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Everything posted by groovy_gaz_19

  1. Im slightly worried if I write anything on here it could be used against me. Im accused of coercing money from someone I work with. Im not sure about the police as they are still yet to contact me.
  2. Hi there thank you for replies. I went Awol after finding out the police were involved. I have since spoke to my employers and Im currently suspended with pay. My main problem is though I have not been paid last months wage. My rent has bounced and some bills, I have spoken to my employer and they at first said they had the wrong bank details and then changed their minds and said they didn't have a contact address or phone number for me. I was told yesterday it would get sorted that day but it still hasn't been. Is there much I can do about this ?
  3. I went awol from work for a week so Im not getting paid. Its an investigation the police are involved but have made no contact with me yet. I am not part of a union and Im worried that I could be led into answers that I dont really want to give. I have not been paid for work previous to my suspension either. I have been told its because they dont have my current address is this lawful ?
  4. Hi I have recently been suspended from work and I have an interview with my employer to discuss what has happened. I need to take someone with me to help me out legally is there this kind of help out there. Im not really in a position that I can afford to pay for a solicitor. Please could someone point me in the right direction. Thank you
  5. Hello Im in the same position with Natwest. I have had £1170 taken without my consent Friday 10th August in 9 different transactions similar to OP. I have complained to Natwest who keep passing me across to the Visa dispute team who then tell me that because I owe the company money there is nothing they can do. Please could someone tell me if this is true or not ? Also could Calfdwich tell me who he spoke to in order to get his money back. Thank you
  6. A company called fredrick and son have just phoned me Re: my payday loan with this company. I didnt pay anything back as they have changed hands and i defaulted is there anyway that i can get out of this debt with companies changing over and previous debts hopefully not existing or am i clutching at straws ? Any advice would be appreciated.
  7. Hi im 2 months behind the reason im behind is because my direct debit bounced thus meaning i was charged £35 and then £35 for being overdrawn. Im already waiting to claim that back though. Yes i would love help with the letter i dont know what to quote to them. When i phoned up today he was all nice but said if i didnt pay anything today it would get passed to another company and then default. Im more cross because now my mam is upset and i was trying to keep it from her i had a loan. Thank you for your support. Gareth
  8. Another issue is the person needs payment today but i have no money to pay him what can they do if i have nothing ??
  9. Hello a welcome finance accounts manager has discussed my account with parents telling them im behind with a payment and if he does not get in contact with me today people would be going around the house. Is this legal ??? cheers
  10. I have told them to stop calling there because i dont live there no more but they dont listen how do i get them to stop ?? Gareth
  11. I would like to see the original documentation as i believe they have bought the debts and are trying to charge me over the odds. Also two of the debts are over 5 years old. Please can someone point me in the direction of letter templates or what i should actually do to pay back as little as possible, or even nothing. Thank you
  12. I dont believe they have the original papers because when i have asked for them they have spouted a load of legal stuff to try and scare me i think. Do you know what i should ask for to prove the original amount ??? Thankyou
  13. They say i owe £605 but its more like £400 they have added lots of charges on. Is there any letter i can send them to stop harrassing me and telling them what i can pay or should i just ignore it. The debt is over 4 years old also they have just started chasingit recently.
  14. Hi i have been called by SRJ this morning telling me there going to sue me for a carphone warehouse account that i have ignored. Is there a way i can get out of this or sort out minimum payments they were asking for £25 a month but i cant afford that. I really dont want to pay anything because this man was quite aggressive trying to scare me with bayliffs to my parents home. Please help
  15. thank you i will send that and see what they say
  16. I have recently recieved a letter from this company informing me they have took over a debt that i had in 2001. The debt was with the RBS and i moved away from were i lived i didnt inform RBS and i have since not paid anything towards this debt. I have a court demand letter from capquest. Im a bit worried as to what i should do i know i shouldnt of just forgot about the debt i actually thought it would just get wiped clear after so long. Could anyone offer me some advice please. Thank you
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