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  1. It's potent & would take your socks off. Or you could try a Cherry B & Cider, commonly known as a "Leg Over" in my native Black Country! Hic burp, 'scuse me...
  2. You could always have them both in the same glass. I believe it used to be called a Cherry Baby!
  3. I'm honestly not Johnza.If you check our listings, you will probably notice we live in different parts of the country! I ive in Tunbridge Wells & he lives in E.Croydon ( at least that's where he caught the train from )
  4. It was purely coincidental that we used the same font & size. I have never worked for the newspaper & call myself Kent Wolf because I am formerly from the Black Country,support Wolves FC & now live in Kent That aside I trust & hope that the original postee gets the justice they deserve. I have had my run ins in the past & found that if you stand up to them explaining your plight, you may get a suitable outcome.My previous encounter is listed, so if you care to check the outcome.....
  5. "The officer again refused to take payment and instead grabbed my wallet holding my train tickets" Just wondering if your civil rights were infringed.What power gives him the right to grab your wallet?
  6. What a plank! You've obviously not tried walking through the middle of a crowded train,carrying a large bag & using a walking stick! Disabled Passengers:Are we invisible & do we count? According to Polaris we do, but he AIN'T BOVVERED! Must be the same sort of person who refuses to give up their seat to a lady, an elderley person, a disabled person or a pregnant woman. They will get old one day!
  7. What a plank! You've obviously not tried walking through the middle of a crowded train,carrying a large bag & using a walking stick! Disabled Passengers:Are we invisible & do we count? According to Polaris we do, but he AIN'T BOVVERED! Must be the same sort of person who refuses to give up their seat to a lady, an elderley person, a disabled person or a pregnant woman.
  8. I'd like to thank everyone so far for all the help & advice I'm getting. Pity Network Rail/Virgin Trains/London Underground are'nt as prompt!
  9. "if you ever need to travel to Birmingham again use the Chiltern service to and from Marylebone". Thank you for your reply. I might just do the journey that way next time, as I've also found out it works out £10 cheaper.
  10. When I wrote this, the time was 02.45 in the morning & I couldn't sleep. The reasons? I have spinal canal stenosis in my cervical & lumber regions of my spine, an Arthritic Right Hip, Asthma, Angina & I’m also in the early stages of possible Emphysema. I’m currently on the NHS waiting list for Hip replacement surgery at The Kent & Sussex Hospital in Tunbridge Wells & I’m in absolute agony. On Sunday I had the misfortune to endure the Train trip from Hell. I’d been to my native Black Country hometown of Tipton for an old schoolmate’s 50th birthday party & caught the 08.59 train to Birmingham New Street Station to catch the 10.00 from there to London Euston. As the train approached, I along with my fellow passengers, were “shepherded” down the platform, away from the First Class carriages, by some Bolshi Jobs worth sort of person with the Catherine Tate Laurens character “I AINT BOVVERED” sort of attitude. Given I was using my walking stick & carrying for me what was a heavy bag on my shoulder, I made my way, limping along the platform to the rear of the train. When I got there, it appeared that all the seats were taken, so I started to limp back towards the middle of the train, to see if I could spot a seat there or pay £15 (reduced to £10 due to my Disabled persons Railcard) to upgrade to First Class. The Guard blew his whistle & the train doors closed as I was trying to get on & the train pulled out. To say I was angered is a slight understatement! I expressed my disgust with the Bolshi “girl” only to be told “There were seats right at the rear of the train”! I eventually got home to Tunbridge Wells 6 hours after I left Tipton. Granted some of the overcrowding on the train was due to Cruft’s being held at the N.E.C. But surely you’d have thought A) Virgin/ BR would’ve put on more trains or B) Some respect towards my Disabled plight would have been expected. Don’t get me started on the lack of facilities for Disabled people on the London Underground. For a City that’s due to stage the 2012 Olympics & Paralympics, the facilities for Disabled travellers are truly in the 21st Century, a joke! Still, this is the UK of 2008 & for a Disabled person to be treated in such a way in my opinion, is unforgivable.
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