days, so would you advice me to wait, till 03/08/2009 or shall I send the second letter, because they response I received, has been posted on form today, and that is total rubish they asking for £10.00 etc?
  2. Sorry I am with you know.. I will send the Second CPR letter Il start work on it right now Thanks to you both Ida and vint1954 I will update you as soon as i get a response
  3. No they have also not issed me with a DN at all, The first contact they made with me was to offer me a discount for what I own barclay's and that's when I sent them a dispute letter
  4. Barclays have removed they default, but Cabot are continuing to process my data, that is what us winding me up
  5. Thank you IdaInFife I will start on this letter 2 Right now vint1954 thank you for your reply" Cabot have not treatened me (yet) with court action, I have told them, that account is on dispute, but they are still holding defult on my name, they are processing my data
  6. section 10. they have not responded to also, so shall i know send them CCA with £1.00 postal order? I am sorry because I really don't know what to do
  7. Sorry IdaInFife No I did not send that letter, the only letters i sent were the above
  8. the CCA request is when you send them £1.00 postal order? If yes then No sir I did not send that letter to them
  9. Account in dispute letter sent Legal Notice Under the Data Protection act 1980 sent Notice Served Upon You Under Section 10 dpa 1998 sent Formal Request for Information Under cpr part 31.16 sent The above letters have all been sent This is the latest letter I have received. Dear Mr ****** Your Query Further to your recent communicastion regarding the account detailed opposite . This agreement as been assigned to Cabot financial. The agreement remains between yourself and Barclay's Bank Plc. As you advice we are not the creditor, but under s.189 of the consumers credit act 1974 the definition of creditor allows us to enforce the agreement as it says" The person to whom his rights and duties under the agreement have been passed by assignment" and the therefore as this agreement was agreed under the consumers credit act 1974 we are entitled to enforce it and entitled to process your data. Under schedule 2 paragraph 2 (b) processing is necessary for the performance of the contract entered into by the data subject. the terms and conditions of the original agreement state Barclay's Bank PLC can assign any part of this, right and or obligations to a third party. we have taken advise from our legal department and advice as to the meaning of this part as it refers to disclosure of documentation when legal proceedings have already commenced. if you wish to request any data held by cabot financial you may make a subject access request pursuant to s.7 data protection act, which carry a £10.00 fee. we trust this clarifies the situation Now this is what they have to say??
  10. IdaInFife you are right, I have received an email from CRA who have said" that, what could i really do now? please advice me
  11. Hi everyone and thanks for the help and support that i have received from you all This is the update I have received from CreditExpert Thank you for your letter *dated ** July 2009 In view of your comments about the Cabot account, I am writing to them for you, as i cannot amend your report without their consent. While I investigate your comments, I am adding the following statement to the informations you have queried. THE CONSUMER HAS DISPUTED THE ACCURACY OF THIS ENTRY AND WE HAVE THEREFORE ASKED THE PROVIDER TO INVESTIGATE IT. GIVEN THAT THIS DATA IS DISPUTED, PLEASE TAKE CARE IF MAKING AN ASSESSMENT OF ANY KIND THAT MAY INCLUDE THIS DATA. Now dose this sound good? please advice me"as into what else I could do to get Cabot
  12. Also Cabot have been treating this issue as a joke, sending out standard letters to customers and making demands for payments, who on earth do they really think they are to force people into paying them?
  13. I have done almost everything: Ive Sent :Data Protection Act 1998 letter :FORMAL REQUEST FOR INFORMATION UNDER CPR part 31.16 letter :Disclosure before proceedings start letter and today in return I have received as follow Dear Mr Welcome to Cabot it has come to our attentions that letter from Cabot, confirming the sale of your Barclay account to the Cabot financial group was not sent to you. On behalf of Cabot please accept our apologies for this oversight In order to clarify, we wish to advise that the Cabot Financial Group has recently purchase your barclays account and the Notice of assignment from Cabot is enclosed for your records please be advised that this letter is for informations purposes only and there is no necessity for you to contact us. who the F wants to contact them in first place urgh! Now could some one please advice me how to take the court root, this is no longer a joke! I would not allow them to get away with this
  14. Ok this is the last response I received from Cabot
  15. You all are awesome, I have been reading all the posts on this subject and I am also in same boat with Cabot and Lowell so I will pick up the tips, Thank you everyone on this form who support us and guide us God bless you all
  16. do I laugh or cry? were do i go from here? *they really are stupid*
  17. Thanks Mr I will hand around for the English law guys who could give me the wording Thank you so much dude
  18. lickthewallfatboy thank you for your message what would be the best way to word it? I mean shall I put this in the letter "I regret to inform you that I am taking you to court to make you stop..... And then start court proceeding
  19. Thanks for the help everyone Update: This is the letter I have received from Red Debt Collections Services From Leeds LS11 1BG we refer to your recent communication regarding the above account. we would advise that in order for us to investigate this further with the original client, we require proof of payment to support that this account has previously settled. This can take the form of letter from the previous agent confirming that the above account has been settled or alternatively a copy of the bank statement/giro slip showing the payments made. we trust that this clarifies the current situation and look forward to hearing from you shortly Now I have already sent them a letter saying I do NOT knowledge of any such debt being owed, so they send me this letter? :shock:are they stupid? or ???
  20. This is the response I have received from Cabot Your Query Thank you for your letter recevied in office on 24 June 2009 We Note that you have sent us a Statury Notice under section 10 of the Data Protection Act requesting Cabot to cease storing and processing your data as you belive it is causing you damage or distress. We most advice you that Cabot is legally entitled and obligated under the original credit agreement which you signed and entered into with the original lender and under the Schedule 2 of the Data Protection Act 1998 to process information and also to report to the credit reference agencies. As a result we regret to inform you that we shall continue to process your personal data with accordance with the data protection act 1998 Cabot are aware that the account is in dispute, from the first letter I sent them. Do I report them to ICO now? :? also just to remind you guys, Power2Contact is in breach of not supplying s10 data protection act 1998, so they passed the file over to cabot
  21. Hi thank you everyone" cerberusalert I did not do the screen shot as i did not know, how it worked till now, after you telling me thank you, and also i did print out my credit file for evidence I have around 8 pages. I have posted the letter out recorded so lets see what they come up with Thanks everyone
  22. Yes i did contact the credit reference agencies, who told me that, they would contact them and email me once they receive a reply from them so fingers crossed
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