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  1. I have tried but these documents just don't seem to want to upload. I'll keep trying
  2. Thank you very much for all the advice thus far, fro the information you have provided, I can tell you the following; 1) The credit agreement is signed and dated 23/11/04 2) The Bill os sale says "This Bill of sale is made on the 20th day of November2004". 3) The satement in the form provided by the act thaty you mentioned is no way to be found on the supposed Bill of Sale. 4) The agent who sold me the vehicle in the first place and who also acted on behalf of the creditor is also the withness on the Bill of Sale. What confuses me is how I could have signed on two diffrent days when I only visited the compound once. Also, The first time I ever saw a copy of the Bill of Sale was when I tried to terminate the agreement. What steps should I take now?
  3. Yes, I do I a copy of the letter as well as a copies of other change of address letters which was sent to other creditors around the same time the only difference is they all acknowledged my change of address apart from TFC. Also, the change of address is registered with DVLA and I have a new log book showing my new address. Can I apply for a time order as the agreement is a bill of sale regulated by the consumer credit act 1974? If I can apply what form should I use? Is it the N1 or the N44? Thank you for your quick response
  4. Hi, I saw your post and thought it offered quite a lot of information but had a few questions. I have a car by Bill of Sale since November 2004 with the Funding Corporation. I moved house last June i.e. June 07 and wrote to all creditors informing them of my new address. I also wrote to TFC informing them that I wanted to surrender the vehicle as I have paid more than 50% of the agreement. They responded saying that it was a Bil of Sale and not a credit agreement and that I could not surrender. I took some free legal advice by phone and the solicitor was sue that I was able to surrender if I wanted to. Nevetheless, I left it an continued to make my payments. I was then made redundant in October 07 but kept up all of my payments. More recently in Feb this year I took the advice of a debt management company and put a dept management plan into action with a company called Churchwood Financial, ever since I have been getting calls from TFC, all other creditors seem ok with the debt management plan but not TFC. Today I got a call from someone claiming to be a bailiff, he indicated that I was in arrears by two payments and that he was under instruction to reposess the vehicle. I told him of the arrangement that I had out in place and provided the necessary details. He then went on to say that he had visited my address and the I don't live there anymore, so I told him that wheh I moved I informed TFC in writing of my new address and that they should provide him with that information, he then said that he would register the vehicle as a stolen vehicle as I have failed to provide my address. I told him that I was sure that he needed a court order under the credit consumer act 1974 which the agreement is regulated by, he said that he did not. I also told him that i believed his claims that he had powers to reposess the vehicle to be a misrepresentation and I aim to contact the office of fair trading as he may be in breach of the standards set out in there debt collection guidance. Can he take the vehicle without a court order? Was I right? PLEASE HELP
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