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  1. Thank you citizenB, yes the most important thing is, it was set aside, soooo yay i DID win!! and no the Judge did not know about LIP rates going up! many thanks for your input citizenB, this site is amazing!!
  2. Hi everyone, just to update, good news and bad news! good news is the Judge ( a rather stern and miserable one) awarded the SD be set aside, the bad news, no costs were awarded (which unfortunately was my own stupid fault!) I had claimed costs from Redwood Collections instead of TBI, the Judge also wanted to know where i got the figure of £18.00 per hr for LIP and i told him it had changed in Oct 2011, but thats about the only thing i got to say, Oh well I have certainly learnt from that mistake and i hope anyone reading this will also learn from my mistake, i cant thank the guys and gals on this site enough, you all really helped me get through it
  3. Thank you very much 42man for your advice, sounds good to me, will get onto it asap, once again many thanks
  4. Sorry citizenB, worded it wrong, sorry cant scan, but will type exactly what was received; I received a letter from court saying, Dear Madam, I write to advise you that the District Judge has directed that you receive a copy of a letter the court has received from Redwood Collections dated XX Feb 2012 (wont put exact date in case they watching) a copy of which is attached to this letter and to request your comments regarding the same. CitizenB I do apologise for not explaining properly, I really value the advice I get on here, hope this makes it clearer:-)
  5. Many thanks dx, and Havinastella, twas not me who saw them off it was this brilliant site and the brilliant guys and gals who give the advice, will update as i know more, hearing is the 15th March. One more question, do i let the court know i will still be attending, being as the judge asked for my comments regarding the letter? many thanks again
  6. Thanks for your quick reply, forgot to say that the judge requests my comment regarding this letter, sorry to sound thick but i assume i still got to court on hearing date and submit costs 24hrs before hearing? and daft as it sounds, would the judge ask why i was there if the Stat Demand has been withdrawn? many thanks
  7. Hi everyone, I have received a letter today from the court, forwarded from Redwood Collections, saying: Dear Sirs, We write in reply to your recent letter. Please accept this letter as confirmation that we have withdrawn our Statutory Demand and intend to supply the defendant with the information she has requested in due course. We will therefore not be attending the hearing. signed Redwood Collections. So what happens now? would really appreciate your excellent advice, thank you very much in advance
  8. Thank you very much for your replies havinastella and citizenB, will certainly do as you suggest, thanks again
  9. Hi All, received a letter from Redwood today saying: As no response has been received to our previous demands, we can only presume you either have no intention of paying or find yourself in financial difficulty. In the circumstances you have three choices, either:- 1/ Ignore this request 2/ Contact us immediately to state your intention to pay and take advantage of a discount of up to 50% (We are able to accomodate an instalmentplan, if you are unable to pay one lump sum), or 3/ Inform us of a valid reason for non-payment. If we do not hear from you within the next 10 days your details will be referred to our solicitors with a recommendation for further action(Bankruptcy if over 750.00) or we may pass your account back to our client to consider a doorstep visit. A pre paid envelope is enclosed for your convenience (there is no env enclosed) My question is, surely they must have received my set aside request from courts by now, if ive had mine? Many thanks in advance
  10. Hi, I have received two letters today, one from Redwood saying that I have ignored their Statutory Demand and they are in a position to present a Bankruptcy Petition against me, the other letter was from the court giving me a date and time of hearing, I assume Redwood got their court letter today also, am i right in thinking to just ignore letter from Redwood? (letters prob crossed in post) , Many thanks in advance for your help.
  11. Hi All, just a quick update, received a letter from courts today saying they have received my application for set aside and it is being referred to a District Judge, ( i presume this is what normally happens? ) will update when i know more.
  12. Hi All, just to let everyone know i have filed my application for set aside with the Courts today, just have to wait now for the hearing, I want to say a VERY big thank you to all of those who helped me get this far, i couldnt have done it without you or this site
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