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Everything posted by Teetacbin

  1. Would be interested to know this too, I am only just hearing about this but seem to think my broker made a packet when I went to him and I don't think mortgages plc were my best option at the time. I am sure somewhere on my original paperwork from them it does state that they paid the broker a fee, have you still got any original docs?
  2. Can someone advise whether you can go for interest in the prelim letter and if so which of those templates do I use, the bank charges one?
  3. That is exactly what I had in my, I just sent the standard bog off letter as this wasn't an accurate cca and havent heard from them since.
  4. Ah. I was just worried that if this went to court, they would produce this letter as 'proof' they had sent me something but I guess on that basis they would actually have a document somewhere about their person to make this enforceable. Well I'll plough on with the second letter then. Thanks for the prompt reply.
  5. Back again. Due to illness I didn't get a chance to send the second letter yet, but last week got a special offer letter offering me a settlement figure of 25% off. I ignored it. Today I have received a letter which started "Please find enclosed as requested a copy of the original agreement" Oh help, I thought but that was the only piece of paper in the envelope! So do I send the second letter? Do I amend the bit where it says the contents are noted to saying contents as promised, were not actually enclosed? HELP!
  6. I was thinking something on those lines might be next, thank you for that. I don't know why I get so nervous of taking the next step but on the other hand we certainly can't pay it back at the rate they wanted at present.
  7. I was wondering about this too, did you have to sign a letter saying you would take the amount offered? I think I did, I'd have to check back, but I am thinking this might stop me getting the balance from then but obviously not since the claim was paid out?
  8. Mortgages PLC. I think in total it would amount to about £700, so if I did go for it would I be able to use the template that includes any interest on those amounts?
  9. UPDATE! Sent the letters to Westcot asking for the CCA thingy. Got a letter back a couple of weeks ago saying they didn't have the CCA so had enclosed the P.O and said they would send it back to Sainsburys and that I should ask them instead. Well I just didn't get around to sending the letter to Sainsburys yet BUT received the following letter today: Dear Me Thank you for your statutory request for information with respect to the above agreement. Enclosed is a copy of the executed agreement. As you had not made the required payments, you were served with a default notice in November 2008 and the agreement ended with the full balance now became due. As such at the date of this letter there is no credit limit in place and no interest in being charged on the debt owing. Please note that the information we have provided you with is all the information we are required to provide you with under Section 78 of the CCA. Please also note that we are not required to provide a copy of the original signed agreement under section 78 of the CCA. Yours faithfully Mr. I .AMA Companymouthpiece. Enclosed was nothing like an excuted agreement as far as I can see but merely loads of waffle printed on white A4 paper. No one either our end or theirs has signed this piece of fluff. Within this waffle was the following: "18.4 EAch paragraph and subparagraph in these conditions is separate from the others. This means that, if we cannot enforce any one paragraph or subparagraph, it will not affect our right to enforce any of the others" Any thoughts? Doesn't sound to me like they have much to work with here do they?
  10. As mine weren't ERC though but arrears charges I should still be ok to try it shouldn't I? I've read everything through a couple of times but have managed to scare myself into not going for it when I think arrears charges of £54 a month are highly unfair, especially as most months they didn't even send out a letter at all!
  11. My worry would be that some poor devil somewhere is going to lose their job over it, at the moment companies are probably looking for any excuse to shed jobs. I will perhaps speak up afterall as this is not sitting well with me.
  12. It is amazing how an issue like this divides people. I kept quiet during the discussion because I seemed to be in a minority who felt it ought to go back and was talked down by the hoards who wanted her to keep it. I know which way I expect this to go but surely they will catch up with this eventually?
  13. Interesting thread because a work friend was talking about something similar just the other day. They ordered something from it was either Asda or Argos, I can't remember which they said. It was supposed to be delivered on X date, but didn't so she contacted the orderline and was told there was an error and she would get it a couple of days later, she needed it urgently so it was arranged that she would go into a branch and collect them instead. There was something when she got there where the store didn't want to give them out at first but eventually agreed. A few days later her neighbour or someone brought round a parcel for her which turned out to be the original items which had still been sent even though the orderline had cancelled this order so she could collect from the store. We had a big discussion in the staff room about whether she would have to return the second items and most people seemed to believe as it was the store's error she could keep the second items. Any thoughts?
  14. Sorry to post this here but I don't know how else to ask Frustrated, but I think Mortgage 2 LTd are connected to Mortgages PLC and I am interested in your case as that is who I plan to go after for arrears charges. I don't think they were my best option at the time I was put on to them, so would the broker have earny a fortune out of it? I suspect so, how did you find out the cost of the comission? Any advice appreciated!
  15. I'm just about to start going after them for charges too. Fingers crossed for everyone, though I would be nervous about the ERC, though they are rip off merchants people on here seem to be waivering on whether ERC's are worth going after by the look of things.
  16. Due to many reasons I never followed this up before but feel that I would like to now. Can someone advise which letter I should be sending as I am slightly confused and also is it right I can go for the interest as well?
  17. That is very interesting. Did you have the same situation when you took it out? Because I can't see that they should just willy nilly issue CC when I never actually applied for it, though I don't disagree that I did use it all the same.
  18. THANK YOU! You have all put my mind at ease about this. We have another Sainsburys CC and have now received a letter from Apex. So I feel like we are being hit from all sides. I know we ran up the debt but have tried so hard to pay it back and don't need to be hassled unpleasantly when we are aiming to pay back the lot. However getting it returned to the OC would be a big help because they seem a bit less nasty. I will send off the CCA's today. Thanks again for all the support and help.
  19. I suppose I have nothing to lose, thanks. Although, I've now put my panic hat on and am thinking would they be less likely to come to an agreement if I suddenly ante up with that letter?
  20. Hi Just found out that a Sainsburys CC debt has been passed on to Westcott. Anyone out there got any advice on how to deal with them? I had a good search on here and they sound like a bunch of whatsits! I was thinking about the CCA route and was pondering on this...I didn't actually apply for a CC with them, I actually had a loan with them and they offered a service whereby a man would come out with the cheque and attend your house, you signed the paperwork and he handed over the cheque after seeing a passport. What we didn't know was that a CC came with this loan, we never asked for it but you know how things are we were human and went and spent on it. A year later we slightly enlarged the loan and lo and behold another CC was sent to us with it again unasked for but spent on. Would the original CCA cover both the loan and these unexpected CC's? Any general advice on dealing with Westcott appreciated. We were with Blair Oliver Scott before, which Westcott have just told me were the Sainsburys in house DCA and we had an arrangement but Westcott say they want a financial statement over the phone to set up a new agreement. Sorry for the longwindedness!
  21. Sorry to drag up an old thread but I did ignore Viking for awhile and paid what I could each month, eventually they passed the debt onto a solicitors and they went after and got a CCJ against me. Firstly just thought I ought to let people know that they may now be playing harder ball than they used to. Also could someone advise whether I could still go down the CCA route and then nab them and make them remove the CCJ if they can't provide it?
  22. Hi Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction for some help. I had a BHS gol card which I got a bit behind on. They have passed it to Viking who are now sending me lovely threatening letters. Two weeks ago a relative passed away suddenly and Viking called me the morning on his funeral. I explained the situation and asked if I could call them back but they wanted a payment of the full balance there and then £1350 ish. I said that due to funeral expenses I am currently struggling for money (all true sadly) but that once probate is cleared I will have more than enough money to pay the entire balance (again all true) but could I make token payments now until that money is cleared for me. They wouldn't help and have now sent me a further really pushy letter plus endless phone calls. Any ideas what I can do? I will be clearing this in a few weeks once we get the money but until then surely they could accept payments even if they are small just to show I am willing to pay what I can? I even said I could send a copy of the death cert. if that would mean they could leave me alone for a couple of weeks whilst we come to terms with this loss, but they didn't want to know.
  23. Hi Lucy You've kindly posted on my thread so I've just come over to read yours, it has certainly made me feel more secure that I will have this option should I need it. I hope things improve for you from now on.
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