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  1. Yes all of the arrears were paid off . As Ell-enn says I will wait until I get the written judgement through and then go forward . I am just relieved so much . I may be able to sleep tonight . Thanks to all for the support.
  2. Yes all of the arrears were paid off . As Ell-enn says I will wait until I get the written judgement through and then go forward . I am just relieved so much . I may be able to sleep tonight . Thanks to all for the support.
  3. Well the good news is that I still have my home , but I dont think that the judgement went entirely in my favour as the judge awarded a suspended possession for 12 months . I was also not awarded costs . To be honest everything went so quickly that I didnt have time to be be either nervous or THINK!:o
  4. Well the good news is that I still have my home , but I dont think that the judgement went entirely in my favour as the judge awarded a suspended possession for 12 months . I was also not awarded costs . To be honest everything went so quickly that I didnt have time to be be either nervous or THINK!:o
  5. Thanks for this info . I have checked this morning to see if it is still listed and it is . I have a statement that Ell- enn has prepared but basically I am like jelly . Barclays have been pretty horrendous to deal with as each person you speak to says something completely different to the last one . I really dont trust them at all.
  6. Thanks for this info . I have checked this morning to see if it is still listed and it is . I have a statement that Ell- enn has prepared but basically I am like jelly . Barclays have been pretty horrendous to deal with as each person you speak to says something completely different to the last one . I really dont trust them at all.
  7. Very interesting especially since my branch(LIVERPOOL) closed virtually overnight. According to the blurb they were going to give 2 months notice and write to those affected , I have still to get the relevant correspondence from them.
  8. CAn anyone on here shed any light on when Woolwich closed their branches last year please.
  9. I will send you a pm . I will however have to go to the bank first thing Monday and ask them to print me a statement of payments made , will that be acceptable ?
  10. I will send you a pm . I will however have to go to the bank first thing Monday and ask them to print me a statement of payments made , will that be acceptable ?
  11. Barclays said in early March that they would put the hearing on hold , they didnt however back this up in writing , how stupid am I ? for believing them .
  12. Barclays said in early March that they would put the hearing on hold , they didnt however back this up in writing , how stupid am I ? for believing them .
  13. It says '' We enclose by way of service the witness statement of **** *** on behalf of our client which we intend to rely on at the hearing of the mortgage possession proceedings .'' Does that help?
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