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Sebastian Weetabix

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  1. Here in 2008, GE Money (UK) has a different (and misleadingly-titled) "Complaint Resolution Officer" - I'd name her, but the entry would (understandably) be removed by the web administrator. It's nice to see, however, that the new CRO is as much of a cretin when it comes to "complaint resolution" as any of her hapless predecessors. For not only is she blissfully unaware of telephone conversations made between the GE goons who pester customers on Sunday mornings in respect of accounts closed some 15 months earlier; she is also incapable of getting up-to-speed with actions taken by third parties involved in GE-customer disputes, actions that have "resolved complaints" with no assistance from her good self. The message is clear, screams at us all: have nothing to do with any business conducted by GE Money. Whether due to incompetence, or plain dishonesty, this company is serious bad news for the honest customer. Seb.
  2. GE Money are either grossly incompetent or simply downright dishonest. Either way, a pain for the customer. Writing to their Head of Collections - [edit] - is a waste of time. He / she / it never replies - other than to send further nasty letters demanding payment, threatening legal action, etc., and instructing hapless staff to phone the customer on a Sunday morning demanding payment on "debts" caused by GE's own incompetence / dishonesty. Honets customers are advised to steer well clear of GE Money and the store cards they operate. Seb.
  3. GE Money are a bunch of shysters. I am still in dispute with them over a £90 "debt" on a Debenham's credit card which I returned to them in January 2007. A "Ruth Ritchie" has sent me the standard fobbing-off letter, but I intend to go through their complaints process until I get an apology. For their part, Debenham's have fared a little better - they did at least reply to an e-mail I sent them and have promised to lodge my concerns as a formal complaint with their relevant management. This is a better response than that of GE, whose "Head of Collections" - an "A. Hall" of PO Box 700, Leeds LS99 2BD - simply does not respond to letters. I cannot understand why a reputable high street retailer such as Debenham's ("The nation's favourite department store") would want to have a bunch of incompetents / charlatans such as GE running their store card operation. The mind boggles. Seb.
  4. A result! I received, from out of the blue, a phone call from the third party. They have promised to credit my Debenhams account with the funds they charged to that account. That's the tin lid on this one, then. Oh, other than about £10 interest / surchage that has accrued by my refusing to pay anything for the past month or so . . .
  5. I am sure that previous correspondence could be found. An official complaint in writing (other than my letters to the Head of Collections) with GE will be made when the Financial Ombudsman sends me the forms in the next few days. (The FO have made it clear that they can do nothing until the official complaints procedure has been gone through). Incidentally, do these firms REALLY "get legal" (as they threaten to do) in order to grab sums of money as small as mine? As for the Ombudsman service, I feel a bit guilty bothering them at all for such a sum. After all, some people are ripped off for thousands.
  6. No: no outstanding balance. The balance was paid off in full in Jan 2007. GE don't - can't - deny that. In fact, they have confirmed that that payment was made; but they insist that the account is "live". So: GE have EITHER not received / mislaid / the instructions to close the account (and the card I returned with it), OR they have deliberately kept the account open. The company which has billed me for the £90 via the GE account also, suspiciously, did not close an account I had with them, despite me having written to them instructing them to do so. I was only alerted to this after the fiasco with GE. Coincidence? Or [problem]? Hence my annoyance and intemperate tone. Do these companies, and others, require spoon-feeding?
  7. Buzby: Thanks. Yes, you would expect to hear from a firm you'd closed an account with - unless, of course, the letter never reached them / they lost it / kept the account open anyway. Being expected to contact them again, recorded delivery, etc - goodness me, why not drive to their office and deliver the letter by hand, or (to be REALLY safe) key the details in their computers and do their job for them too! The £90 is "owed", incidentally, because of a very cosy arrangement they have with another firm who . . oh, it's a long story. Suffice to say, GE - and the accounts they are behind - are best avoided. If I have to cough up the money I will, of course, send a "congratulations" card to their Head of Collections, applauding him for his incompetence / dishonesty having paid off. As the old saying goes: "I have no gun, but I can spit!" Seb.
  8. Sir: GE Capital is attempting to recover monies from me on a Debenham's store card account (which I closed in January 2007 by writing to them and returning the card cut into 4 pieces). I have written to GE Capital's Leeds office (3 x to their Head of Collections) & spoken with their reps on the phone. They remain insistent that the account IS live and that I owe them £90-plus. I have never had a proper reply to my letters, merely more letters / phone calls from them demanding payment. Yesterday (9 April) I received a "DEFAULT NOTICE" from the company, threatening legal action, loss of credit status, etc. As someone who has never EVER defaulted on any payment in his life I take this threat very seriously, as it could affect my clearance for my employment as well as my credit worthiness. What am I to do? Am I expected to pay for their failure to follow my instructions and close the account some 15 months ago? Can anyone advise? Seb.
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