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  1. It seems that all the gyms use ARC as a debt collection agency. I am having exactly the same problems with Next Generation at the moment. I joined up and then basically could not go to the gym due to health problems and never actually set foot in the place - in actual fact they banned me unless I had a Dr's letter. After 4 months of paying fees I decided to cancel but now they are trying the chase me for £227 (the excat amount they already had in the 4 months). I have provided medical proof and proof I already paid £227 to them but now ARC are doing the usual threats and the fictitious Trevor Munn solicitors letter thing. I basically told them that they would not get one more penny from me and if they wanted to take to court then they could go ahead and knock themselves out. Ibn a court of law there would be no case to answer as the terms and conditions state 3 reasons why membership can be terminated early and one of these is illness or injury. These compnaies and the debt collecters are just trying to bully us poor unsuspecting people into handing over money which we do not owe by using frightening tactics. Good luck to all on here who is going through the same thing - stay strong and lets win the fight!
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