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  1. Hi sequenci I'm going to fight them all the way, but how do I go about it? The DMP is promise debt solutions. I will get onto the FOS first thing tomorrow. The letter I recieved from the solicitors says that if I havent made full repayment of the £9700 balance by 1030AM tomorrow, then they will take further action against me (which I found out today was the intended CO) thanks for your help
  2. Hi Martin thanks for the reply, Natwest are not offering a new loan, they want to secure the debt which I owe them against my house. Thanks Mike
  3. Hi everyone Just been reading through the fourms the last couple of days. Lots of useful info. My situation, heavily in debt, currently on a DMP. All creditors ok, but Natwest now threatening to take me to court and refusing to accept reduced payements. They want to turn my unsecured loan into a secured one. This hasn't reached court yet but the solicitors acting on behalf of natwest admitted to my DMC this morning this is what their intentions are and they have no intention of accepting a reduced payment offer. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
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