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  1. Hi, I posted a thread back in May about my fiance's old debt with MBNA which Link had taken on. We sent them your template letter requesting a copy of the signed CCA. That was sent to them on 28th May - we received a copy on 2nd September. I then posted on the back of my old thread but had no response - hence this new thread being created. What is our next step? The credit limit shown on the CCA is £2700, yet Link are demanding £4836!!! They are saying that we have breached clauses 1b and 8 of the agreements and are therefore demanding payment of the full amount by 9th October or further enforcement action will be taken. We are not disputing the fact that this is owed, but the extra £2000 is extreme I feel, and we know by other threads on here that Link are difficult to negotiate with - how do we come to an arrangement?? We are getting married in 3 weeks time and can do without this worry - it is beginning to keep us awake.
  2. We have received a response from Link regarding the request for the signed credit agreement. They have enclosed a copy of the signed agreement, with the credit limit on there too. What is our next step? As I know there was a time limit you mentioned etc. Also, if we need to start making repayments to them, how is best to negotiate and are they able to ask for £2000 more than the credit limit of the original debt??
  3. Hi, many thanks first of all for your help thus far. Just wanted to let you know that we sent the letter using template 'N' to Link Financial with a £1 postal order so that they did not get our bank details from a cheque. We also sent it recorded delivery. This was on 28th May. It is now 17th June and we have had no response as yet - do we need to do anything further? Or do we just wait for their response no matter how long it may take? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. This is all new for us so apologies for needing to be lead through every step!!
  4. Hi, we have been paying £100 per month for last years (07/08) council tax arrears - this was before Christmas last year. Come April of this year, obviously the new year's bill came out, asking for £98 per month for 08/09. As this was practically doubling our bill, we wrote to the council offering payment of £125 per month to pay for both bills (paing £98 on the current 08/09 bill and taking the remaining £27 from last year's 07/08 bill). The council had asked for a financial summary last year when we agreed the £100 per month for the arrears. They responded to the offer of £125 for both with a resolute "not acceptable". They said going by our financial summary, they advised us to contact our creditors and reduce their payments by half to claw back the extra £98 needed per month. We were obviously stressed about this, as creditors are not always easy to deal with. We contacted the creditors and told them the situation and what we needed to do with halving our repayments to them. Some have been ok, others are still grumbling. However, April's payment could not be met as we had paid our creditors the normal amount that month - May becomes due, and the car that my husband needs to get to work (we live in a village and he works shifts) needed repairs totalling over £400 - some of it we put on credit cards which we can ill afford to do, but what choice did we have?? The rest we had to pull out of our monthly income (I am on Incapacity Benefit so do not bring in a decent amount of money otherwise we wouldn't be in the predicament we are in!). I wrote to the council to advise them of all this and said we would pay the £100 this month (which we just have ) and endeavour to make the £198 (which we will struggle to do I might add!) at the end of June. This morning, I receive their response in the post basically saying that if we do not pay off the arrears of £300 approx plus the keep up the current payments on both accounts, then they will take us to court and get an attachment of earnings for last year's bill of £114 - £14 more than we currently pay. So they are willing for us to not only have our payments doubled from £100 to £198, by refusing our offer of £125, but to add another £14 on top of that!! We have never been unwilling to pay, but the current arrangement is crippling us - and once you get unforeseen expenses like the car it just proves impossible. Please can someone give us any advice - I am really at my wits end! I don't know what else to do!
  5. Should our next step be to send a CCA letter? Is there a best template to use for this?:?
  6. Yes, the letter does have the original MBNA card number as a reference, as well as a Link Financial reference number. How should we respond to it?
  7. He got the card about 6 years ago, and was paying it normally to MBNA when the card was active. Then it must be about 2 and half years since he made a payment as (to cut a long story short) he was going through a split with his partner and financially he was left with a lot to sort out. He lost his house etc. So the last time a payment will have been made will be then. Do we need to send a CCA letter, as I keep reading posts on here where people are mentioning this quite often.
  8. Hi, many thanks for replying to me - I have kept and am keeping a record of all "contact" no matter the route taken by them. Thankfully, the neighbour hasn't passed on any more messages, however, we have had direct contact twice now in the past couple of days by post. The first was a postcard just asking us to call a name and then a number was given - no company details were on that. The second has been a letter from them on letterheaded paper. We now have a reference number and an account balance, which is over £2000 more than my partner's credit limit on the card he had years ago - so I dont know where they have this amount from! Do I scan this letter and let one of you see the wording? They are asking for the full balance in the letter. They say it is due immediately.
  9. Hi - I am a newbie on here and had to join just to help put my mind at rest! My partner has just had a note given to him from one of our neighbours asking him to ring 'NAME' on a London number - very weird. Rang them, did not answer with a company name, just asking personal details - my partner did not tell them anything, not even his name. I looked up this person's name on the web and found that it was Link Financial - my partner did have an MBNA credit card years before he met me - what should be our next step? We do not own our own home, and financially we are not in the greatest position. :?
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