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  1. nice letter scarlet pimpernel! I have been getting DLC and Apex letters for around 4 years now and I just do not respond to them. I've had them all - solicitor threats, doorstep collection threats - several times over. I have another 2 years before I statue bar them but in the meanwhile, I'm getting a good collection of fire fodder, should there ever be a 'big freeze'...
  2. Thank you - its great. The conviction is quite sensitive so i'd rather not mention up here but I think this letter should help - I will forward it over along with some other useful information i've found on the internet. Thank you again for your help - much appreciated!!
  3. Hello! A good friend of mine has recently received a criminal record! I spoke to him tonight and having been to probation, was informed that home, car, life and business insurance would be void, if he did not inform them of the conviction. Does anyone know / have a template letter that can be sent to all these insurers to inform them of the conviction. Anyone else had a similar situation? Would be good to pass on any nuggets of information THANKS Twinks
  4. Hi all Egg credit card from 10 years ago - been defaulted and had the default drop off my credit file after 6 years. Made payments for years until I disputed with the DC. Now it was passed to Aktiv last year (1 year ago) but CCA has not been fulfilled. Aktiv Kapital were CCA'd - they did not send paperwork - now getting the usual letters from them about it and now, a letter from Credit Security Limited stating: "We have been instructed by our Client to recover the above overdue debt. We DEMAND that the sum stated be sent direct to this office IMMEDIATELY using the payment slip below. Your failure to comply could result in a DEBT COLLECTOR calling upon you for payment" I'd like to send a letter to them to show that i'm not just ignoring their letters. Any ideas? Ta
  5. Hi Firstship Do you know dlc well? I'm missing signed agreement, terms and conditions, notice of assignment - usual really....
  6. Try this - worked for me with Aktiv. Send it recorded (worth it for £1.30 ish) Dear Sirs Harassment by telephone Your Ref: **** I am writing in relation to the telephone calls that my mother has received from your company, which we deem to be personally harassing. I now require all further correspondence from your company to be made in writing only. I am of the view that your continued harassment of me by telephone puts you in breach of Section 40 of the Administration of Justice Act 1970, and the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. If you continue to harass my Mother telephone, you will also be in breach of the Communications Act (2003) s.127 and I will report you to OFCOM, Trading Standards and The Office of Fair Trading, meaning that you will be liable to a substantial fine. Be advised that any further telephone calls from your company will be recorded. Yours faithfully,
  7. Hi Today, received a letter from DLC stating "we have made numerous attempts to contact you to agree a repayment program for this outstanding debt to no avail. Your account is now being transferred to our Debt Surveillance Programme where regular reviews into your financial circumstances will be conducted to assess your suitability for litigation action" We will continue to report your default to the credit reference agencies and may periodically instruct field agents to visit your property to assess your ability to pay" Is it an empty threat? Did anyone else get this letter? The history on this is: 1) it has been on my credit file already but dropped off as it served its six years 2) I cca'd and they have sent me some but not full paperwork and 3) the account I have told them but have ignored more recent letter, that this account is in dispute. I waited for 3 years for CCA paperwork to come and what they have sent is incomplete. I really don't want to keep on writing to them with the same information and them ignoring it and sending more threatograms.
  8. Hi Ok - this is an old debt that was on my credit file for many years, but has since dropped off. The default was with Egg. Egg it appears, passed the debt over to DLC aka, Hillesden, aka Ruthbridge Securities. In 2008 I stopped paying them as i had been (I was non the wise in the early days and when someone came through saying I owed them money, I paid it). At this time, in 2008, I sent a CCA to DLC. Since then, every 3 weeks i have been receiving letters from Hillesden stating they were looking into my CCA and would send me the docs. Last month, I got a statement of account through from Hillesden, showing payments made on the original EGG loan and then payments to DLC. Hillesden informed me that now I had received my CCA from them (copy of original paperwork and statement of account) that I should resume payments to them. I received a letter 2 days ago from DLC, stating an amount titled 'NOTICE OF SUM IN ARREARS'. So to clarify - it is no longer on my credit file as the default dropped off after six years. I had been paying DLC up until March 2008 when the account was in dispute - waiting on CCA paperwork. Feb 2011 - CCA paperwork sent to me and now, DLC are wanting payment and have sent me the notice of sum in arrears letter. My questions are: 1) as I have already been defaulted and this has been on my credit file once, it can't be re-added at a later date, can it? 2) do I need to get a deed of assignment, proving that DLC / Hillesden / Ruthbridge are now the people to chase for this money? 3) what would be the come back on me, if I don't respond to their letters? And should I?
  9. Got letter through today stating 'Notice of Sums in Arrears' on this account. Do I respond? If so, with what? I still haven't got a deed of assignment or anything from Egg stating that DLC / Hillesden are now the people collecting on this account. Any info appreciated
  10. After going through 2 x poly pockets of letters about this one subject, I realised that the deed of assignment thing I have is for another account. So I don't have a deed of assignment for this one? What should I do? THANKS
  11. Yes - will scan it in at work tomorrow - thanks for your help and come back online tomorrow
  12. Hi Diddydicky Thanks for your response!! Your queries and my responses below: "how did you get the NOA? have you acknowledge in any communications with either the creditor or the DCA that you have received it?" It was not sent recorded - and I have not acknowledged it "if it was not sent recorded or registered mail then it has not been served (unless you ackowledged receipt of it)" Ok - great but what does it mean? "If the DCA commenced an action as creditor- your simple defence therefore would be that the claim be struck out as they do not have a cause of action" Thanks but I'm not sure what this means either - I ignore all communications from the DCA or do I go back to them and say "you don't have a cause of action"?
  13. Hi I paid DLC / Hillesden for an old Egg loan for years, but CCA'd them in 2008. They have now sent me through the CCA agreement (not sure if its a signature or an X in their section) and a long awaited for statement of account. It shows the original loan had PPI on it and that I had paid back the value of the loan (not interest) before I defaulted on payments. With regards to ownership of the debt - I was sent a photocopy of a generic deed of assignment 'this DCA now have ownership of this account' (not stating my account or any details on it). Is it enough or should it be a little more specific? I made a few years payments to the DCA - at this point I CCA'd them and not paid them any monies for 3 years. Would you recommend a SAR to see how much they purchased the account for from Egg? Should I make an offer of payment to clear the amount to them? Should I say clear off - if so, how? Thanks for any advice here As mentioned, the original default of the debt was on my credit file but after six years, dropped off - so as I understand they can't put another black mark against me for it....
  14. toothless as in just empty threatograms? I'm of the opinion to ignore - I have earlier correspondence requesting CCA with all supporting paperwork (statement of accounts etc) but all I get is the same old photocopy of the credit agreement, which was not signed by them and could be viewed as a pre-contractual doc. I'll do what I do best and do nothing until the door collection agent comes, or not......
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