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  1. Hello. I have about 20 creditors now, owing about £13000 in total, one of them is a CCJ which I pay at £10 a month now (after all the help I got on here x) I have been out of work since March 18th, and now the money has literally run out. I have tried to claim benefits but have been told twice that because of my circumstances around leaving work I would have to wait 26 weeks to claim. I dont have savings and no other way of getting money, so what am I meant to do with my creditors. The obvious thing would be to write to them, but what do I say? Any templates??? I have several interviews lined up, and am waiting the results on one of them I had on Thursday. Please help.
  2. Right, so I have now sent a Notice of Discontinuance to both Bryan Carter and to the Court. I have also sent an Admission form to the court. I guess it is just a case of waiting to see what happens now then? I will update this forum as and when necessary.
  3. "Ive got no money", thanks for all of your help. I have now printed and filled in a copy of N279 Notice of Discontinuance for the court and for Bryan Carter Solicitors, I should imagine they would get these on Wednesday. What would I expect to happen then. Would judgement be entered by default, as I could only afford to pay a small amount each month. What are the next steps.
  4. ......does serving a notice of discontinuance also withdraw defence proceedings as well?
  5. Thanks for all of your replies so far. As it stands, I was sent an allocation questionnaire to fill in. This was due in on the 5th May. I have not sent it off. I need practical advice. I want to discontinue all proceedings on my part, including the defence and counter claim. What forms do I need to fill in and where do I send them. I am hoping to have all the form filling and typing boxed off today because otherwise Im going to be going on holiday and stressing like mad. Ideally, I also want to make an offer of a payment and I want things to go through the court so ideally NO TOMLIN ORDER.
  6. Is there anyone out there giving advice? The situation as it stands is this... I received the Claim Form and filled in the acknowledgement of service, which gave me until the 13th May. I then filed a defence and counter claim. I then decided to withdraw the counter claim because firstly I am in no position to pay the fee and secondly because I do not want to be attending court. I sent the court a letter to request my counterclaim be withdrawn, but today I received a "Reply to defence and Counterclaim". How the hell do I just stop all this? All I want to do now is make an offer of payment. I am sick and tired of all of this. Can someone advise.
  7. Oh he has caused a lot of agro. ...Ive kept every letter Ive received from Bryan Carter, Fredrickson International and Citibank for the past year, including the last claim he issued and the discontinuance of proceedings letter. I just need to know basically what to say in the defence form, and how to word it. I want it done properly this time.
  8. Yeah but the claim number is different. The last claim was for part of the amount and this new one has a different claim number on it, for the full amount!
  9. ...then after they sent me a notice of discontinuance I offered to pay them £29.08 a month. I cancelled the dd and began paying directly to citibank because it was citibank who i was corresponding with at the time.
  10. With regards to the first claim... I defended it, because as far as I was concerned they were just going after costs. The court conceded and Bryan Carter discontinued the case.
  11. I have received a County Cout Claim Form from Bryan Carter Solicitors regarding an outstanding overdraft form Citibank. This is the second time they have tried to do this, as last year they tried to claim for less then 10% of the outstanding debt. This time they are claiming for the entire debt, which they state is £2187.64, plus costs of £75.00, plus Court Fees of £75.00, plus interest totalling £158.23. This comes to a total of £2500.87. In actual fact, the total debt (before costs) stands at £2459.32 and NOT £2187.64. This is according to statements I receive from the Original Creditor. I am defending this claim on the basis that I am a hardship case. I wrote directly to Citibank a number of months ago regarding my treatment by Fredrickson International and Bryan Carter Solicitors, and explained that I would be making payment directly to Citibank in future, which I have been doing at a rate of £29.08 every four weeks for the past four months. Citibank sent me a letter saying they would review the case as I am in hardship. I have just lost my job and as it stands I have no income at all until the benefits sort me out, which is taking some time because I am claiming Constructive Dismissal from my previous employer. I have submitted the acknowledge of service form online, giving me until the 12th of May to either accept the claim or defend it. Can someone please offer some advice as to whether I should defend the claim on the basis of the hardship letter I received from Citibank, and the fact the figures are incorrect, or should I accept the claim and if I do this how do I explain I cannot afford to make a payment, as I also have other debts.
  12. There are too many debts to list on here, but the ones I have an arrangement with are all petty catalogue or credit card debts and all are with debt collection agencies. The total ammount is £11000 owed to about 26 different organisations.
  13. Hello everyone, not been on in a while. After all of my problems I have now managed to start paying decents sums off of my debts, but now I have a problem. I am currently in the process of going self employed, but the problem is I have no choice but to invest every penny I earn for the final two months into my venture. Now I am convinced that I will be onto a decent wage once I am self employed, but how would I approach my creditors? x.
  14. It is a BACS payment which is for wages by the looks of it. If I was to withdraw it to return the balance to zero, for examkple. WOuld they take the money away making me overdrawn?
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