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  1. Thanks for the friendly and helpful advice Sorry again for venting, just felt "bullied" as a customer and this is not the first time I have bad experience with PC World... too bad there are no other viable PC hardware shops here :
  2. Sorry if I sounded too aggressive , its just that I was expecting a better treatment as a customer. I am not complaining about their options regarding this matter, just HOW they handled the whole situation. I would love to know how can I "keep them on their toes" without sounding too aggressive ?
  3. To be honest I have lost faith in PC World long ago but I don't know what possesed me to go buy a mobo last week there. It just turns out that I really needed the mobo asap and I thought I just nip to the local store to get one. I got rubbish advice from the "sales assistants" there , saying there were no mobo available for my CPU when there are some on the shelves... when I pointed it out to him he said "Oh yeah, just those... " . So I decided to ask some questions just to make sure I got the right board and he just said "everything is on the box" and "go ask the Tech Guys"... Well, Since I really needed the mobo I decided to wait in a queue for the Tech Guys and guess what?? No one in the queue, 3 guys in the office (it's open office so I can see) and no one bothered to tend to me for 10 minutes! Yes I waited around 10 minutes before one of them casually walks over and asks if he can help. He then proceded to give me exactly the same answer " Everything is on the box, just read it..." In the end I did my own research and decided to buy the mobo (not many choices anyway). Went home, tried to test it and found out that it was faulty ( I have adequate knowledge of how to assemble computers safely, using mats, bench test it etc etc ) as it just won't post. So I returned next day, waited ages again for the tech guys and then he told me things like this "happens". He asked if I wanted a refund or exchange. I chose exchange as I am really in a rush to get my rig working and PC World is the ONLY retailer near where I stay. Went back, did some extensive testing on the mobo before even putting it in the case and it's STILL dead. So I went back again, by this time the staff were REALLY reluctant to serve me. He said he can take it in for testing if I want. I agreed and he said he will call Monday since it's the weekend (It's Friday) and no one will be "free" to work over it till Monday. I was getting really frustrated here but have no choice as I just want things to work out. Come Monday he didn't call me at all, tried calling just before closing time and no one picked up the phone. Decided to go in the store on Tuesday, this time I am REALLY angry, and guess what? The tech guys said they "forgot" about my case ... He gave some excuse that I didn't have an official work request bla bla ... Well , the tech guy just asked me for a photocopy of my receipt when he offered to check my board. I just gave them a piece of my mind right then and demanded a full refund. To be honest, I can't really believe there is a company with such an appalling customer service. I am really miffed and will advice people NOT to go to PC World , ever again!
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