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  1. I need help very fast. I've only been with brighthouse for a 10 weeks and i have a television an a laptop from them. I finished work recently and had to claim benefits, but while the claim went through i missed 2 weeks payments. I have explained why and have offered to pay it in 2 halves but they are not interested in, in part payment they want it all. This has resulted in another week being missed as they are refusing that too. I have asked them to cancel the insurance on the items but they wont, even though i have home insurance, they say i signed a contract and i cannot get out of it. Now, over the last 2 weeks i have 98 missed calls and 6 home visits. I wont answer my phone, because i know i cant pay it, and they won't listen. Last night the manager came to my house with a van and another man (big, bouncer type lol) and said he wanted the laptop, i refused and he said if full payment is not made today, they will be back at close of business today. THey both smirked at everything i said and were very arrogant. My 11 year old boy has just answered the phone while i was in the bath and they told him to tell me to have the tv & laptop ready for 5 o clock, as they are collecting them. 10 minutes later, they called my neighbour who was a reference, and told her the same. I feel so humiliated. AS i have explained to them, i am still able to afford the payments, its the arrears, i am struggling with. I dont want them to collect the goods, and i am scared to open my door or answer the phone. Can anyone advise me what i am best to do here as i have worked myself up into a right state.
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