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Everything posted by lumpa

  1. thank you all for your advise, they are just making my credt rating very bad again and i want to sort it out. With my account with them being in arrears because of this problem that,s what,s going to happen. they are a nightmare: never again
  2. I,ve recently purchased a vehicle from Welcome Finance and took out the three insurance's that was offered. I then had 14 days grace to cancel these if required. Within the 14 days i did cancel to bring my monthly payment down. Everyday i contact Welcome to find out my new monthly payment. For the last two months they say that they are waiting for the paperwork to come through. They are now asking me to make my payments encluding the three insurances that i don't need. If i needed to use the insurances after i cancelled they would cetainly not allow me to so does anybody think i should pay the full amount they asked to me to whilst they wait for the paperwork to come through. Please help:confused:
  3. i recently purchased a vehicle from welcome car finance. i took out the three insurances they were offering. i then cancelled them within the 14 day period and two months later i am still waiting for a new monthly payment schedule. They now want me to make the first payment with the three insurances on until my new payment comes through. I am constantly chasing welcome to ask them of the price. Due to the fact i was told to stop my Direct Debit until this as been resolved they are now going to send it to the debt collection agency because i've not made a payment. I am quite prepared to make the payment for the new total but not with the insurance on as i was given the 14 days to think about this. please advise what are my legal rights:(
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