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Everything posted by bikash11

  1. Hi everyone I have recently sent 2 grand foreign draft towards tuition fee. The beneficiary university deposited the draft to its bank. The bank lost the foreign draft and just provided this written reply "Cheque not to hand" which meant they lost the draft. Now it is 1 year and the matter could not be resolved. I asked my bank to return the money and they said I need to get a detailed reply document from beneficiary's bank and only then they will be able to help me. Now the beneficiary's bank is not willing to further any more document, nor have they filed a general diary with the police. Can anyone tell me please if there is any way out in the circumstances? I will be so grateful. Oh I have another problem: Recently, I sent some money to Singapore from Natwest Bank. I provided the bank with detailed beneficiary name and address. But the bank's online form was not able to take the full name because of limited space. After 5 days, I got this letter from the bank that 'beneficiary's name incomplete and so as investigation charge you have been fined £25'. I contacted the bank and it told nothing can be done as the foreign bank refused to accept unless the name was complete. I indicated to Natwest that it is problem with there system and not my fault. Still they refused to return the £25. Is there anything I can do about it? Kind regards, Bikash11
  2. Hi Lula Thank you for the quick response. The fact is that my brother made a mistake. As he decided not to come back, he tried to withdraw his money from a cash point in India. He pressed a certain amount in Indian currency bonafide thinkin that he had that much but on conversion it appeared to be a little more than what he had in pounds in the account. Immediately this deactivated his account. He contacted the UK branch, but of no help. So he sent me the authorisation letter with all security details. He even provided all security details to the bank on the phone. And I have even shown them all genuine docs like my passport and address proof (we lived together in the same house for long). Still the bank insists that he needs to come personally to them. Well, firstly my brother has no intention to come back again and even if he does it's going to cost about £500 which is close to what he has in the account. So is there no alternative at all that we can get back the money?
  3. Hi all Thank you firstly for reading this. I would be very grateful if anyone could kindly advise on the following: My younger brother maintained a sole current account with Lloyds in UK. Because of a personal tragedy he left UK in a hurry and he is not willing to come back again. However, he had quite a good amount in the account. So when from India he made international call to the UK bank for transfer of his money, the bank did not respond positively, and we found that the bank closed his account without notice, and the money tranfered to the bank's Account Closure Unit. In the situation, my brother sent me an authorisation letter and asked me to claim back the money from the bank on his behalf. I went to a London branch with the authorisation letter and they simply refused to assist me on the ground that the account is solely in the name of my brother. So I asked them how can we get back the money. They said that my brother needed to make a 'MPA request' and call them on Helpline Tel: 0845 300 6306. Accordinly, my brother called them several times in that number from India but the bank simply reiterated that there was no proof that he was the real person calling. All this is really frustrating, and it appears the bank is simply trying to steal my brother's hard earned money taking advantage of the fact that he is not coming back to UK to reclaim it. We are really poor people and not at fault anyway, and so I don't get why the bank should not advise us as to how can we get back our money. In the situation, is there anyway that I, as the brother and the person authorised, can go after the bank to get back the money? Can I take a legal action against the bank although the account is solely in my brother's name? And if yes, what procedure should I adopt? Any help would be much appreciated. With kind regards, Sincerly yours, Bikash11
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