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  1. I've been waiting over a year for these shysters to take me to court. Does anybody else smell a rat?
  2. I thought Perky had sold (not raffled) his 5* Wolvo caff, to concentrate on his Pie Shop in Telford?
  3. Don't reply - they will think you are a "hooked fish". Only respond to stamped court papers - not the threat of we "may" issue proceedings............ My last threatogram from one of these PPC's - "with firm instructions to commence Litigation. + interest..fees..etc, was received some 7 months ago, and I'm still waiting. Listen to pin1onu, Crem and Rooster-UK. They give great advice.
  4. Issue dates still showing - don't give the s*ds any chance!!
  5. OP you need to remove the PCN number/dates/ locations - you can be identified from these - PPC's are known to lurk around this site.
  6. ECP - going to court - my arse!! Ignore the jokers. They are trying to scare you.
  7. Ignore them - they have no case. You will get a few desperate letters asking for payment, then they give up. Ignore the [problematic]!!
  8. Looks like it will be: BBC iPlayer - BBC Radio 4 - All programmes - Page 6 Usually available after prog has been broadcast
  9. All of these PPC's work on fear and intimidation. The general view on here is to ignore them - they have no case, and after a few scary letters - big bold red letters - we'll kidnap your dog/kids etc., they seem to give up. Other posters on here, would love the opportunity to see them in court. Keep on ignoring the [problematic]!!
  10. Boooo!!! I have only received 1 letter from controlaccount - over 3 months ago. I want my second - have you seen the price of toilet paper these days! H_D
  11. NS83 - the case of Arthur V Anker was about wheel clamping, so the reference in your situation looks like another example of the PPC's selectively quoting cases to suit themselves. I too had a PCN (Parking Charge Notice, with nice squares on) from ECP at a Sainsbury's store. This was over 6 months ago. After two letters from ECP - the first saying the registered keeper was liable (Doh!!) and one from Controlaccount (only 3 months ago), the trail has gone cold. Please follow Crem and Lamma's great advice. These PPC's play a percentage game - after a few letters they give up and go onto the next "hooked fish". H_D
  12. I have had dealings with this mob before, but no telephone calls. In my case, I had a "Parking Charge Notice" from ECP back in July 08, followed by a chaser in September 08. The last communication was from Controlaccount - with the usual blarney about "firm instructions to commence Litigation and obtain judgement against you. Such a course of action may have an adverse affect on your ability to obtain credit", back in November 08. Still waiting for the next letter. Keep on ignoring them!
  13. I agree with DDWales. In my case, I had a "Parking Charge Notice" from ECP back in July 08, followed by a chaser in September 08. The last communication was from Controlaccount - with the usual blarney about "firm instructions to commence Litigation and obtain judgement against you. Such a course of action may have an adverse affect on your ability to obtain credit", back in November 08. Still waiting for the next letter.
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