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Everything posted by DayDay2007

  1. Dear all I owe a debt to NatWest from a graduates account. I had an overdraft for £2000. I moved hse and stopped using my account. Natwest then sold my account to Cabquest. 4yrs later, l recieved a letter from Cabquest stating l owe Natwest £4500. How can l challenge the charges Natwest has imposed on my account??? YOUR HELP WITH THIS WILL BE TRUELY APPRECIATED
  2. Dear all I owe a debt to Natwest from a graduates account. I had an overdraft for £2000. I moved hse and stopped using my account. Natwest then sold my account to Cabquest. 4yrs later, l recieved a letter from Cabquest stating l owe Natwest £4500. How can l challenge the charges Natwest has imposed on my account??? YOUR HELP WITH THIS WILL BE TRUELY APPRECIATED
  3. The overdraft was for £2000. Capquest stated they have bought the account from NatWest. Should l just ignore the letter and see what happens or l should request l SARs from Natwest and also write a prove it letter to Capquest. I am currentley in no position of paying the debt though. I have also checked all my credit files electronically and Natwest or Capquest have not registered the account as defaluted, the account does not even appear.
  4. The overdraft was for £2000. Capquest stated they have bought the account from Natwest. Should l just ignore the letter and see what happens or l should request l SARs from Natwest and also write a prove it letter to Capquest. I am currentley in no position of paying the debt though. I have also checked all my credit files electronically and Natwest or Capquest have not registered the account as defaluted, the account does not even appear.
  5. I defaulted on a NatWest current account four years ago. Today l recieved a letter from Capquest stating that they have taken over the account and they want me to pay off the debt ASAP or they will pass it on to their solicitors. They have given me until next week thursday to pay off the debt. I moved from the address l originally defaulted the account, but they have some how found out my new address. The interest on the account has gone extremely high from £2500 to £4265. Do you think they know that its me living at the changed address? Could they be phising around. Should l ignore the letter and see what will happen? Your advise will be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  6. I defaulted on a NatWest current account four years ago. Today l recieved a letter from Capquest stating that they have taken over the account and they want me to pay off the debt ASAP or they will pass it on to their solicitors. They have given me until next week thursday to pay off the debt. I moved from the address l originally defaulted the account, but they have some how found out my new address. The interest on the account has gone extremely high from £2500 to £4265. Do you think they know that its me living at the changed address? Could they be phising around. Should l ignore the letter and see what will happen? Your advise will be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  7. Hi there I would like to do the same thing. How did your ordeal pan out??
  8. Dear All I took out a HP agreement with welcome in 2005. The agreement was for 4yrs. Three years later in 2008 after paying half of the car, l then informed welcome of my intention to VT under the consumer credit act 1974. Whoever before l Volunatry Terminated l tried to cancel my PPI. I wrote numerous letters to my local branch and head office, but l had no response. As l did not require the car anymore, l stopped paying the monthly installments. How ironic Welcome quickly noticed that l was not paying and started to call me making demands for payments. I then reminded them that l did not require the car anymore and wanted to VT my hire purchase agreement ASAP. They totally ignored me and continued to hassle me for the late payments. I dont need their car any more. They are refusing to take it back. What can l do to avoid and defaults or CCJ's and for them to take their car back with less hassle. Your advice will be truely appreciated:-?
  9. Hello there was wondering what the final outcome was? I am looking to emulate what you did, but wanted to know if you were successful. Im having similar problems with Welcome aswell. They are refusing to take back their car despite VT.
  10. Will having a Voluntary Termination from a hire purchase company (welcome finance) on my credit file affect my credit rating?
  11. After years of getting credit on high APR and getting frequently declined for credit, l would like to now redeem myself by removing the adverse information from my credit files. I have one CCJ which is satisfied and was issued to the address which had moved away from, so l was not aware of it until l obtained a copy of my credit report. I also have 3 credit cards which l defaulted about a year ago and have also satisfied. Any ideas on how l can get this stuff removed from my credit file??
  12. A debt collecting agency has been looking for me for a while but it could not locate me as l frequently changed houses. Just wondering if l could stop the debt collecting agency going through my credit file without my consent? If l stop them does it ackknowledge to them that lm the person they are looking for and reside at the address they think l live?
  13. Thanks alot, l appreciate ur source of information, The account is a student account not a loan.
  14. This is the first letter to my new address. l am aware that they used to send letters to my previous address.
  15. In 2003 l defaulted a Abbey National student account (£4400). This account was then sold to Mackenzie Hall. On my credit files Abbey National has defaulted the account and written that l have gone away from the address that account was registered to. I also noticed that on the 13/03/2008 Mackenzie Hall carried out a search on my credit file without my permission, lm sure this is how they got hold of my new address. 5 years later (14 March 2008) Mackenznie Hall has now written to me stating that they have been attemping to contact myself regarding a personal matter and have asked me to contact them immediately. I have never made contact with Mackenzie. They went on to state in their letter that they have a reason to believe that l now reside at my present address and if however l am not the person their looking for, if l could provide information of the whereabouts of the person they are looking they will be grateful. Do you think they have finally caught up with me or they are trying to findout if its really me? Should l ignore the letter and see how futher they will take it? As it was a student account am l still liable for any payments? Is there anyway l could avoid paying this debt?
  16. In 2003 l defaulted a Abbey National student account (£4400). This account was then sold to Mackenzie Hall. On my credit files Abbey National has defaulted the account and written that l have gone away from the address that account was registered to. I also noticed that on the 13/03/2008 Mackenzie Hall carried out a search on my credit file without my permission, lm sure this is how they got hold of my new address. 5 years later (14 March 2008) Mackenznie Hall has now written to me stating that they have been attemping to contact myself regarding a personal matter and have asked me to contact them immediately. I have never made contact with Mackenzie. They went on to state in their letter that they have a reason to believe that l now reside at my present address and if however l am not the person their looking for, if l could provide information of the whereabouts of the person they are looking they will be grateful. Do you think they have finally caught up with me or they are trying to findout if its really me? Should l ignore the letter and see how futher they will take it? As it was a student account am l still liable for any payments? Is there anyway l could avoid paying this debt?
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