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Everything posted by Madhafu

  1. Stumbled across this post! Wanted to say thank you for this adv... decided to use the referred solicitors and as I now have a better understanding of what those terms mean - it has been helpful. Thank you.
  2. Cliff... What an outcome...we can only hope for the best but, your pro-activeness in addressing the recent minor bump was commendable because had insurance been in a position to get involved from the on-set it would end up being more and costly, just to earn more money from a bad situ. Hope it works out with the initial issue at hand of the £600 Godspeed.
  3. Hey Cliff1963 - you're welcome, most importantly you have a point there...insurances premium adjustments is like a game they play, it's sad, there is no clear guideline. Keep us posted
  4. Hey guys! Just ran across ur post today as I wondered the same thing when I thought of the accident I had yesterday and I'm insured by Direct Line. I asked them and they said to me as the accident the other person who hit me admitted liability etc I will NOT be suffering any loss, my no claims bonus is SAFE therefore NO premium increases and the car is being repaired and a hire car was given etc no...perhaps there are insurers alike who wouldn't increase ur premium etc. Hope this helps.
  5. Wow, it is helpful - thanks. I felt like maybe I have made a step towards knowing what I am dealing with in terms of Uncle Buck and Carter Forbes Legal and their associates. PS. I think I've clicked your star 3 times, lol since last week and it said spread your reputation rating around before adding again lol. I am grateful I have rep rated each one who's given me any input
  6. BRIGADIER2JCS thank you. I will draft a letter as you have said and just put the mobile no as a reference and no address/full name/signature? since they only seem to have my mobile no. and 1st name only too. I will also hear from the legal money lending team next week about their licence and if they can intervene i.e. anything shady going on. Thnk u
  7. Get well soon and I pray you find something soon, if I owned a co. I'd hire you anyday, experience is a key asset. I will wait to hear back from the pple you kindly pointed me to and see what will happen next. It is the last thing I want right now, when I just want to do my job hunting in peace, I have to stop worry and get depressed with these msgs. I will definitely save them and I think I can print them off my pc when I connect my mobile and view msgs. Thanks for that, I will save them all now and back up my texts on the O2 site.
  8. sillygirl1 Thank you for this. I went to site and it led me to a trading standards site which linked to the legal money lending team etc and I called them and discussed what happened and they said we will investigate Uncle Buck and call you next week with what we find. We have to make sure they have a valid consumer licence since the time you took the loan 3-4yrs ago and then we can see if there is anything that can be done on our end. He also said, if they have had a valid consumer licence since the time you had a loan, maybe they sold your debt to a debt collection agent and they took a long time before they got to me i.e. Carter Forbes and their Bailiff friends and partners etc. The problem though is if I have had the same phone no. the same home address and the same email address why wait for over 3yrs to claim £200 if indeed it was owed and the company hold your correct contact details, why go to a debt collector and sell off a debt that is not irrecoverable from their perspective? I hope he finds out about them and then if they had a licence when I had my loan then it becomes complicated due to the right to add interest but, the fact that I did not change my no./address/email address and if I physically signed an agreement or not etc. I dnt recall signing an agreement, maybe I did but, they gave payday loans via email and you send your payslip etc as evidence of income etc but, nothing was sent in writing but, that's as much as I can recall as it is almost 4yrs ago. Oh God, £4,472 is a lot of money, do they realise the impact it has on the pple gettin their msgs...or I guess that is what they want
  9. Thank you sillygirl1 I just felt num since yesterday, it's 1 thing to fight Uncle Buck with why they never called/emailed/wrote to me if I owed them that £200 but, it's another to say that £200 is now over £4,000 owed!? Guys, I dnt know why I'm struggling so much with acting here, I'm just low right now, trying to find a job and the next thing I get is this awful experience of texts and claims. SHALL I KEEP IGNORING? I DNT EVEN HAVE A REFERENCE NO. TO CONTACT THEM EXCEPT GIVE THEM MY DETAILS WHEN I RING THEM WHICH IF THEY DNT HAVE THEM, I WON'T GIVE THEM since it'll be making it all too easy for them..? SHALL I STILL WAIT UNTIL SOMETHING OFFICIAL COMES IN THE POST? ARE THEY JUST PLAYING WITH MY HEAD GUYS? Sorry I know you guys said, ignore it for now unless something more concrete i.e. written letter comes with proper accounts references and my full details etc BUT, still nothing has come except the depressing texts. O2 said they could not stop the texts unless I change my no. as I am already ex directory listed or smthng.. How much more can I take. I think now I'll delete them before reading the texts since you guys confirmed, you can't take someone to Court with only communicating by text can you. Why dnt they attempt to call/write if there is some real truth to their accusations? They have my no. already.. You guys are right maybe I'm stressing too much but, I got wound up by that large sum of money now.
  10. ***CF Legal/Carter Forbes Debt - have started texting me again today*** The text reads as follows: "MADHAFU, You have an outstanding debt with Uncle Buck of £4,472.50 call 08450268038 today before your account is vetted for legal action." Guys, how does a payday loan I believe may have been for like £200 become almost £5,000? I'm helpless right now. Does this mean they are now starting something legally? Although, I can't remember not paying that one off payday loan, I have NEVER borrowed anything above a small amount of £200 AND if I was aware this was not repaid why did they wait to chase me today? Almost 3yrs later! I have no money to even pay the damn £200 if it came to that and I am almost sure I parted with money to pay them how could I have not heard from them for 3yrs??? They would be chasing me...but, I never moved houses or changed my no. so this frightens me. ***HELP!*** What now...?
  11. Thanks, Andy am gonna ignore the texts and have emailed O2 to ask if I can block unknown msgs etc
  12. brokebutnotbeatn Thank you so much from that you've said, I do feel a heck of a lot better I will ignore!..why should I pay for old statements tryin find out about this transaction when it's their problem and for 3yrs I heard nothing when my address and phone no. remained the same. Thanks.
  13. Ell-enn Thank you for this, i will call and advise them of this today.
  14. HI, I'M NOT ACTUALLY SURE EXACTLY HOW OR WHAT I SHOULD SAY TO THEM...Shall I say I have a debt I am unsure I even owe from 3yrs ago being claimed by Carte Forbes who are sending me bailiff threatening texts daily and ....? Help here pls
  15. Thank you...the idea of even being in Court over this matter crossed my mind when I read the quotes and I thought my God what is going to happen. I feel more re-assured now cause you guys have all helped me see the other side of this matter and what they can and can't do, thank you. We just wait and see now...
  16. BRIGADIER2JCS you're right.They are liars, transparent alright? Random texts everyday with threats to bailiff threats and yet NO letter/ NO call / NO confirmation of amount in question NOR when it was owed - definitely NOT transparent.
  17. ....Ok, so we wait for now...I will update you all as soon as anything else happens? Ok, I think I can try calming down now, we just wait and see if anything comes of it. thank you dx100uk, sillygirl1, silverfox, debt4get and others. PS: dx100uk They are texting me with one of those funny numbers you can't reply with - it's just a name like, "CFDebt" this dsnt allow me to reply but, I will see if I can block msgs from my phone or call O2 and find out - thanks wiv tht one, I may be at peace without these texts.
  18. silverfox1961 thank you, the texts say they "may" review a bailiff visit and i have not moved since the time i think i took this loan and wonder why they never sent any letters or called me IF i owed them any money or they are not sure themselves? I only borrowed small amount back then of £200 before I'd get paid and then I went on maternity leave and after the baby I went to University to complete my course. I never for one day got a letter asking about any payday loan! Why after 3yrs I keep thinking? I have had this same mobile number since 5yrs ago when I was in College, and never got any contact over a payday loan to Uncle Buck owing. hmm
  19. sillygirl1 Thank you so much for your msg. I am even weary to contact them. I once had abusive calls from a DCA many yrs back and sent a letter to say I was going to seek legal remedy for the threats and had recorded the calls (I hadn't actually) but, they just stopped like that. This Carter Forbes DCA has texted me everyday! It does not even say my name in the text, it just says: YOU MUST PAY THIS DEBT OWED TO UNCLE BUCK, CALL US ON 0845... TO MAKE A PAYMENT. Today the texts started to come from another place says: CALL FORBES CARTER OR IN THE NEXT 7DAYS WE WILL REVIEW A BAILIFF VISIT TO COLLECT... Guys I'm out of my skin right now. Shall I see what happens in the coming week and then do all you have advised and dx100uk advised?
  20. dx100uk I have just checked my CRA file this morning, nothing on it or any searches made in the past year. I'm going to try be calm, but, it's so hard I feel a bit scared of these msgs everyday but no post or email or call. I moved but, this was almost 4yrs ago so any payday loan in question would be still at our current account so I dnt kno why they never wrote to me if they had not recieved any payment until this week gone, almost 3 yrs since i recall having taken any payday loan.
  21. I am unaware of the supposed debt I owe to Uncle Buck payday loan. The last time I took a payday loan was like 2-3years ago and I remember paying for it by cheque or postal order and never borrowed any money or had contact with them since. I have since changed accounts as I have been a student and I have checked through all my account statements and CAN'T find any transaction with Uncle Buck as it is so far back perhaps I would have to ask my bank for the past 3years' statements, this will cost me money! I am a full time student and a mum. I am not working right now and seeking work and I am unable to get anything like job seeker's allowance as I am returning to Uni this October. I have always worked for my money and never had any benefit paid to me or refused to pay any bills for such a long time. they are sending other texts now saying Bailiff will visit me. There is NO REFERENCE NUMBER to this debt or how much it is or when it is for and why have Uncle Buck NEVER claimed this debt in the past 3years??? I believe I paid them somehow, as it is a payday loan how can it have gone 3years without them knowing I owed them money??? I can't afford to even offer to pay some agreed amount if I do owe them but, I believe I paid them and I don't want to end up with a CCJ or something nasty as a result! But, I have had not clear communication just text messages and a 0845 to ring them and pay! this is not right, help me please! please help. any adv pls.
  22. Adding My Final Post I Think To My Thread, Received A Letter From Welcome Finance Advising They Have Refunded A Further ***£389*** In Charges That Were Raised On The Account Due To The Arrears. Charges Which I Complained About After I Received The Ppi Refund, It Took Them Almost 2 Months But, I Had Kept Quiet This Time Hoping To Just Just Buy Me A Small Claim Pack & Begin Court Action As I Had Pre-warned Them Due To Their Already Shown Unprofessional Behaviour I Will Commence Court Action Without Further Warning After 8weeks, So 7weeks Later A Nice Letter And A Credit To The Account!! I Am So Pleased And I Know It Takes Time And Hard Work To Get Anything Out Of Them Of All Pple But, It's Worth It In The End!! Thanks To Everyone Who Helped Me Since I First Posted This Thread!! Xx
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