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  1. Nice work. Seems it's cheaper to get f**ked over a bus than a tube train, but well done - it's a relief isn't it!
  2. You should have been sent a letter stating TFL's view of events and whether you had any comments to make. Phone that guy and explain that you never got that opportunity, that not swiping was an honest mistake and that you're sorry. Be nice, sound upset and regretful. Ultimately, you didn't pay the fare so a fine is to be expected. That said, this is where Oyster and their prosecutions are flawed - technically, if you don't swipe in it is meant to penalise you later by charging the maximum fare. Ask why this wasn't what happened in your case? What i advise is that you offer costs, which at £270 are steep, but believe me, it's better than a criminal record. Good luck.
  3. I paid £270 in court costs. If you're going to plead guilty try calling the guy I listed above to grovel your way out of it. You will get a criminal record if you plead guilty by post. Cite the doctor's letter when you speak to them. Ask them if they received it and if they have taken this into account. Chances are they know nothing about it, in which case take the line that if they are prepared to allege something so serious then the least they can do is take the time to consider the doctor's letter. Be polite, reason with them, apologise, offer the costs and don't complain that it's so much. It worked for me, i hope it works for you.
  4. Here is the guy that i resolved my issues with at TFL, and his contact details. The reason i'm posting them on this forum are because it is extremely difficult to get to talk to anyone at TFL about court summons and prosecutions in general, and he was a nice guy. Tim Caig Court Advocate/Prosecutions support manager Internal Auto - 43691 External - 0207 918 3691 E-mail - TimCaig@tube.tfl.gov.uk He was very helpful and I got the feeling that he was aware of a) the dubious nature of TFL's current campaign to punish absolutely everyone regardless, b) the flaws in Oyster technology, and c) the bad press that TFL are getting over this at present. I should point out that my case was resolved 4 months ago so i don't know if he is still there. And i still had to pay costs! Hope this helps all those that TFL are trying to prosecute for minor offences and/or mistakes or failure of Oyster technology. Lilp
  5. I've sent you a personal message. Good luck.
  6. Don't worry, if you were given a penalty fare then you're OK, there will be no further action, no court summons, no conviction. Don't appeal, just take it on the chin and move on would be my advice. In the current climate where TFL seem hell bent on prosecuting people for the most minor offence, genuine or not, you've got off lightly.
  7. Just thought I'd update you on this. I have managed to settle out of court, paying TFL costs (over £200 mind!!). I called the office of the prosecutions manager so many times and put forward my argument so persistently that they agreed to drop it. My tactics were to write to the prosecutions manager, Steve Iontton, and then follow up with a phone call. Obviously, you don't get to speak with him but i did get the attention of a guy there who's email i subsequently got and basically plagued until he probably crawled bleary eyed to his bosses desk to plead that he make me stop. Dialogue with TFL is hard to engage in because they basically don't want to talk to anyone once they've issued a summons. Once the matter is settled, the costs payed and the case dropped, i'm going to post this one particular guy's details on this forum for all who are in a similar position to use. I never had a problem with a fine, just the ridiculousness of a court case over a mistake and a £1 fare. Expensive lesson learnt! Thanks to everyone on here for the advice.
  8. In a similar position: forgot to swipe Oyster card at Finchley Central, which is outside my normal travelcard zones. I have top-up for such occassions but their were no barriers and i simply forgot to swipe, stupid mistake, I know and probably deserving of a penalty fare. Or so i thought, inspector stops me, decides arbitrarily that i meant to avoid payment and i get a court summons. I'm not denying that I didn't swipe ..... but it was a mistake!!! Like leaving the iron on or forgetting your keys. It happens. Anyway, by all accounts, as you mention, you're guilty whatever the reasons. Look at other forums on this and you'll see that people's advice and experience is to not even bother turn up to court as the outcome is pre-ordained. So, the likely outcome when I plead guilty by post is that i'll get a massive fine and a criminal record for not touching in with my Oyster. THE WORLD HAS GONE MAD. I have written to TFL about it and got little resonse. I did point out that barriers at ALL stations would be the simple preventive measure to all of this but got no reply. I'm glad your case got a bit of press with the Standard and Mirror and will happily back any campaign to the Mayor that you start.
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