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Everything posted by BigCannon

  1. Did they sneak in shortfall insurance as well? They really are a bunch of creeps. Is it time we all got together and went to the national press. The FOS seems to have rather blunt teeth.
  2. Yes.. Plenty of advice... I have been trying to deal with this bunch of perceived thieving clowns for the last 15 months. My complaint has now gone to the FOS. Do not contact WF again unless in writing. Get you original contract from them and then write to them telling them you want your PPI payments returned with the statatury 8% interest. In the meantime, go to the FOS website and dowload their complaint form. Remember... NO MORE PHONE CALLS.... do everything in writing. Don't mess about like I did. as soon as you get your 'Final Response' letter (also known as a dead end letter) go straight to the ombudsman service. I cant put further details of my case here at the moment because it is no secret that the low life at WF trawl these consumer sites. Good luck. BigCannon
  3. LOAN AMOUNT £2,000 FEE DISBURSEMENT £75.00 INSURANCE PREMIUMS £696.66 TOTALS £2,771.68 I'm not really sure what to do next. Are Welcome allowed to charge you for cancelled direct debits? The unpaid DD fees seem absolutely extortionate! All the fees are all different amounts too, it seems they just charge whatever the hell they like. I feel I've been mislead, and in typical Welcome fashion all communication has been done by phone so it's my word against theirs. I'm going to reclaim the PPI, I specifically remember being told I couldn't have the loan unless I signed up for the insurance. I wrote a letter requesting my original loan aggrement but didn't realise there was a fee of £10 so I got a reply stating they won't issue it until I send a cheque, which I will do. I'm going to write to Welcome to complain that I was never advised I was not clearing my balance by paying £65/£75 a month - it seems I've only been paying some of the interest. I've looked on the FSA website but I couldn't really make sense of it. I don't expect to get any joy so my next stop will be FOS. Does anyone else have any advice? Thank you for taking the time to read this. Gemma Yes.. Plenty of advice... I have been trying to deal with this bunch of perceived thieving clowns for the last 15 months. My complaint has now gone to the FOS. Do not contact WF again unless in writing. Get you original contract from them and then write to them telling them you want your PPI payments returned with the statatury 8% interest. In the meantime, go to the FOS website and dowload their complaint form. Remember... NO MORE PHONE CALLS.... do everything in writing. Don't mess about like I did. as soon as you get your 'Final Response' letter (also known as a dead end letter) go straight to the ombudsman service. I cant put further details of my case here at the moment because it is no secret that the low life at WF trawl these consumer sites. Good luck. BigCannon Good
  4. Take it to your local police station and ask to speak to a CID fraud officer. I thought I was up against enough with Welcomes PROVEN shifty practices but you are alleging forgery and deceit of the most serios kind. If you see my post of today elsewhere on this forum then you will see what I mean. I am waiting for a reply from Welcome myself before alleging fraud in the case of an extra item added to a car loan with no ones consent. Is there no depth Welcome will not sink to?
  5. Can I suggest you do EVERYTHING in writing. I have just sent a file to the FOS in respect of two loans on behalf of a young mum with two children. The HP was for a car and shortfall insurance has been added plus an unexplained EXTRA for £299. The personal loan was for £2000 cash on which had PPI and Lifecare insurance added because the mum was told she could not have the loan without it. I got involved because she is the daughter of a long standing family friend. When I worked out what she would be paying, it was a staggering £5,239. Having got fed up with receiving Final responses I wrote to Margaret Young, the company chief executive at Cattles with a copy of my latest letter to Welcome. My complaint started 19 Sept 2009. I quizzed them about the unitemised item and they finally said that it was for paint that stopped chippings coming up from the road and damaging the paint. I have asked for all the paperwork relating to this and proof it had been applied. This resulted in a massive climb down and a letter upholding my complaint and the agreement to refund the money and offset it against the two loans. However, they will not under any circumstances put any figures to this offer. I will try to attach a copy of their "acceptance form" which is a joke. They want her to accept their offer with no supporting figures. I spoke to FOS and outlined my story and they asked me to send all the relevant paperwork. You also need to download two forms from their site. I will let you know how things go.
  6. Hi Lisa, I am writing to them again this morning. On looking at the agreements again, I see they have added the administration fees to the total of the loan (£75 in each case) and are charging interest on that as well. This is not allowed under the rules. They must surely know this!!
  7. PPI is PPI regardless of how long ago. They may not have their records but you will have your bank statements showing what you paid. Write to Welcomes PPI claims department direct. Thats right. A seperate department for PPI claims. There must be one heck of a lot of us!!
  8. My friend's daughter is also having problems with this crowd. She borrowed money to buy a car for her work as a carer. She borrowed a further sum to finance her house move because the local authority could not house her family. Her hours were cut and she fell behind with her payments. She was getting up to 3 phone calls a week. This was getting her down and I offered to write to them. It tanspired that when she took the loan, there were TWO lots of insurance applied to it. (PPI and Lifestyle) She was told she had to have this to get the loan. I looked at her paperwork for her and discovered they had added ALL the insurance premiums together, added it to the loan and were charging interest on that as well (55%!!!!!). It has taken 6 months so far to get the insurance taken off and they have sent a 'new agreement' for her to sign without insurance, but have refused to send a breakdown of the money paid so far. As they have cancelled the old agreement and the replacement agreement is not yet signed, the ball is in their court. My latest letter to head office requesting further information was countered with a notice of intention of legal proceedings from their local office. So I copied it and sent it to their head office and asked if they were trying to harass and bully us from persuing our claim. I then bundled the lot up and took it to the local CAB. I will let you know how it goes. Big Cannon.
  9. I think you will get further by first of all going through your MP. Make sure you write a short letter giving him permission to act on your behalf. You need your MP support to acess the ombudsmans office. Looking at the other posts on this forum, it looks kile the DVLA has lost a large chunk of our records from their system. Make a formal complaint to Ruth Kelly's office and you will get back a reference number and the matter will be on official records. The DVLA are on the defensive at the moment but they are not above the law. Let me know how you get on and I will do the same. Remember....................In all your contacts with the DVLA...... GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING!!....This is vital. Do not shout or argue with them. Keep your ears open and ask around and find other people who have been messed around by the DVLA. I have the feeling this is just the tip of the iceburg. Bigcannon.
  10. Have a look at the general ombudsmans site or type in lost licences into Google. I sent a copy of the Bristol Evening post story to the DFT office. BTW, when the young lady resat her theory test, she told the examiner why she was there. He told her she was the SECOND that week. Bigboots
  11. The young lady in the photo is my second cousin. (she calls me Uncle) She has just lost her job because of this fiasco. She works for an employment agency and the driving licence was essential for visiting clients and placing staff. She tried to deal with it herself to start with and got now where. She has been told that she has never had a full driving licence. I have contacted Ruth Kellys office and complained. telephone number 020 79448300. Get all your facts together and either post them to her office or E-mail joseph.kumpitsch@dft.gsi.gov.uk They will contact the DVLA and give your case a reference number. This will be sent to miss E.E. Davis at Customer services at the DVLA tel: 01792 782888. If you are doing this to help someond then get them to sign a letter authorising you to act on their behalf. She will not discuss anything with you at all otherwise, and ask for EVERYTHING in writing. When you get your initial reply, contact your local MP and ask him/her to intervene. Be forearmed and provide your MP with a letter of authorisation signed by the party concerned. You will need his support to get acess to the general ombudsmans service. I have done much of this today so it is still fresh in my mind. So, fingers crossed and watch this space. Bigcannon
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