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Everything posted by burnt_toast

  1. LOL No BB, its being chased even though she went bankrupt. The DCA (HFO) say bankrupcy doesnt matter/count (lol) and we've got them taped saying that too. Should we reply and let them know that nugget of info? Or should we expect their employees to have noted this? ODC fully intend to. Trying not to get tied up in knots with all we need to do! Looking to countersue for a barrage of unwanted, at times threatening and totally unlawful harassment. What do you think the chances are?
  2. Hi BB, my g/f was been harassed by her DCA and they have threatened court appointed baliffs and havent listened to her regarding her bankrupcy since the original debt. Does your post mean that any nasty tricks played before 26th May 2006 cant/wont be acted upon but any after that time will? Or does it depend on when you made the complaint?
  3. I was looking at it from the point of view that if every £50 debt cost them £5000 in court the problem would be solved very rapidly! But yeah, OFT and TS too
  4. Lab - How did you pay over the phone? The reason I ask is that it sounds like you used your credit card or debit card. If you used either then you should be able to confirm this with the bank which would back up your defense. I think HFO and all DCA's must get ligitimate debtors trying to find loopholes in consumer law, but it sounds like they have totally disconnected with people who really have no debt with them and that is totally unjustified. As it stands, it sounds like they have an unenforcable debt against you. I dont think HFO will ever stop unless their victims tear them apart in court and counter sue for lots of damages.
  5. We havent gone to court yet but thanks for the heads up on how they handle things!
  6. Wow. We are in exactly the same boat! Well... except for a couple of things... My girlfriend had a 3 mobile a few years ago and had the same problem as you. It spent longer being repaired than it did working. She took them to court and it was settled out of court. My g/f went bankrupt in 2006 Now, HFO are chasing her for the £53 whatever pence debt she owes! And like you Lab, my g/f can no longer get her hands on the original cases documentation. She recieved the same letter as you a couple of days back. Can you believe it though, we have the guy tape recorded telling her that if she doesnt pay within 24 hours they will be sending a court appointed baliff!!! He also seems to think that Bankrupcy doesnt matter. Lab, who's name is the debt in? How did you settle the debt when you paid it off? You might be able to get the bank to back you up. Have they called you yet? Either get a tape recorder (and tell them you are taping the call) or refuse to speak to anyone other than in writing. Send them a CCA request and a SAR request too. They cant deny you this and it will tell you what details they have about you. Also, forgive me if Im wrong, but arent they breaking the law by threatening this guys home? These guys are total barstards. We're going to push for the maximum damages possible when we sue them.
  7. Thanks. We did tell HFO about the bankrupcy and were told "That changes nothing, you still have to pay it since you have the debt." My missus is out right now but I seem to recall her sending a letter to the official recievers a while back. What is getting up my nose is that they KNOW its not her debt anymore but they are still harassing her. Can we sue these guys back for all that their harassment has cost us? I really REALLY want to give them a bloody nose over this. My missus is epileptic and she has had her fits under control until this came out of the woodwork!!
  8. Hi all, this is my first post. Its about my g/f. She had a contract with 3G mobile a few years ago which ended up with trouble. In 2006 she was declared bankrupt. She has now been getting calls from HFO asking for the pre-bankrupt disputed amount to be paid. Forgive me if Im wrong, but if shes been bankrupt she owes nothing? Anyway, today we get a letter from HFO's Pittbulls Turnbull and Rutherford stating that she will be sued for the huge amount of £52.81. We can pay this, but I get the feeling that if we start paying debts that we dont have we will soon end up penniless! She has only just left the house on a mission to request the original CCA. What else can we do? Is this a case for a solicitor? Shes in floods of tears and its a massive strain. Please help!!
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