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  1. That's why I mentioned the MOT site as it lists several years of MOT's and where they were performed etc ... with the recorded mileage on, so at least you can check out the guy YOU bought the car from, and poss earlier too.....
  2. If you have a current M O T certificate you can go to the VOSA site part of the Gov site and read off a current history of the MOTs registered to that car............... If I recall you will need a number from an MOT in your possession...... http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/OwningAVehicle/Mot/DG_10020539 Was the current MOT mileage, near the milage recored on your invoice............ or advert ... Check out the Sales of goods Act 1979 .............
  3. I’ve been away and still not got ALL my information Defence has to be filed by the 2nd, so far they still haven’t got or sent me a full set of account detail’s etc…. Defence can’t be complete as I’ve not ALL the facts…. Embarrassed? So So failure to supply CPR requirements by due date, and when asked by the court to do so, just sent copies - same again, No list of charges and explanations… as CPR requested No termination letter, No original documents. …as stated and recorded in this the newer contract, and its 4 separate pages….could be a complete mix of anyone’s doc’s Credit token replaced, No copy of agreement sent …..with new token (breech of contract) Passed my details on to other company, DCA - and harassed by such Data Protection act. No assignment? Door stepped by original company I also have these and it seems the judge, although trying to help me has, pointed the other judge to action the agreement request, but the company have failed to fulfil the CPR request? I have started to work though the docs I have and can lay my hands on, plus what they sent me Help and advice welcomed please……. Court Paper 1.pdf Court Paper 2.pdf CPR18 request 070710HSBCcleared copy.pdf
  4. I sent 2 CCA's quoting both agreement numbers, as you would, they sent me the recent doc's as you can see ...and the other postal order back.....I think they can't find the "original fixed loan agreement" as it was from memory a couple of years further back! Time for an SAR and which account number to use... the oldest I would think for the fixed loan?
  5. Bought a PC and Laptop with a store fixed loan - not a credit card .....wanted to stay with it as it was very good terms.........forced to move the loan.....to a card type agreement as they said they were finishing doing that type of agreement! So I want a copy of the first agreement......fixed loan.......as requested but my guess is they can't find it..... So interest rates yes, and ppi issues, also, when they eventually issued a follow on card (2007) I'm positive they broke the rules, as it also changed companies.
  6. These doc's are from an action where HFC changed me (I had no choice at the time, they moved the loan) from an original store (PCWorld) loan........which the number is on this "contract" and they refuse to send me those original doc's ......from what I read and research, they haven't complied with my original CCA as it was for BOTH accounts and had 2 separate postal orders in, plus when they issued a replacement card, (time expired) they didn't send me a copy of the agreement, so as such should have entered default, and of course they have been charging me interest ever since..... This has come about as they took a high and might attitude with me ... less they forget I'm the customer, I have complained several times and they have just, ignored me, so I wanted to check out the "files" as it were and see if I actually owe them "all the money" as any saving at the moment is a bonus.....I hate big companies bashing individuals.....
  7. I wanted a copy of the "original agreement" from which this newer agreement was generated..... but they keep ignoring my request ....... I cant find the original agreement from a deal at PCWorld way before this pdf'd one, Its subject to a dispute re ...section 85 I think, as they have passed me through 3 companies ( HFC /Household Bank /Beneficial Finance) since the HFC Lincoln office closed way back....didn't tell me of the changes ... and now bullying me to move the account, (Weightmans) so I wanted to see if they were acting in a proper manner! They have also bumped the rate every time it was switched, and want to offer me another on a higher rate again! I think the only way to sort this will be to ask for another SAR..... cheers for peeking.....
  8. I have an issue with HFC, and they aren't sending me the original agreement, its quoted on these scanned documents, but they have not as yet sent me (true) copies....These other documents are from, what they say are what I've asked for! So if these are the correct papers, are they legal, have I missed anything on them/ please have a look for me..... is the fact the've changed companies 3 times since I dealt with them originally? Cheers ps I have just been reading this thread http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general/33174-consumer-credit-act-agreements-2.html and it seems I will need to send a SAR to them as I have a second card, same account, replaced due to outdated, and I haven't got a copy of the sign agreement with the paperwork they sent!..... reading the thread, this makes them in Default? or have I got that wrong? HFC Docs v4.pdf
  9. Hi Sorry tale with regard to Virgin and the customer service mishmash..... Wanted to request a bill, as I'd not had one in ages, rang up, requested, girl pressed the button - No bill...... rang again - Guy sorted it after I suggested they could F off as I was outside the contracted period of the "contract" - other than the details of me moving the equipment 3 times as I moved house, no details or invoices etc or the list of my 6 or 7 letters demanding recompense re the seriously crap first instal at my present house........ Well after a couple of hours he rang me back and cut the bill from £156 to £100, I said "I'd consider it" - He also found out from IT that if he sent be a bill it didn't get printed _ therefore not delivered! His last words were "you can check your account online" ( they'd blocked the service!) I said NO BILL - NO Payment because I wanted to check that they were' over charging me as I have a V+ and XL which meant the V+ box is free (£5) etc ...... Rang again to down grade service to broadband only - or quit, ( been a customer since NTL was NEW) and was rudely and abruptly told to pay - and was made to feel like a liar as she said You've had the bills ......... etc etc ... wouldn't read the notes and refused to hand me to a line manager when I challenged her attitude. By now we are also being written to by credit control and the normal team saying - you owe us blah blah .......... 4 separate amount within 4 working days ! scratches heads works it out, discounts etc ....... also now not being able to use any of the service.....(so I'm not going to pay any rental etc) This morning I get a letter from the monkeys in Stockport (Moorcroft) stating that they are acting for Virgin - ( thinking of SAR & copy of letter of assignment!) wanting an inflated figure, from an account which is clearly in dispute, and hasn't been resolved to my satisfaction, ---- still haven't had any bills / invoices, in the post OR on the email ....... These 3 broadband dongles are fab aren't they! Virgin - I wouldn't touch em with a your barge pole ...... Advice welcome to how I whack these muppets, into giving me my invoices and an apology........
  10. Good old Debitas sent me more "you will conform" printed rubbish today, so I sent them a letter outlining the following "Office of Fair Trading Guidelines on Debt Collection" with a 7 day clause in it.
  11. Hi Sharpman I sent a CCA at first to qualify the contract etc... and since they are now hassling me and not answering, having sent me in effect autographed junk mail! I now require the full account details AND a list of charges they have applied to the account, because as of the date of the CCA expiry they are in breach of the laws, and cannot levy charges etc, and also cannot harass me. so a SAR is the only way to find out what they have done with the account and more important the details and to whom they have passed it and again as I see it they have broken the law in passing my information on an account which is in DISPUTE. Wessels cheers DD
  12. Hi Slick and thank you for the welcome to the boards. Yes I did, I used postal orders, and sent them in separate letters both recorded too! So I wait to see what else they send me. Cheers
  13. Hi guys Having crossed swords with Cap One I now have to battle with BCard. I sent them a letter at the end of June stating my financial position to which they replied - Well if you get in to trouble please contact us - *****! Hum, this is going to be fun me thinks. I was continually contacted by phone but no letters so having researched the subject on here CAG. I sent a harassment letter 08/07/08 and a CCA letter as they were driving me mad by contacting me so many times a day. Letter from BC customer relations! vowing the resolve the compliant by the 12/08/08 second letter since date moved to 10/09/08. 21/08/08 I sent letters regarding the CAA failure (they sent me a complaint reply letter and a "we value your feedback leaflet") this now has a new 7 day deadline - and a S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) also a Stern reminder of the telephone harassment letter with a copy going to TS and OFT and my MP. Anything else I should do guys? Cheers DD
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