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Everything posted by audiobookman

  1. sorry for not replying sooner, anyways. sar 2011 - no record of me.... it transpired that they were chasing someone with a very similar name to min?? i thought they worked on NI numbers??!!? roll on two years later, another begging letter (last week) lol. Ive hit them with a sb letter, and also attached a copy of the SAR i recieved in 2011 to show they have no record of me. Now the waiting game, im really not losing sleep as its a silly amount of money, but i will never pay them.
  2. Hi guys Thought i would post up how simple my ppi claim was. I called around end of jan to request my ppi to be cancelled and for a refund. I got the amount i was paying and worked out they owed me around 2.5k YESTERDAY, i got a letter approving my claim and settling for 5.2k!!! I had forgotton that i had consoladated a loan years and years ago and they automatically refunded the lot = intest I thought at the time it was too easy to claim (the tv adverts make it sound like you will fail without them), but i suspect my claim im about to start with capital one wont be so easy. Thanks to this forum it gave me the guts to go ahead with the claim.
  3. oh well just spoke to them, the lady i spoke to was very nice but its correct, she said they had been inundated with ex boi calls expressing thier displeasure at this hike, i only called to get my balance and redemption date, i have until july before my fixed rate comes to an end so i can spend a bit of time assessing the market. i think a call to my mp may also be on the cards.
  4. i take it you got the letter as well yesterday??, i was gobsmacked with it, i took out the best mortgage i could fine when we purchased, we went into our local bristol and west and they offered us an excellent fixed rate deal for the time, and they were excellent to deal with. I remember when we first purchased how helpful they were - one month because of strike action at work i struggled - they agreed to suspend payment that month and just up the payments before the next statement was due saving intrest and late payment fees - they were excellent for us. we have gone from a mainstream bank to an unknown entity, we have always payed on time and we dont actually owe that much now (Well below 30k). I dont really want to move mortgages as its such a pain in the rear, but i think i will be having a word with my independant mortgage advisor to see if he can get me anther fixed term mortgage to term, we have been paying approx 5% all the way though. also were not buy to let so have someone must have made a mistake with us maybe?
  5. Hi, our mortgage is currently 10 years old, we started of in the bristol and west, then it went to another company i cannot remember the name, then the bank of ireland, and now its moved to the mortgage works (part of the nationwide building society). The changing of companies hasnt been an issue for us as we have always been in fixed rate. Anyhow we got a letter today which has confused me, or its designed to probo rip people off. Our fixed rate is coming to an end next year but the way the mortgage works seems a bit suspect. they have stated anyone on standard varible rate will remain on it until april (currently at 2.99%) then move over to TMW residential managed rate (RMR) which is currently at a whopping 4.79%!!!!. as a consession they are letting customers stay on the svr until april (how nice and deacent of them) Is this normal pratice now in mortgage companys - we have been sheltered because of the fixed rates, or should i just jump the sinking ship as soon as the fixed rate expires. any insight to this? thanks
  6. thanks mate, i will hit them with a SAR and see where that leads, the money isnt the issue at all, its the principle of the matter - 13 years later is not acceptable in anyones book - so there is probo little chance of tracking down where this money went. thanks again either way im not paying it lol
  7. yes your correct ive never claimed anything from the social, infact im one of the lucky ones that have wandered job to job without ever having to make a claim. The deatilas re £40 for a crisis loan in 1998 and the rest was for 3 other payments to gas and electric??? im totally bemused by this as ive prided myself in not having stepped foot in a jobcentre in my life - now they are coming to me.... im starting to suspect that fraud may be the problem here, surely they could just check my work record and see ive been paying my stamp for nearly 30years non stop... i may just put this in the "to be ignored" pile, its a remedial amount but i pay enough money to the govenment
  8. Hi guys Ive had a strange letter arrive from department of work and pensions, Basically its about a dept outstanding from 1998!!. The letter states that i already knew about this debt and gave me only a few weeks to pay. I rang them up and it was legit - they told me to contact another number as i had / still have no clue what this is about. Anyways i finally recieved a letter saying i owed about £120 for a emergancy loan from the socal fund in 1998, no other paper work just i owed it????!!!. I then rang and said no as its statute barred, they replied that social loans are statute excempt???!!! I then told them i want some proof - they said my national insurance number was enough!!. Heres the clincher - ive worked for the same company for 23 years now, and NEVER claimed any benifit since the day i left school. - they dont seem to care and have ignored my requests and question. Could someone please tell me if this is statute exempt? many thanks for your help
  9. this has just evolved, on my birthday typically... anyways knock on the door, a chap says he from robers way and that he has some money for me LMAO!! i told him under dispute go away in not so many words, he left a hand written note with final notice etc etc and to phone him. i think i will be sending a letter of bemused to robbersway and a only by mail letter - anyone have any good sarcasitic ones i could post to these cretins. cheers abm the card also has the collectors phone number on there, local number as well??, should i post it so you guys can have some fun?
  10. o well its been quiet here, westcott kept sending thier threato -grams which just went in the file with the rest of the toilet tissue. now yesterday robbersway have sent a formal demand for payment, letter dated 4/11/10 and has to be payed in full within 10 days ????!!!! reading the letter is laughable, they MAY process of enforcement of court offficers (what??!!) an order for deductions from your earnings (with no cca and the company admitting one isnt avalible - id like to see that) an unpaid court fee may make credit difficult to obtain (hmmm jumping the gun there) It looks to me these are the lowest of the bottom feeders, am i correct?. as ive stated halifax have already written to me stating they have no cca but want me to continue paying??!! I suppose it wont stop with them im now waiting for scottcall to pick it up as i know they do door stop visits, i have some lovely opened 3 year old cake and matured milk for a cuppa tea to offer them when they arrive. these companies are laughable, the cats out of the bag over thier quiet frankly shady, borderline legal (probo not though) services why do they even bother, they know they wont see a penny when the victim has the correct information to hand - at a guess i think the internet has hit these con artist hard over reacent years.
  11. sorry for not posting for a while, been really busy here as per usual, lost my car just before xmas and was in pretty bad shape because of the accident, along with other things this has slipped my mind. anyways, ive had dozens and dozens of letters all going in the folder to be ignored, its been though half a dozen collection companies to the pre litigation then mysteriously changes to another collection agency. just had another letter this morning from midas (im 99% sure its moorcroft) they made ME an offer to pay THEM £170 per month LMAO. now they have sent it to pre school erm i mean litigation (what the hell is that??!!, your either service a litigation or not - they seem to have another branch in between?!?!) and they may take me to court, in fact i wish they would then i could get them to stop killing all the poor trees with the garbage they produce. well its been a year now, ive not said a thing to them, i have truecall on my phone line have noted we still get 1-2 calls a week from the blacklist - but other than the bomardment of toilet tissue coming though the door all has been quiet, power to contact gave up after one home visit, still waiting for them to come back??!! only 5 more years then statute barring (yippee), till then i just file the rubbish in the usual place. i never thought i would have the bottle to do this and thank you all for your help - i have now seen first hand how underhanded and pathetic these leeches of society are. thanks again, i will try to keep the thread updated more frequently when i get my scanner back on line
  12. Further update for those intrested. the account has now been passed onto power2contact. these idiots done a doorstep call this morning when we were out. thats two companies, should i just ignore them now as the account has been in dispute for about 6 or 7 months now. does anyone want me to post up the threat monkeys name and number lol....
  13. sorry peeps for not replying - my pc decided to blow its main board and i had to get a new one, finally back on line yippeee. anyways, thanks for the advice. halifax have dropped a right clanger here, they put a default on before the 15th september which they said was the cut of date. i got a letter on the 12 dated the 7th here it is then this morning 2 more letters arrived, im assuming this is a letter of assignment the idiots decided they are also gona charge me £22+ for the pleasure on a CLOSED ACCOUNT with NO credit agreement!!!! then this OMG im now quaking in my shoes, actually im quacking with laughter. what are these people on, the account is in dispute and has been for months, they need to realise that if it wasnt for thier pure greed then the account would probo still be active today... Thankyou personally 3tea for pointing out that the account number had been craftly entered down the right hand side of one of previous letters, ive since removed this. do you think i should send the bemused letter now? cheers
  14. hiya been quiet until sat when i recieved this- as you can see its dated 25th aug!!!! then this morning is that a default notice? if so it must be invalid anyways as i only recieved the warning on sat. plus its still in dispute. should i just file under ignore? cheers
  15. WOW thank you both for that, they are very crafty basically reading the letter they sent they are saying we have a signed agreement but we wont let you have it until it goes to court - even though they have had a legal request for a copy of it. I will defo get a copy of that letter to them now, ive not cpr them but now i have this letter i dont think there is a need to, if it did go to court the judge would see that ive requested the cca and they have withheld it / not got one. ive still yet to hear from blair oliver and scott - i suppose it will only be a matter of time before i have to send them the bemused letter as well. thanks again i will keep you posted of any further developments. abm
  16. Another update it has been quiet around here, no phone calls just the occasional letter telling me to pay. went away on holiday last week and when we returned this was on our doorstep included was a copy of all the stuff they sent before, no signed copy of the credit agreement. funny they seem to think they still have the right to take my first born without it. any pointer on which direction i should take now or just ignore them - they have admitted they dont have a copy of the agreement in this letter - and yet they still want to process my information!!! cheers abm
  17. sorry about that i couldnt get my scanner working for some reason so had to take a photo, it seems readable im going to ring the FOS tomorrow as the halifax have failed a number of times to even acknowlege they have a dispute, failed to provide me with any complaints proceedure, i really hope they go bust.
  18. so can anyone tell me what letter i should write to them now, im well and truely annoyed that they basically stole from my acccount without any agreements or authorisation. thanks
  19. yep didnt even get an application form with mine, but i already knew i wouldnt as i didnt even apply for the card
  20. update, hi people, its been very quiet around here since i done the change of number. anyways this morning i recieved a letter from the bank of scotland saying they had now taken the money out of one of my accounts. ive been waiting for that account to close and all it had in there was enough money to cover any straggling direct debit that havent yet made it to my new account. this account has been in dispute now 26th may 2009 - ive rang up the number (yes i know) but funnily enough i didnt get any pressure, i explained the problem but said he couldnt do a thing i would need to speak to customer services. i then got some dragon saying about the terms and conditions that they can take etc etc etc, i stated to her that there were no conditions as they have failed on my legal request but she must have been thick so i gave up and put the phone down. so they have illegally taken money from my account, is this a case of reporting the thieft to the police or do i need to take this the legal route. the account i was hoping would have been closed a long time back but transferre of banks is a long drawn out process. who would i need to report this too. i will scan the letter they sent later.
  21. LMAO, i cant beileve it, they sent me an email saying about changing my details, and today not a single call - what a bright company!!!
  22. excellent tip with the phone numbers, ive edited mine - my home is now just a load of zeros, but my mobile is now some date line number i found in the back of the paper at a cost of £1.50 pm. didnt get round to sending the telephone harrasment letter today hopefully i will get it done tomorrow. spot on there with them sticking thier fingures in thier ears, i can imagine the whole call centre doing that when any cag member calls. in the mean time we have had about 15 calls today - ive checked though our caller log on the phone and its totalled 54 since thurs, now if that not harrisment im not sure what is.
  23. Oh well its started, we have had about 30 calls on the land line, and a lovely letter stating that i have an outstanding balance and they are good enough to put late charges on etc. where do these people come from, dont they realise what ACCOUNT IN DISPUTE means. im sending them a harrasment by telephone letter tommorow and will also include a bog off letter. i think a complaint to the oft may well be in order now as they have completly ignored my cca request and my letter of dispute.
  24. just a quick update- well its been quiet atm, my payment was due on friday i think, i feel really bad not paying it, but then again ......... they have had the account in dispute letter for a good couple of weeks now so know they wont be recieving payment towards the account. im dreading tomorrow now - i just know that phone is going to start ringing. if its gets that bad i will invest in a truecall. one good thing is the payment i was suppose to use for the card has gone towards buying an new car for my wife, wont take us long with the amount i was paying halifax everymonth. I suppose it will be blair oliver and snot that will be harrasing me over the comming weeks now. i will keep you posted. abm
  25. this is what i originall sent them-[ CODE]This letter is a formal request pursuant to s.77(1) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. I require you to provide me with a true copy of the credit agreement relating to the above account, together with any other documentation the Act requires you to provide. I expect you to comply fully and properly with this request, within the statutory time limit. You are reminded that should you fail to comply with my request, the provisions of s.77(6) will apply. Your attention is drawn to ss.5(2), 3(b),6 and 7 of the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (CPUTR). I enclose a postal order in the sum of £1.00, which is the statutory fee. Note that these funds are not to be used for any other purpose. If you are unable to comply fully and properly with this request, you should confirm this in writing at the earliest opportunity, and certainly within the statutory time limit for compliance, and return the fee. We look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully[/code] page 1 document 1 - ive just scanned the first page, there is a lot of pages on both sides document 2 same as document 1 nearly now correct me if im wrong, they have not satisfied my request at all, there is no signature and the agreement is not in 4 corners of the page. thanks for your help abm
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