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  1. The guarantee which was produced on my sar was dated 15 Nov 2004 and for 10k. I was aware of this. The second guarantee was sent to me after the court hearing a few weeks ago was dated 21 Jan 2005 for 10k. This was a surpriseas I had no recollection of this and it was not provided in the sar or as evidence in the court hearing. My claim against RW was based on evidence from the sar. I have until Monday morning to inform the court on whether we have reached a settlement and of course we have not. Not sure what to tell the court.
  2. I must have entered into the guarantee as my signature was on there. We are talking about 8 years ago so my recollection is vague.
  3. I would appreciate some advice on the following. I was being pursued for a debt by Robinson way- ex HSBC This is because I was a guarantor for a company debt. I paid all but 6k by monthly payments but they started to press for lump sum payment. As a result I initiated a SAR and discovered my liability was 10k and I had already repaid 12k. They also failed to provide proof of call up of the guarantee. I made a cc claim to recover my overpayment. At the hearing the only defence offered was that I was also liable for interest. The judge ordered a stay to agree a settlement. The solicitors for RW were very evasive, but when we finally spoke they said there was a second guarantee for a further 10k. I have to notify the court end of this week and was looking for some advice on a response. Many Thanks, John
  4. I was a director of a company, that was wound up . I along with 2 other directors had guaranteed a bank loan. Nat west are now trying to recover the monies through their solicitors, and have issued a county court papers. The original debt was £37,000, and one of the directors paid £17,000 in settlement of his obligation about a year ago. I offered to pay monthly installements, but this was declined. The claim submitted to the court is for £37,000 plus interest. I disputed the claim, because I know that at least £17,000 has been paid already. I received further information from NW solicitor last week and they are still claiming £37,000. The statement of account sent me is for me only and have no visibilty of the the other two accounts. Can you advise what I should do next. I understand that I have to repay an amount, but until I agree the outstanding balance I have no starting point. Thanks .... John.
  5. A couple of years ago a business of which I was a director was liquidated. There was a loan which I an and another director were guarantors. Ther was a flurry of letters from RBS at the time of liquidation claiming the legal paperwork for my second charge had not been completed, but nothing was concluded. I have been making payments to RBS since then, but my intention was to re-morgage and discharge thye debt. I have been unable to do this as thye second charge is putting off lenders. I have asked RBS several times to send me evidence of the legal charge, and they have not responded. I would welcome any advice on this.
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