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  1. Unfortunately, you do have to Opt-Out of passing your information on to third parties. Usually you need to tick a box to say you disagree with your details being passed on to other companies. The Freedom Of Information Act 2000 will give more details on the legislation surrounding 'selling on' information. With regards to Carcraft and finance applications... what stopped you getting your own finance with a different company? There are many ways of getting money over the Internet. All you need to do is get the money in your bank and buy a car with cash. The majority of people who buy cars from second-hand car dealerships cannot afford prime finance and therefore prime lenders are not always offered. My advice to all readers is to do your research before buying a car. You don't buy your house without searching different mortgage lenders! So why rely on a car dealership to find you car finance? It just shows how lazy some people can get!
  2. As a former employee of Carcraft, I am dismayed at some of the comments made on this website! It really does beg belief that people would choose to buy a product without reading the small print. It really does show the narrowmindedness of some people! The NAC Guarantee is a GUARANTEE not a WARRANTY and therefore has different rules and regulations. Its also supplied by NAC which is NOT part of Carcraft, but is owned by its parent company. Carcraft therefore have no say over the product and cannot assist should a dispute arise. It is obviously the product of choice sold at Carcraft stores but it is not the only guarantee or warranty you can buy with a second-hand vehicle. If you don't take an NAC Guarantee, buy an AA Warranty or Welcome Guarantee (if your car was bought through Welcome Finance). I think you will find that all these products cover more or less the same items. Cars are unpredicable. Especially second-hand cars. Who knows what kind of wreckless driver may have had it before you. Places like Carcraft, Car Shop, Car Land, Motorpoint etc thoroughly check their cars before sale but if you are concerned - buy new! Simple as! I have dealt with customers who have had problems after buying a car before. The actual percentage is very, very low. I'm not blowing the Carcraft trumpet here but they do look after their customers and spend a lot of money recovering vehicles and repairing them under their 90 day guarantee. Every effort is made to minimise inconvenience to drivers but until you see the operation from the inside you really do not appreciate what goes on behind the scenes! To end on the above comment from 'mease', it is extremely foolish to avoid paying your finance company for your car. This has devastating effects on your credit status and could end in the car being repossessed!!! I WOULD AVOID AGAINST DOING THIS!!! Yet again another narrowminded comment...
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