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  1. to be honest, i done it out of curiosity, just to see what it looks like really..? I have contacted both companies in regards to this and they say that they will both get back to me, however, whatever happens, ill send a letter to the finance company soon explaining the situation. According to consumer direct, i am entitled to a good title because i am the immediate innocent purchaser
  2. Guys thank you so much for your help, i will be taking your advice and contacting a consumer lawyer, and see what happens from there. Ill keep posting here to keep updated and get any further advice. thanks alot once again....
  3. Ive just spoken to consumer direct and this the advice that has been given to me:- Under sewction 27 of the hire purchase act 1964, i am able to contact the finance company requestiong a good title. this is because i am the first innocent purchaser of the vehicle (i.e. i purchased it direct from the person who has finance)
  4. ive tried citizens advice and to be honest they werent very helpful no knowledgable. Iv just read elsewhere that if anything was to occur in the future, as in the finance company reposessing the vehicle, that they can only do this knowing the fact that the buyer (us) never bought it in good faith..... im so confused
  5. ive still got the sms stored on my phone, and ill be keeping that just in case. This is so stressfull , who can i contact for legal advice also?
  6. Ok, so what exactly are my rights? So im assuming that purchasing a vehicle is now a gamble? The consumer should be protected somehow, in some way, otherwise this is absolutely ridicilous. I hear DVLA etc are trying to improve security measures, what happened to this one? What should my next step be? If it carries on like this im probably just going to go and appear at his door, and take it from there.
  7. So lets jsut say the guy doesnt pay the finance etc, then does our car get reposessed? i mean weve got evidence of 4 people, a hpi check on the spot, and the purchase was made in good faith......? Thanks for all your help so far guys, its allowed me to sleep at nights, i was overly stressed about it!
  8. The sms was sent to 83600, which i believe is with thecheck.co.uk. The vehicle was bought absolutely in good faith, we saw the ad in autotrader, called the guy, went down to see the vehicle, liked what we saw, and purchsed. as i also said, there was 4 of us there which may be used as evidence? im not too sure what the procedure is, would the car get taken? im have less knowledge in this field.....
  9. Hey guys, ive been reading on this forum for some time now, and thought id join now as im in a panic! we went to buy a car today with my father, and two mates (4 of us), we done a sms hpi check, and the car came back as clean, and also gave the correct vin number in the text message. so we went ahead with the deal and bought the car for £12k So awhile ago, out of the blue i thought id just do a rac hpi check on the vehicle. and it came back as outstanding finance, and said the VIN didnt match. Simply put, can my father be done for purchasing a vehicle with outstanding finance on it without knowing? we were 4 people there to witness the money being handed over, and papers being signed etc, and i still have proof of the text message which gave the correct VIN no. please give some advice guys.....
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