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  1. Greetings. First time here. I bought a brand new car which was inported and delivered to me last week. I attended Wimbledon local office to register it after Swansea recommended them. I had all the right stuff, id, fee etc. I had mugged up on the website too and learned that from time to time they ask for an inspection. However, the chap who imported the car told me this had happened only once in the last eleven years. They want an inspection. When I asked why she said all imported cars require one as it was policy. I was given an appointment for next Monday to attend there with my car, which I am not allowed to drive there. I have now learned that it will cost £250 to transport my car there and have faxed Wimbledon asking them, in the light of an inspection not actually being necessary every time, to waive the inspection or cancel it so an inspector can attend my home. Despite two faxes and one letter, all market urgent, no-one has bothered to reply. Any advice? Is it legal for them to falsely require an inspection on every vehicle? can I threaten them with exposure? I shall be attending tomorrow to cancel my appointment. Should I retrieve my application and take it elsewhere? I have since heard that Reading are better. Advice please.
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