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Everything posted by pogey

  1. Hi guys - quick update Am begrudgingly settling into my new job at the same employer as a sales engineer. Boss came in today and asked me to go offshore! I refused and got threatened with the sack!!! My mortgage will not pay itself so what options have I got? If I don't go - I lose my job - if I involve the union he will find another way to force me out by making my position untenable. He has done it to others. My mortgage now takes half of my salary so I have no choice. I have applied for other positions in other companies
  2. Don't you have the right to appeal or at least explain your actions before punishment is given? I asked the Board of Management for an informal meeting to explain my actions and was told no. Yesterday I sent them a statement outlining the reasons for my out of character behaviour and the interpretations that were meant by what happened from my side. I was also reprimanded for sending this meaning that I was not allowed a defence at all. i still don't have an official charge laid out before me
  3. Had a disciplinary meeting but didn't know it was going to be. Wasn't offered a colleague as a witness to be present. Wasn't allowed the chance to speak until the punishment was informed. No verbal warning, no written warning just straight demotion into a different department although salary remains unaffected. No actual reason as to what statement in the emails has caused this action to be taken. The reason is over several emails. I have had the emails checked over by friends and they see nothing wrong with them - it's down to interpretation. Should I not have some sort of appeal offered - is this grounds for constructive dismissal as no actual accusation has arisen just a blanket going back since January 2007, no warnings have been issued. The situation was fine on Monday morning last week. I asked for a contract review as I had been promised but not a time scale for this and ended up being demoted!! Your thoughts please?
  4. Have worked there for 3 years - 6 months a go I was offshore Africa for this company now am a manager so would expect a payrise - am I right?
  5. Hi there I have recently been made up to a manager of department in an offshore oil and gas company. I have had this position for 6 weeks. I expected a new contract and pay to reflect this promotion and have asked for a discussion on this 3 times. I was informed that a meeting was to be held in due course. How long is due course? As a side line, there are other issues with how the CEO talks to people and doesn't care who hears or where it is. Tantamount to bullying I think? I asked for a meeting with another member of the Board of Management to put this case forward and air my dispair at this situation. he only wanted to discuss my contract and told me that I would be reviewed in 3 - 6 months but must continue on my current salary from my previous position as an ordinary sales engineer as I had to prove myself. Have I not proved myself to be offered that position? When I returned home that evening I informed the Board of Management at my disappointment with their stance on my contract and that I was not happy continuing on my contract for a sales engineer. I was still within the 2 months from the start of the appointment so a statement of employment was not required by law although would have helped me to know where I stood. The following afternoon, I received an email telling me to attend a meeting with the BOM at which point I was not allowed to speak or offered to have a colleague atend. I had my company mobile phone confiscated and email account suspended and told to take 1 weeks paid leave of absence whilst the BOM decided my position. I received a letter 4 days later to explain that they were not happy with emails sent to the BOM. It transpires that 1 member of the BOM wanted to terminate my employment immediately on what grounds? Someone help please as I have limited information from ACAS and no union membership and have a meting at work at 9.30 tomorrow morning Tuesday 22nd July
  6. Good news.It would seem that Kensington have suddenly stopped all action because I went back tat them armed with all the information collected on this forum. Thank you for all your advice
  7. When I checked the staements, it appears that I only owe £350 and have told them where to get off more or less. They have tried to contact me by phone and I tell them letters only as they decided to take the legal route so that's how it will be. I actually received a letter from their solicitors and I told them what I knew and they said that they don't care about the financial side of things as that is Kensington's problem. Was just a threat I think. I'm not worried at the moment. Spoke to the counsellor last week cos he phoned me to remind me to make a payment and when I told him that they turned down our offer he was gobsmacked.
  8. Hi Does anyone have any info regards bailiffs knocking on neighbours doors asking who lives in my house and when was the last time we were seen. Then they gave the documents to my daughter and told her everything that was in it!!! Aren't there cofidentiality laws against this?
  9. What about the charges for the debt counsellor - are these legal?
  10. No they are just threatening telling me that they are now sending me to the litigation department to begin repossesion proceedings. What do you suggest?
  11. OK started new thread under title Pogey Vs Kensington thanks for your help so far
  12. So you say don't phone them. Is this so I have everything in writing? And therefore copies?
  13. OK. I think they are trying to pull a fast one anyway. They say my arrears at £2549.50 but when I worked out my arrears myself from their statements, I only get it to £1906.23 minus my payment this week of £1100 on friday will leave me with arrears of £806.23. Do you think they are trying it on? No judge will reposses for that amount surely especially when I have a payment plan even it has been rejected will they?
  14. Thanks for that. Do you think I should up my offer or make them stick with the current offer. Currently paying £50 a month off but could afford £150 although would leave me flat?
  15. Sorry to jump in on your thread guys but looks like I'm starting with the same problems with Kensington. I had the counsellor came out to me. Sat me down and told me what figure to offer. I agreed and made the first payment 2 days later by online banking. That was 3 weeks ago. This morning I got a letter freom Kensington saying that my offer is not acceptable and now they are starting repossession proceedings! I am £2549.90 in arrears and my monthly payment is £1055 without the arrears. The counsellor told me to offer £1100 per month which I am comfortable with. the thing is my next payment is due next friday and my arrears will drop to £1299.90 but thay still want to take my home away. What's the point of being charged for a guy to come and tell you what to pay, for them to turn his decision down? Any ideas please?? What do I do now as I live in Scotland and don't understand the law up here?
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