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Everything posted by missy1980

  1. I dont know what to do and need advice..... About 5-6 years ago when I was in my teens I had 2 accounts with the halifax. From what I can remember I never had an authorised overdraft and went over it by about £20 for some reason. I moved abroad for a year and when I came back both accounts had accrued about £200 worth of chgs. The acc was sold to an external debt collection agency and I agreed to pay £20-30pm to them on each account. A year later towards the end of the debt I had ltrs confirming that they would wipe the reminder of debt which was about £20. I kept these in my dads place for a few years before I bought my own place. When moving I threw out stuff that was years old including the ltrs conf debt paid off............ biggest mistake ever............. 4 years after paying the accounts off I get a statement from each account fr halifax saying that I had gone overdrawn and immediate pyt was needed. I rung and advised them that the debt finished 4 years ago with external agent and I wasnt paying them any more charges, they denied ever sending it to another debt agency. I asked the gent if he would tell me the reason why chgs had started being added on by halifax after 4 year gap, he couldnt answer my question. I wrote in a complaint 6 mths ago as advised, heard nothing back so assumed everything was ok, then today I get a phonecall from a new external agency. she said I had to pay arrears, told her about dispute and that id take legal action against halifax but she basically said I wouldnt have a leg to stand on without them letters from 4 years ago. As soon as I mentioned that I knew my rights about taking further action as I work within bank collections she was basically saying to me that I should know better and just pay it off. When I said I was still taking further action she said try but it wont get me anywhere. What do I do now? Ive paid the original debt and now they want it paying again. Halifax cant answer why after 4 years they started charging me. Im adament that Im not paying the accounts 2nd time round......... Im just going into the spare room now to scream as im so frustrated over this. Any help or advice would be great as im new to this site/forum Missy xx
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