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  1. I do, it was signed on trade premises. It's actually my daughter's car & yes she is the registered keeper, but I always have been on cars on HP. When I sopke to them they said that I don't have the right to cancel unless I pay the full o/s balance, no rebate & no returning when paid half. audi 3.pdf
  2. Not sure if this the correct way to do this as a bit dim on computers, let me know if it's wrong please! Important part is half way down 2nd page I think. audi.pdf audi (2).pdf
  3. My query isn't over repo rights, it's whether they are able to remove the 'hand it back when half paid' rights. It is on a form of HP as it has balloon payment & car details are registered. If anybody needs a copy of agreement I can PM it if necessary. Thanks,
  4. Surely it's irrelevant whether it's HP or personal loan? The important thing is that it's regulated?
  5. They definitely have it on HPI, It actually states on the agreement that I don't have the right to cancel this agreement under the CCA or Timneshare act, it's with Capital Bank. My argument is that surely they can't just add & remove bits to an Act of Parliament jsut to suit themselves. I cannot see how this clause can benefit anybody but them? I know I shouldn't have signed it but I didn't notice it at the time, hindsight is a wonderful thing!
  6. No it simply says "Credit Agreement regulated by the consumer credit act 1974" at the top. It's car finance with a balloon payment at the end of the term. Don't know if this helps?
  7. Hi, I've got a regulated car finance agreement that I've now discovered has had the clause removed that means I can retunr it afetr I've paid half. Can they legally do this as it surely alters my rights? Thanks,
  8. I would appreciate some advice and help on my first post! I've missed 1 payment with b of scot on a car for £418, they've charged £25 per letter, £87 in penalty interest per month & £154.10 to cover trying to collect the payment. Surely this can't be right or allowed? They are also the most rude and agreesive people in the world. 2 weeks ago they agreed to reduce charges by 50% if I made a payment then, now they'll knock £25 off, it's more like a boot sale than a multi-billion £ Company!
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