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  1. I hope someone can help me. Moved into property about two months ago managed by agent, as soon as we moved in Landlord decided to manage property themselves. To cut a long story short property was not initially advertised as being supplyed by LPG and no info on supplier, however after discussing with neighbours we found supplier who demanded an up front payment of £500.00 to fill existing tanks in garden so we decided to look locally for supplier for LPG, we found one who came out to see us and informed us tanks were illegally sited in line with current legislation and that we needed a new adaptor fitted which would enable us to have LPG by new supplier that we have sourced this would be more beneficial to us and more convenient.This will cost £200.00 We have contacted Landlord who are stating that although they are aware tanks are now illegal in line with current legislation we can use the company who fitted tanks the company who want an up front payment of ££500.00. I feel that everyone has a right to source their own supplier and that Landlord should be responsible for having adaptor fitted ie costs I have contacted agent who has stated he was not informed or told that tenants HAD to use a supplier designated by landlord Please can someone advise:|
  2. Hello There As consumer forums have been invaluable in the past regarding employment issues, I am now facing a housing issue December 2009 we rented a property for what we beleived from 9/12/09 to run to 9/12/10 Initially we payed 6 months rent up front plus an additional 2000 pounds deposit protection scheme. We have been very happy and recently changed our rent payment date from 15th 25th of month when rent became due. We have had endless problems with things that have needed doing in the house, anyway the landlord has now had 7000 pounds off us in seven months and ids now seeking possession under Ground 1 in schedule 2 to the housing act 1988 he has also become very aggressive and although notice has not yet been served as this was accidentally detailed to me on my answerphone by mistake by an estate agents who should have left a message on landlords phone. The landlord is now coming round on Monday evening to fix a light switch and look at property, however notice has not yet been served and he has stated that if we are not here he will enter premises with his own keys, my concern is is he allowed to do this and if I am not here and my two dogs attack him where do I stand Many Thanks Wally
  3. Hi everyone Just wanted to let everyone know I got the result I wanted or at least near that, dont get me wrong it has been at the cost of my health and home but at least now I can look forward they will also provide a reference which I know will be bog standard, I am now looking for a home privately. I just feel that justice in a way has been done, it is an experience that I think will take me a long time to get over, but I urge everyone not to give up if you are innocent then continue till you reach a result, these large companies who bully and harrass their front line staff should be ashamed. Thanks to everone on here who has helped me continue the fight
  4. Well had my meeting yesterday, stayed very calm they gave me a figure and talked a lot about corporate law saying it couldnt be any hegher due to something with insurance, they said have a think about it and gave me a draught copy of compromise agreement which I am taking to my solicitor toda to have a look. Anyhow my self and husband discussed it last night and we have upped the amount of which they offered, they are now not responding however my acknowledgement letter from tribunal came to day also saying they accept the claim, what do I do now??
  5. Thankyou everyone, I would just like a figure in my head, especially following the document where compainants were identifyed the same source so it clearly shows no impartial investigation took place just a further witch hunt, they want me out of my house as quickly as possible as I guess potentially I could now bring a case against the complainants for slander and fictitious lies. Not easy finding somewhere to live quickly so I will need to private rent
  6. Thanks so much, your right I have lost my faith in human beings and will never be who I was, and I am going to stick by my guns, the document is very safe. Feel very nervous about meeting Thanks everyone so much, where are you with your sit Jackie and wayne
  7. The company know if this goes to tribunal with all the facts and proof of documentation, the bullying and harrassment. And now with the new investigation notes identifying the same sources of allegations the man who assaulted me ect. They clearly show that they never showed that they were trying to defend me or act impartially it is disgusting reading that a company can stick the boot in to a innocent person just because its more hassle then to protect the people who they provide a service too. And now although we want to get out we have to uproot and find somewhere to live, I am so angry
  8. I have just been offered a compromise agreement and have been asked what I may be looking for,obviously this will need in incorporate us looking for a place to live, Can anyone please help as to how you determine a figure on this
  9. So what could the meeting be he said a frank honest discussion
  10. They have told me urgently that I must not discuss this and that everything is on hold pending our informal meeting on Monday, the complainants have clearly lied and made false allegations and the company have a duty to protect them, however the compainants have lied this man is travelling 200+miles on Monday. Does anyone know what the consequences would be if the complainants knew I had their details and what they had complained about??
  11. Thanks Jackie and Wayne sounds as if things are progressing nicely for you, Wishing you luck
  12. Just a useless bit of information but something to be remembered, yesterday I recieved a PDF document which set out new allegations with the complainants names blacked out, in order for me to respond as PDF documents dont allow you to add text, I converted the document to a word document, HEY PRESTO the complainants names are now clearly visible, and the company immediately breaches those tenants confidentiality. I now have the company falling over themselves requesting an informal meeting with me to discuss frank issues on Monday, unbeleivable, I am now tempted to take each compainant, five in total to court for defarmation/slander, anyone have an idea why the meeting is so urgent and why they now feel a complete duty of care to myself and my family
  13. Well yesterday i resigned due to this nightmare and today i recived a letter outlining a new disciplinary, as I am on a final written warning for something I havent done which has been appealed and upheld, they have now arranged a new hearing following the investigation, it says in the letter if one or more allegations are substantiated this could result in termination of employment which is what I knew the company would do. All the new allegations are complete fabrication from the same source. So after all this I resigned and am going to try to claim constructive dismissal, I know throughreading on here this is hard to prove but after the last two years with this awful company I have to try. I will also now lose my home and will probably never work in this field that I have been in for 20 years. I am absolutely crushed with all that has happened
  14. Or I could wait for them to dismiss me is what I think they want to do,and go for unfair dismissal
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