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Everything posted by sohoscribbler

  1. In my experience, the best approach if you want any justice is to avoid going to a British university.
  2. If you Google "Capstone Action Group" you will find plenty of useful information. It's another site that fights together with this one in a common cause but it happens to specialise in Capstone/Acenden.
  3. I have no personal stake in either site - beyond being an occasional reader and contributor - but I do not see why they both cannot co-exist and even promote each other. The CAG site, while in many ways extremely useful, can be difficult to navigate and full of in-jokes, at least for a newcomer. This thread in particular.
  4. If your car is exclusively for work purposes or you have a disability that means you can realistically get to work no other way, you should not have to pay for parking it, or else should have your employer reimburse all charges. Is this the case? If so, I completely support you. Cars are generally a bad thing for the environment but I accept that they are more or less essential for some people. I used to live on a street that was virtually pedestrianised and do not drive but occasionally had problems with tradesmen being unable to park near my flat. I think there is also an issue of where you choose to live. If you decide to live and work in different places that have poor or no public transport between them I don't see why taxpayers who do not drive should subsidise you. As to whether a council should charge staff differently for parking at different sites, it's a tough one, but have you asked for the reasons? Does the council encourage eco-friendly means of getting to work, for example a car pool or bicycle racks?
  5. I have had a similar letter from A&L stating that I have to repay an overdraft on a closed account, and that the bank had rejected my complaint about the excessive fees because of the Supreme Court ruling. I am at a loss what to do.
  6. Same here. When I made my last payment the person at Capstone even asked me what the most convenient date was for my next one and suggested paying off my arrears at £10 a month, without my having to make much of a struggle. It always used to be fixed on the 1st of the month. I ended up congratulating her on her politeness and helpfulness.
  7. I own a flat in a very expensive area and the arrears on my loan are less than 0.1% - a thousandth - of the property's value. My income is variable and my clients often pay me very late, hence the arrears. Yet SPML threatens me with repossession and refuses to discuss repayment terms. IMHO, these guys are ****, although I probably shouldn't have taken the loan in the first place. I should have starved and begged on the streets instead.
  8. I think there needs to be more pressure on Companies House before we reach that stage.
  9. I stand corrected. It might be worth a try. I spoke today to the FSA, the Insolvency Service and Companies House and none was much help, although the FSA asked for a copy of the notice about SPML and SPPL's going into insolvency. Companies House confirmed that SPML is not yet insolvent.
  10. Could you PM me too please as I am in the same boat, or a least I think I am.
  11. This announcement in today's Telegraph about SPPL's imminent insolvency may be of interest: Shares & Markets - Telegraph
  12. How exactly do you claim against a court? I tried once before when I had to take a day off work and pay for transport to attend a court hearing about a council-tax bill I did not owe, but the court ignored my requests for compensation.
  13. I'd go to the press. It's a very newsworthy story. I am a journalist, although I don't deal with this sort of story, and can possibly get colleagues to publicise it. I was in a similar case with my council, which kept threatening me with bailiffs for a debt I did not owe, and it made me fume. After the council admitted it had made a mistake, I telephoned to ask the bailiffs what would have happened if they had carried out their threat to seize property from my flat and then sold it at auction. They had no answer. I eventually got derisory compensation from the local-government ombudsman. If these bailiffs have removed furniture I would insist on having every single item back, whether or not they have sold it at auction, or insist on an enormous amount for replacement from the home-furnishing department of Harvey Nicks. I would also charge Capstone - if it is responsible for the repossession - a vastly inflated levy of fees to cover your time and trouble, as the company itself would if you were a customer. I think a huge daily fee until you have access to your property would also be in order. I would suggest £150 a day, or at least the rent you could be making from it plus costs for inconvenience and embarrassment. Act quickly though because SPML is a non-trading legacy of Lehman Brothers that has stopped submitting annual accounts to Companies House.
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