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Everything posted by aTaxiDriver64

  1. been doing some working out maybe someone can check agreement says 35.9% APR but if you work it out on the various loan and APR calculators on the net the APR comes out at 38.6%
  2. Hi on the fee i am not sure either, but on another point i have worked out by using the interest rate on the shortfall insurance (GAP) on the main figure i borrowed it isnt at the same rate, it is actually at a higher rate. using the lower rate of the GAP insurance the interest should be £4487.73 on the amount i borroed ie £5910, is this right anyone. ataxidriver
  3. Hi glad to hear your not having any probs with WF but have you ever had any statements off them, i mean that nice curtesy call off them may have cost you a tenner and you know nothing about it, thats the way they work ataxidriver
  4. Hi got one of these off 1st cretins in october last year, when i got it and found out what it meant, i thought great save my self £500 to make myself bankrupt, this is from advice off my accountant (bankruptcy), what i want to know is how can 1st cretins follow this up if i ignore this demand, would there only cause of action be to follow there threat through. thanks ataxidriver
  5. Hi could some one on here work out wether the figures add up, also i have read some were about the acceptance fee can not be added to the total loan is that right?? ta, ataxidriver
  6. Hi i found an online loan calculator and according to that the interest rate on that £1100 loan works out at 71 percent is that right?
  7. If they are the correct terms do all the figures have to add up right to make it enforcable, as some dont seem to, or do they not com into it, wether it is enforcable.
  8. Hi can some one please comment, weather this agreement is good or bad please ataxidriver thanks http://i597.photobucket.com/albums/tt54/ataxidriver64/welcomeagreement.jpg
  9. Also googled the fax number and that is linked to at least half a dozen different companies, doesnt look good or they are very busy ataxidriver
  10. I also recieved one of these demands back end of 2008, but in my situation i do need to go bankrupt, my accountant also reccomends it, should i ring them and ask how soon they could start the bankruptcy.
  11. Not sure possibly not have to hand it back as it wouldnt belong to them either.
  12. hi heidi thanks for the reply, i removed my signature i signed it were the crosses are and vehicle reg number thats all i have altered a taxi driver.
  13. Pictures by ataxidriver64 - Photobucket Ok joined photobucket here it is again hopefully the date of the agreement is 30 may 2005 ataxidriver
  14. Ok guess no one wants to answer the above questions. I have another one would a court see the fact that welcome has not taken any legal steps to resolve this case unreasonable, since they have not done anything to recover in over 2 years since the last payment on this account? ta ataxidriver
  15. I take it no one has any input for this thread then?
  16. Hi i have been having fun and games with WF over the last couple of years and seemed to come to a head yesterday when i recieved a letter off them basicly offering to clear the balance i owe them with a one off payment of 33% of what i owe them as a full and final settlement, this is for HP on a car, the letter doesn't say i have to give them it back. What i cant understand is why they have made this offer, not found anyone else on the various forums on the net who has mentioned the same, i have Subject Access Request,d them and had everything off them that is required, this made me wonder if there was something amiss on there part. i have payed nearly half the payments but they havnt had any thing in the last 18 months. I did offer them a settlement figure about 4 months ago but they refused it, my plan is to enter negotiations about the figure with them and hopefully meet them some were half way. I have told them on a number of times to take legal action over this account in the past including repo of the car but they have done nothing in over 18 months. Just wondering about others view on this matter, if you want to see a copy of the agreement or any thing else let me know. I have also recieved a default notice in may 2007 then a couple of months later a letter terminating the credit agreement. Also i understand there is some were on this site you can check agreements, can some one point me in the right direction. Thanks ataxidriver Then in november 2008 recieved another default notice.
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