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Everything posted by toys19

  1. although I would prefer to see this worded differently. You are obliged to leave, but the landlord cannot force you to leave until he proves that you are obliged to leave in a court of law, after this has been proven then the baliffs can evict you. If you choose to stay beyond the notice period then you may well be liable for the landlords costs in evicting you.
  2. If it's an assured shorthold tenancy then after the 6 month period then it defaults to a periodic tenancy, so one months notice on your part and 2 months notice on the landlords part. The landlord has to give notice to leave on a rent day, so if you pay rent on the 10th then he can give you notice ont he 6th , but it has to be for leaving on the 10th (ie the notice is given 2 months and 4 days in advance) . If you do not sign anything and just sit tight. They cannot make you leave without giving two months notice. If they are sensible and you are a good tenant then why would they give notice? Just do nothing. If they try to force or intimidate you then get on to your LA housing dept.
  3. Hi, My mate was renting rooms in his house to lodgers, they have all moved out now, but one ex lodger is asking to see a copy of the gas cert for the period he lived there. LL has realised he didn't have gas cert (he claims he didn't know he had to) . Is he in trouble? Thanks
  4. Cheers for the replys. Just for reference then, if you had served section 21 two months before the 31st July then it would be valid?? I wouldn't be so mean as to enforce the 11 oclock deadline, how could you enforce it anyway?? They have all moved out now anyway, except one tenants has gone awya, and given his girlfriend the keys to move his stuff out, which she has done but not returned the keys yet..
  5. Indeed she is the LL. As an LL myself I try and help her with stuff... I think they will still try it on as there is some dispute about damage.
  6. Hi, My LL friend lodged her TDS protection 11 days late - does this mean she is open to paying back 3x deposit? Thanks
  7. Hi, See enclosed contract, its covers my house where the tenants are leaving today,(31/07/09) they haven't given any notice, they have just said the contract expires today and they are leaving. I understood that the fixed period was the time during which they had to stay and if they want to leave at the end they must serve notice? Any help greatly appreciated. contract0809.pdf
  8. Hi, I have offered my joint ast tenants some compensation for some delays in building work at the beginning of their tenancy. I have also included interest as I had promised to pay them this a while ago, but have bee a bit slack. The problem I have is I want them to sign a letter agreeing that what I have offered is final , to prevent them form trying to claim any more. Not that I imagine that would be successful in any claim but I guess you need to cover yourself. I don't think they would have a problem signing as they really want the sum of money I have offered. Note that one tenant has already with held some rent in respect of this matter. So below is the text of my proposed letter, does anyone have any advice. Also some of the tenants are difficult to track down so getting them all to sign at the smae time is hard, can I just give them a separate copy each? They are on a joint AST. Thanks in advance " Tenants names Address Date: RE: Compensation for building at address. We accept the offer of (amount) in compensation which represents one half of on months rent for the property, for the delays in the building work at (address) in the (month and year) as final settlement and release any further obligation to the landlord in this matter. The sum of £xx has already been withheld by us in respect of this matter so the total sum payable now is £xx Kind regards Tenants Signature and Date "
  9. Council. I was thinking that its common practise for them to take the foto to prove that they had given the ticket. So no foto it just comes back to the drivers word against the warden. Kind regards
  10. Go for it, this ticket wont stand up, fight them all the way.
  11. Hi, Car is parked on double yellows in daylight, the driver returns as the warden is writing the ticket, he hands the ticket to the driver. and then takes a photo of the car. So if this is disputed and the warden uses the photo as proof surely if there is no yellow sticky bag on the car then the driver can have the PCN quashed? Thanks Toys
  12. Ok I have won my appeal. I followed the great advice on here and just submitted (online) a vague challenge where I just stated that "contravention did not occur". They sent me a reply with a picture and said that they had cancelled it as "although you were clearly parked on a double yellow line as shown in the enclosed photograph, ... the CEO had made an error when recording the location..." Yippee. Thanks you guys all very sound advice.
  13. Ting what do you mean use my imagination? Sorry its early and my brain isnt in gear yet??
  14. Ting, sorry wasnt complaining, I was acknowl;edging what I plonker I was for parking on yellow lines, knowing full well the consequences...
  15. Ok, I'm gonna appeal on line and see what happens. You have all been very helpful. Thanks you
  16. Yes parking on double yellows is foolish, thanks for the advice I hadn't considered that before I was 250 metres from pinhoe road.
  17. Well the street where I was supposed to be has a mixture of free parking residents parking and double yellows... The street I was actually on has double yellows, free parking and residents parking too, I was on the double yellows. What is a CPZ?
  18. I think they take photos, so I'm worried that even if they do cancel this one can they do me using the photo anyway?
  19. also my tax disc is not expired which is odd that they would say it is.. Although I am not worried about that, I had another ticket from these guys a couple of weeks ago (same SEO) and itsaid tax disc expiry on that one too..
  20. My car was parked on a double yellow, on a road crossing pinhoe road, and people do confuse this PXXXXX road with pinhoe road, but its not even a similar word, is it dodgy for me to post the road name on here?
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