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Everything posted by tronny

  1. Just to update Restons rang me today to confirm this account is now settled. When I told them I had received the statements and pointed out the above points they said the Hfc statements don't take into account the addition of any court fees or collection charges that may have been added.
  2. In writing yes numerous telephone calls most ignored the rest refused to speak to them and told them in writing only. the last letter was from Mortimer Clarke informing me they had requested my cca that was dated the 3rd of feb 2009.
  3. MCE Portfolio. Same address as Mortimer Clarke(the MC in MCE Portfolio methinks) Solicitors. Marlins Legal EXPERTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
  4. Its been over two years since i cca requested them and set aside the sd they hit me with when i cca'd them i can't recall if i did send one. However they should be well aware of their non compliance or should i remind them??????
  5. What about the NOA from Marlin regarding MCE Portfolio should I just send Marlin the Account in Dispute letter??
  6. Well an update for this one.Received a hand delivered brown envelope which contained a resolvecall calling card for my urgent attention and telling me to contact their head office along in the normal post with a letter from Marlin or rather a Notice of assignment saying that MCE Portfolio Limited has had assigned to it all right, title, interes and benefit in my account. Wat now???????????????
  7. Thanks Donkey and apologies I missed YOUR replies as was typing my last post. DOH.
  8. A short history of this case for your info donkey, although a historic thread will exist somewhere within this site referring to the original post. This was an HFC/MARBLES credit card which was referred to Restons and payments were being made monthly towards it without fail. Then all of a sudden I try to pay Restons and they tell me over the phone they are no longer handling this debt and someone would probably contact me and I should be paying them. This somebody was Marlin and when I spoke to them they wanted more than double what I was paying and wouldn't budge. I then CCA'd Marlin and there reply was to issue a Stat Demand for the outstanding amount which I subsequently applied to have set aside filing my defence with the court and attending on the hearing date only to find Mortimer Clarke for Marlin didn't bother to turn up and upon reading my evidence the judge set the stat demand aside. Then despite my request still not being complied with Marlin continually rang to speak to me which I always refused their request telling to fulfill my request and I would speak to them which of course hasn't happened culminating in the letter from resolvecall today.
  9. Should I enclose a copy of the CCA letter sent to Marlin aswell, REV. Donkey what is your thinking re defence to set aside???
  10. Yes with the help of 42man. No valid CCA, No Notice of assignment and No default Notice. Along with other Stated Case references.
  11. Despite Marlin issuing a stat demand in Jan 09 and me subsequently winning my set aside in march the same year after CCA requesting Marlin who Still haven't complied with my request it would appear they have now enlisted Resolvecall to try and threaten me. RE: YOUR ABOVE OUTSTANDING ACCOUNT We are acting on behalf of Marlin Financial Services who are the collecting agent for your above creditor(none listed above) We have been instructed by them to arrange a personal visit to your home by one of our representatives unless you contact Marlin Financial Services to address your account. This is because you are not making payments to your account and have failed to make contact with Marlin Financial Services despite their requests for you to get in touch. It is in your interests to contact Marlin Financial Services iimmediately upon receipt of this letter to discuss your account as a matter of urgency. Failure to do so will lead to a personal visit being made by one of our representatives to your home to discuss your account and payment proposals. PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE THIS LETTER. ACT NOW TO HAVE A POSITIVE DISCUSSION ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNT. WHAT NOW???????????????????
  12. I shall try and get the statements scanned in asap.
  13. Hi all, Is anyone familiar with the statements of HFC.????????????? I have been paying my C.C.J with HFC through Restons for nigh on 6 years now and last week I received statements, from HFC, covering payments for the same period or thereabouts.All pages showing payments made and obviously the balance reducing with each payment. The final page of the statement showed a balance of £0.00. I have been paying this at £150 p.m( i know but it was long before i discovered this excellent site) and the balance on the statement for march this year was £134.50 so taking into account my payment of £150 would mean an overpayment of £15.50 and resulting in the account being cleared. Then last month it shows another £150 payment which was credited along with the £15.50 and shows in the debits column of the statement.. The first 26 payments are listed on the statement as CR RESTONS. (are these paymnts made directly to restons for any charges added to the account??) The payments up until last month are listed on the statement as CR PRINCIPAL PAYMENT(ACC NO ******) (are these payments for the amount owing to hfc??). Then the last entry on the statement is CL CORE CRDT BAL(Then the amount credited) Finally the balance of £0.00. I would just like some advice or peoples thoughts on this before I contact Restons as I notice they have taken a further payment from my account today.
  14. having been in dispute with dlc since january 09 and still waiting for them to produce my cca and having hillesden send me the "we will contact you in 21 days" letters. now its mdb i have had the first two letters " we are managing this account on behalf of dlc" and "we are disappointed you have not contacted us" now the final settlement with 50 per cent reduction offer, I will be ignoring this one aswell.
  15. Just got home from work and found one of these on the mat before even opening it i recognised it to be from dlc/hillesden or whoever gets to the stationery cupboard first. Surprised was I, to see M D B on the letterhead even though down to the letter format and barcode it was dlc/hillesden in sheeps clothing all be it a rather large scary sheep with big huge teeth (oops im getting carried away). I am still in dispute with them and have been since january 09. It would seem that the McGuffick letter didn't work for them so they have resorted to this.
  16. Yep, I received one today aswell after 13 months of waiting for them to produce my cca. With reference to your data request under the CCA 1974 we would like to draw your attention to the recent ruling in the case of McGuffick V RBS judgement dated 6 October 2009 in relation to "what is considered enforcement" the judgement stated that the bringing of proceedings is not enforcement. It follows that demanding payment is a step taken prior to the commencement of proceedings and therefore not considered enforcement. Is it just me or does the above contradict itself??????
  17. Thanks Beau, That is the route i intend to follow and shall prepare a letter for him. the letter he recieved gives seven working days to appeal, as this is a supermarket that trades seven days a week would the working days include weekends or is it normal working days i.e mon to fri excluding weekends??
  18. his investigative hearing was on saturday gone the disciplinary was 10am on monday morning gone so hardly anytime to get the relevant advice or arrange anyone to attend. the person he wanted to take in with him works in the same store so i shouldnt think it unreasonable to allow him to attend the hearing given the time he would have been away from the shop floor.
  19. Yes he did. Without any real knowledge of what he was doing he proceeded with it. I recieved a phonecall from his gran who was waiting outside for him and who was in contact with him via text prior to him going into the meeting of this i subsequently told her to advise him not to proceed but it was too late. Is there anything he can do as he intends to appeal the decision.
  20. My son recently had a disciplinary hearing and on attending on the day nominated a fellow worker to accompany him in the hearing. He was told by the manager who had initiated the whole procedure that the nominated person wasnt allowed to as he was working he then told my son that another lad who had just arrived for work would be allowed. This was not the person my son wanted to sit in but the choice of the manager. Have his rights been breached as a result of this??
  21. Can anyone clarify how a manager or supervisor would deem someone to be unfit for work through alcohol by more than merely stating they looked pale and knowing the employee had been out the previous night. Surely the behaviour of the employee must give serious cause for concern as opposed to a mere assumption by the manager/supervisor concerned.
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