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  1. there both the same taxation class i think , its a little escort sized van ( 1700 cc ) and a 2 litre car , ive not accually checked to see if they are the same amount, ill have to pop out and look
  2. i know that feeling with the mail for sure . im guessing as they havnt flagged this up already there going to make my life a misery as is the nature of any goverment body , letter to be writern and posted wednsday , ill see what people come up with before then
  3. were missing info hereit will clearly state in the summons what the offence is i will take a stab in the dark and say its for not producing a driving licence and from the past as far as i know your offered an extension not a pardon to produce the licence , write tothe court detailing what you know and see what happens , the judge may dismiss without needing you there
  4. if you found the car in the next street would you be asking the same type of questions ?seems to me its as simple as can be , tell the cops where it is , its there job to then find out whom stole it , after they come through with an answer you react on that , scrapyards have to retain records , in the event of someone tricking them into paying for a car that was stolen they have to take this on the chin and pay compo to the person who was the rightfull owner , in other words they now owe you the full market value for that car not scrap pricein all honesty some scrappys drive around knocking ondoors in the hope an uncared for car will be brought for the right money ( bellow scrap value of approx 75 pounds per ton ) , seems to me there was no-one in so they helped themselfs get to the cop shop right now , dont tell us , tell the police
  5. got a second letter here from the dvla demanding monies for non sorn/taxing of the car , only thing is i have a slight problem , i taxed both the car and the van at the same time and that was on the 2nd of jan this year , the nice lady who lives a couple of doors up as it happens happly filled in the details both on the disc and scanned the letters as normal , ok so far ? then wrote out 2 tax disc , only problem is the dozy sod wrote them out with the same registration so both tax discs have the same reg on them , not a prob you would have thought as they were scanned ? nope sure enough 3 months in your car isnt taxed so pay up what can be done ? seems ihave a course of action .......................................................................................................................................................................................................surrender the discs at the post office ,,,, so im then out of work trapped in a village .................................................................................................................................................................................................................surrender the discs at the police station , so then im stranded 6 miles from home with a car/van not displaying pay the @@@@@ fine , why should i ? ive followed a legal obligation and it will then leave me with an issue of double jepady of trying to tax again the car thats taxed. already ................................................................................................................................................................................................................drive the car to northampton with it filled with fuel and drive it through the doors in a ball of flame hoping that the eradication of these bloody sucking vermin would solve the problem , ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................perhaps not but i get sorely tempted i really do tried to phone and sure enough the lines says press 1 for payment , press 2 to write to us then it cuts off , thank you dvla for that , so i thinks aha , contact via email at the office so hunt out online northamptons contact email address , not a chance there either , ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................so that leaves me hunting the internet for a tiny ickle bit of info , a sniff of help so i sit here with pen and paper looking to start the 3rd draft of a letter to these so called people , what the hell do you write , sorry the post office is incompitent ? sorry check your records and why didnt your records work in the first instance ? sorry but if you threaten me then expect legal recourse , im a little lost i really am , it cuts me that this is happening and theres no way of contacting these people directly and theres a clear reason why , so much hostility means there not interested but surly this is an indication of the publics feeling the very people whom they have a duty of care for ? who else would get to demand monies and get away with it ? .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................kindly help me out to draft something that doesnt indicate the fireball , any contact details be it a phone number or name of a higher authority would be increadably welcommed , the enforcement officers name is katie leah and thats about all i know .......................................................................................................oh a final thing , this letter will be sent out recorded delivery due to my unfailing trust in the post office ( sic ) and this will encour costs along with the previous stamp and phone call , i get fed up with paying for stuff like this where i incur costs based on the stupidity of others , do you think in my case i would have grounds and justification to seek costs in a court of law ?thanks for everyones time
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